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Everything posted by belindacarson

  1. Wrong. That security device doesn't use media/media "exploit". Nor does it tell you to enable shared media. Go visit some of the places that use it, and make sure you have your media filter on. You'll soon see. Each owner must enable the "verify" function specifically, and when a player clicks to enter, they get a BIG blue pop up telling them that by entering, their IP address is logged to check they not using alts to game the system. So it actually puts the choice whether to enter or not in the player's hands ref GDPR. The player is free to refuse this by not entering. How do I know this? I play the sploder sometimes. Even if you do get banned by it, it's not IP linked (unless verify is in use and you are daft enough to use alts to try and game - even then it's a temporary ban), you can get unbanned by going to their inworld store or via their website. Food for thought: That system's still around despite others being removed, so must have been checked out before.
  2. Have you tried the usual stuff? Reboot modem Reboot PC Clear viewer cache Log into an empty region such as pooley and wait while you reload
  3. There are FAR better places to go than that place. Just an idea "just in case" you might want to remove venue name from the thready.
  4. While getting estate banned from that place is hardly an issue as there are far better venues to go to: When you are estate banned, you are Mac banned too, for one hour , to prevent you going back with griefing alts. This has been in years Just wait a few hours and your alts will be able to get in unless they're specifically banned too. As for IP Bans LL don't ban via IP address, this was told by them at the governance meeting. None o the the security systems ban by IP address. The one hinted at uses IP address to confirm alts aren't in use but the player gets a prompt telling them this before they enter that game so the choice is theirs so gdpr compliant
  5. Wrong. You refer to the GDPR, which only refers to Personal Identifiable Information. LL have a whole section in the support section where you can make a GDPR request to ask for the RL info that they have on you, if your account level was covered under the GDPR, they' d hardly have made a script to reveal this info. Even moreso as LL are in California, which has it's own version of the GDPR.
  6. it also tells you that it appliesto inworld search only, and that your profile is visible via an external search engine. so it's always been like that.
  7. Keira, Volo, and Tommy already answered this over what's public.
  8. an exploit? when LL made the script, and made it avaialble for public use? sure.
  9. actually, it IS public info since LL released a script that can show that information. Correct facts, make a correct thread.
  10. You know something? I'd be interested to know in general just how many SL avatars are up in arms over what is publically available data being compiled and listed as opposed to the usual crowd on these forums.
  11. If people are daft enough to post real life information on their second Life profiles, no sympathy for them. If you're worried about your email address just make one in your avatars name, it's not rocket science.
  12. no it's not. read the following page: https://lindenlab.freshdesk.com/support/solutions/articles/31000141051-i-don-t-want-my-account-profile-to-show-in-search- quoted the relevant bit here for you :Please note: This change will remove you from Second Life's in world search; however, it will not remove your profile from external search engines. Even though the settings may hide the profile itself when visited, the profile will still exist in search engine results.
  13. but you're not a lawyer, so how can you claim that? you did say earlier you're getting a lawyer. I mean, it's not personally identifiying data, so isn't covered under GDPR.
  14. But why are you bothered, when the data collected/displayed, is fully publically accessible inworld anyway? A Data Protection Policy would only be needed for RL info harvesting, which this isn't. if you're within the EU, try getting this lawyer you need, to examine it for GDPR infringements. I daresay all they'd do is scratch their heads "this is publiccally viewable info".
  15. if you're that paranoid, that you need a lawyer, that's your choice 😀 Personally, I don't see what all the hubbub is about.
  16. Let's also remember Keira Linden pointed out it's all data publically viewable.
  17. I think we've all forgotten one important factor. At least the folks behind bonnie bell identified themselves. Unlike most of the other folks who run bots.
  18. I'd actually agree 100% with you Sid, BUT using Burks example that merchant has their RL website on their profile? So of course they can be looked BUT they chose to put that information out there, well, it's their choice.
  19. Like Keira Linden said in the closed thread, none of it's personally identifying information. Coffee most of your points don't make sense. How many venues allow group members to set home there? So are 1509 group members of "mega super shopping mall" all going to be identified as alts?
  20. Then just do as Keira Linden suggested in the other topic and edit it out.
  21. But unless you're daft enough to put RL in your profile it's not a big point. Nothing to personally identify you.
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