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Everything posted by Aishagain

  1. Though I can't quantify it, I observe a drop in FPS plus an increase in GPU utility during both sunset and, to a lesser extent, sunrise if I have shadows on. This should come as no real surprise, since shadow-drawing is more intense at those times, though quite why the load in heavier at sunset I have no idea. Perhaps someone with more knowledge of OpenGL could explain it.
  2. I suspect the OP's issue is with signed certificates , which is proving an issue with some FS users that operate high security settings. Both FS and Catznip employ the RLVa code developed by Kitty Barnett, which is broadly similar to the original RLV code, used by Marine Kelley's own Restrained Love viewer and one or two others, most notably the Kokua viewer. I don't know the signature status of either Catznip or Kokua. The most common reason for not signing off the viewer code (to my understanding) is the cost involved. This matter regularly crops up at FS update time and the FS team are at pains to point out that despite it not being signed the FS code is entirely safe.
  3. You say "the viewer crashed": did it just close (straight to your computer's desktop) or was it via the grey screen "quit or view IM" logout, which is most often due to Internet disconnection? If it was the latter, you need to; firstly reboot your net hardware ( modem/router etc), then check with your ISP for issues. SL needs a really good connection, so a speed test to the SL servers is worth a check. A good connection to a local server means almost nothing, nor does the ability to browse the net in general.
  4. Strangely I find that using this option causes unacceptable choppiness in my viewer and unless I crank it down to under 10 I don't really see much qualitative improvement in my view.
  5. In Firestorm you can "show only friends" as an option I can't remember whether you got that choice in the Linden Viewer. That way you can derender most avatars, should you so wish. Then you go around blithely barging other (derendered) avatars out of your way. It doesn't win you friends but it will improve your FPS!
  6. JINX!! But I am curious; Maestro suggests all RC regions will be on 577734; so were the small subset running 578100 since last Wednesday rolled back onto '734?
  7. Oh no, Release Candidate roll, they dun breaked it again! (Yes I know Maestro said it was just a simple restart..looks to me like DouglasFargo Linden was doing it).
  8. Lag doesn't care whether you are paying attention or not, Solar, you know that as well as I. 9 times of 10 the wear/add error is the product of unexpected lag and it is not constant or predictable, you know that as well. Your case re- tooltips and documentation is sensible, but we all know how keen most users are to read documentation! Most of the foregoing comments are essentially mildly hysterical fluff, if LL thought it woth fiddling in the viewer menus the'd've done it years ago. I learned to value "add" years ago via the old RLV restriction where "attach to" really made you concenttrate if you wished to avoid broken content. I would not wish a return to that on anyone!
  9. ahh.. a classic lag-trap issue...then the Viewer needs a little menu editing...shouldn't be beyond the ability of a Linden Lab coder, I would've thought.
  10. weird, it didn't then for me but it does now!
  11. Wow! So much hot air created over what is a seemingly reasonable request! Back in the day we had "Torley's Tips" Torley Lindens little videos explaining how SL worked, including how to wear things. They should be mandatory for all new residents, and then perhaps the above caveats can be seen as reasonable. Of course I don't think Torley's little lectures exist in the "modern" era of SL. Perhaps they should. @Torley Linden? OK then @Strawberry Linden Hmm so I cannot tag her. Great, I can still tag Torley who is gawn, yet unable to tag the Linden who was formerly known as Strawberry Singh. Edit: 2 hours later it does work, well...how about that!
  12. Logged in fine, still loads of folk clouded, but at least we're in!
  13. Puddles, Andred and Arwen DID and LL closed it as a "known issue". There are over two dozen of us "watching" it! LL broke it, they own it and only they can "fix" it, if they so choose.
  14. Yes, and thanks to you I now know where to look. My question would then be "How many others would know that?" Is that what is called "hidden in plain sight"?
  15. Thankyou @Wulfie Reanimator that reference is not visible to me, or I assume any ordinary mortal.
  16. I see that the JIRA that Andred and Arwen reference has now been closed as a duplicate, and yet there is no reference to what it is a duplicate OF! Also Spidey Linden's comment that it is a "known issue" and they are "working on it" is less than reassuring. Especially since there is no ETA for a fix. SHAMBLES I repeat that the only "workaround" that I know that seems to work is to keep your search terms simple and to surround them with quotation marks, ie "Blue Shirt".
  17. Well, I don't know what is wrong but MP search is VERY broken tonight, I cannot even search simple two word terms now. It was gimpy a couple of days back but now it is just plain broken. Until this is sorted it is utterly useless for me. ETA Irony: I tried to access search from outside SL not using ANY viewer, and it is the same. Guess what, LL support suggested I tried using the default viewer, as if that was significant! FETA: I tried seaching a two word term using quotation marks (ie "Ballet boots") and lo and behold I got almost all the correct results!! Using the same words and any other operand or boolean function did NOT work. This was from outside SL using my SL login.
  18. The last viewer on the "old" render code was 6.3.9 (ie Windlight) and that was blocked quite a while ago, as far as I recall. The version(s) following that were pretty slow and awkward for Intel graphics until (I think) 6.6.3. The newer versions all have their issues and the Visual basic thing was awkward for some, but it shouldn't happen again.
  19. I run the same version of Windows as you and the recent tranche of updates did not cause me any noticeable issues though I run a discrete NVidia GPU rather than the integrated Intel chips. One or two salient points need to be made regarding updating Firestorm. If you were running satisfactorily on FS 6.6.3 prior to these issues it was not a "forced" update, in the manner of the default Linden viewer. The little stickie note simply says a new version is available for download, you can dismiss the message in one click. Firestorm always runs three versions of the viewer, so anything newer than 6.5.6 will be supported for the present. Do your freeze/crash issues occur when running the Linden Viewer? Have you fully "whitlisted" your Firestorm in your AntiVirus programme (if not seperate AV, you will be using Windows own Defender system). https://wiki.firestormviewer.org/antivirus_whitelisting?s[]=whitelisting should help you. It is important to redo all your whitelisting after an update to the viewer, if the AV detects even minor changes in the folder or file contents, even though the names may be the same, the AV may regard them as intrustive unless you relist them. This I know from experience!
  20. I remember "money trees" as a newbie, maybe they still exist, I don't know. I suppose Tilia is the Lindens' money tree.
  21. Not having any issues from Surrey to SL via BT Infinity. Got to say that I used to get spells of packet-loss with my previous ISP (no names, no pack-drill). Different ISPs use different paths to SL but it sounds like perhaps it is one step (possibly just one server) that is having issues. Contact your ISP, with Talk Talk you will need to push them; (I speak from experience and that is why I no longer use them).
  22. That is a very valid point, Rowan and it has been an irritation to me for years when folk ask me in IM questions which are clealy answered on various pages of my profile. Your experience of what is contained in profiles is different from mine, but maybe that is due to the type of profiles I read!
  23. I might posit a couple of reasons for many accounts having an empty "interests" field 1) They speak English (American or UK flavour) and really don't care about foreigners - if you speak or comprehed another language most folk would want others to know it. 2) They do not know what they are for. I know I tend to bang on about the insularity of some large English-speaking nations, but I have found those views borne out in nearly 15 years experience in SL.
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