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Everything posted by brodiac90

  1. Maybe I'll just try and stick to G land beaches although I haven't found many in my time in SL although that may change with the new rules as everyone adjusts.
  2. I'm not sure if it is a thing because I never went to any nude beaches (the ones aimed at families with kids and adults were sick and I'm glad they're gone), but if there are any adult nude beaches on M land then I think that needs to be made very clear in search options. As a child avatar I'm allowed on M land but I'm not allowed near nudity for obvious reasons. I do not want to go to a beach and suddenly find out it's a nude one and be AR'ed and banned. Honestly, I think that sort of thing should be on A land anyway if it's not already.
  3. You joke, but yes, I haven't left my family home since the TOS changes and with the amount of hate being spewed at the moment I don't think I will either. It's only the support of my family that is pretty much keeping me in SL at the moment, although I had a very nice IM off someone in this thread last night which made me smile even a little smile for a short while.
  4. One of the really good things about the change in rules is it makes it very clear what G and A land is meant for. I personally would like to see more G land. If it's not already a thing then I think it would be benificial if LL offered Belli homes on G land. Lastly I would like to see better policing of G land too. While many in here have expressed that they are very conscious of what they wear, say and do in G land, that has not always been my experience unfortunately.
  5. LL like any government, politician or big corporations is primarily concerned with the optics. I imagine they don't much care about borderline cases which people seem to be so fixated on. What they are rightfully terrified about is child avatars my age appearing in images etc which I totally get. I'd say pretty much everyone agrees, adult and child avis alike, that something needs to be done. People just have different ideas on how it should be implemented which is why LL need to clarify certain aspects.
  6. Do you not understand what is happening right now? Do you have any idea how bad what you're saying looks?
  7. After stating you're going to break TOS I hope you get banned, you give child avatars like me a bad name.
  8. I would actually like that. If LL made a high quality child avatar with all the protections built in then at least I would know I was definitely following the new rules and that there was no ambiguity.
  9. That is yet to be seen, it depends entirely on how LL want things implemented. If it's as simple as body creators changing the body's UV map so that areas need to be covered always stay a solid colour no matter what skin is applied, then yes, that would be a very good solution if that is possible. If it's a mesh pair of underwear that is always attached to the body (is part of the body) then that will break all content that would clip with the new layer. For example, I own hundreds of pairs of full length jeans, trousers and long shorts etc that would be broken if that were the case. If they want chest coverings too it will be even worse - most child bodies are based off the female body. and how is the creator going to differentiate between those who want to be girls and who want to be boys? Or who wants to adjust their shape....
  10. For the purely business minded (even if they don't like kids), there is a real market for kid avis / skins and items that meet LL's new rules and kids tend to spend all their money on one avatar rather than across many alts. I've spent over L$300,000 (whatever that is in your currency) on my avatar, mesh heads, hair, clothes, skins, shapes, acessories, toys, teddy bears, games, PG furniture etc. Over 6 years L$300 here and L$400 there adds up.
  11. And all the old content? Is the magic mesh fairy going to give me linens if I put it all under my pillow?
  12. The rules go further and require content creators to update child avatars so that the new modesty layer is locked in to the body itself. It cannot be transparent, cannot be the same colour as skin but most importantly MUST NEVER BE ABLE TO BE REMOVED. Child avis must be using an updated body from June 30 or will be banned. It's not as simple as put on some undies. I already wear BOM ones....
  13. There's no option to do that right now that meets LLs requirements. So, no, I can't just do that..... Please stop trivalising how people are feeling. It would be like if the government said your expensive car needs this new part to be compliant with new environment laws by 30 June. So you think oh crap and go to every car shop and dealer but no one has the part. It's simple right, just buy the part and your car that you spent thousands on is fine....
  14. The level of hate and misunderstanding is awful. I want to comply with the new rules and hope they sort the new modesty layer ASAP, like yesterday soon as the not knowing and uncertainty is not good for my stress levels. If it weren't for my SL family I'd have already closed my account and left SL altogether.
  15. That would actually be a workable solution. It would still break a lot of content but I guess it's better than being ouright banned ☹️ Perhaps a hud to change the design on underwear. Doesn't have to be anything fancy but just more options than white. Right now I'm not particularly picky since 'might still be banned,' is better than 'will definitely be banned,' come June 30th.
  16. I'd like to summarise as follows: No kid I know (including myself) is against the ban on kids in adult land or pretty much 99.9% of what the new policy states. Nudity beaches were always sick - those who go there, kids and adults alike, should be burned and banned. The modesty layer in of itself is a good idea (even if it makes you feel icky that you need it). Many kids already wear some form of unoffical modestly layer in the form of BOM undies - I certainly do. LL need to clarify what is acceptable and what they want content creators to make. LL needs to look into whether what they're asking content creators to create is even possible. The major issue here being that the modesty layer MUST never be able to be removed. If a solution to this can't be reached then LL has defacto banned child avis in all but name and has made years worth of content costing thousands effectively worthless.
  17. I've been a victim of the pervs twice in my 6 years in SL and it's something I will never ever forget. For context my avatar is a 9 year old boy. Both times I was fully clothed/ alphas and all and in a public shoping place. Once on a G sim and the other on a M sim. You want to know how it actually happens? They jump in your IM and start talking suggestively to you. It's absolutely sick. I still feel like throwing up even thinking about it now. I AR'ed them both instantly and thankfully never saw them again, but that's how it happens.
  18. I already wear BOM underwear so they would see nothing? My BOM underwear actually exists though and so won't result in my avatar being banned. LL's new TOS requires something that doesn't currently exist and may never exist effectively banning child avatars.
  19. No one is opposed to wearing undies. I actually wear BOM underwear now anyway because I know if I go to a busy sim my clothes may not rez in before my body does. I'm opposed to my avatar being banned and years / $$$ of content being trashed for something I haven't done. Like I said earlier, give us a chance to comply.
  20. Under the new rules I think it would probably be both. The kid for not having a modesty layer and the adult for trying to look in a kid's pants. Gross.... It's actually ironic in a way. LL, by enforcing these rules will actually be green lighting some residents (that's how they'll see it) to conduct that sort of behaviour, subjecting kid avis to the sort of behaviour they're trying to protect us from.
  21. Who even has a bathroom in SL nevermind a bathtub? Besides, a bath with bubbles would be more fun anyway!
  22. I think you're the only one who has actually managed to put into words how I am feeling. In principle the modesty layer is a good thing as it will keep us safe, but the fact we need it makes me feel sort of dirty like I should be ashamed or I've done something wrong even though logically I know I haven't. I won't go into details, but like many kid avis I did not have the best childhood growing up and so being a kid avi in SL and having a loving family has been a way to heal.
  23. Nothing, no one is arguing for that. Look here, yes, down here! I'm a kid avi and I don't want to go to adult land, never have and never will and now it's not even up for debate which is a good thing. Now let's get G land properly policed.
  24. I have over 2000 items spread between clothes, hair, mesh heads, skins, shapes etc. Some of those like the head cost up to $L5000, even on average if they only cost on average L$150 per item that's L$300,000 or around $1000.
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