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Brat Spicy

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Posts posted by Brat Spicy

  1. 47 minutes ago, Quartz Mole said:

    I'm sorry, but this doesn't give me much information to go on.   What help did you give the owner and how did that fix it?

    If, as I suspect may be the case, the door worked OK for the owner of the parcel but not for anyone the owner had added to the access list, then that's something I fixed yesterday (Saturday 21 September) and can be remedied simply by rezzing a new trailer (either the same model or a different one -- doesn't matter) and then adding the names of people you want to be able to use the control panel.

    Then set the control panel to respond to anyone on the list, and things should work as expected.

    I think @Chic Aeon means that it didn't worked OK for owner, since I also had that. I landed, tried to open the door of MY camper, got a doors are locked message in chat. Rezzed another, same story. Then I rezzed another model, same. Because I was in a hurry I just set the camper control panel on acces to all, then the door opened, so I didnt tried lists and all that yet.

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  2. 18 minutes ago, RaeLeeH said:

    Off topic: I'm not sure what the necessity is to cast judgement on anyone here whether people happily own a house, are still waiting to get one, or are repeatedly refreshing. It's already been established that as paying premium members everyone has equal rights to decide what is best for them. This has been going on for months and it's all been said before.

    For those who wish to vent on not yet having a home there's a thread specifically for that. For those who wish to vent about all of us who "hop" from house to house, perhaps someone should make a thread specifically for that instead of hijacking this thread since the topic is "when did you last see a bellisserian home" not "what are the opinions of those who abandon homes?"

    It's terribly disheartening to see the excitement of some people being suppressed by others who don't for whatever reason agree. 

    This x 100 Thank you.

    • Like 4
  3. Very annoying indeed. Personally I would keep them, they are great. My LOD rule is that I have to see all what i have on my plot (from corner to corner), because some stuff even breaks if you a inch away... Drives me nuts.

    I don't care about what others see. With that said, I do sometimes derender bad LOD stuff my neighbours have, simply because that mess annoys me.

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  4. 20 minutes ago, Beth Macbain said:

    I want to say that yes, it appeared overnight, but I don't trust myself enough to say that for certain. It's possible it's been there forever, but I really don't think so. The only reason I noticed it today was because it wasn't loaded in viewer cache and took a minute to rezz for me.

    Took me LONG, like 20 minutes to find... I knew I seen your boat. Posted by Prudence.  (Scroll down a bit) Guess they always been there :)


    • Like 1
  5. Just now, RaeLeeH said:

    I have no idea. It's all blurring together at this point! (We are the usual suspects now; all the familiar faces at the 'When did you last see a Bellisseria home?' thread) Though it might be? 🤔 😆

    Haha yes. I was talking about some of the familiar faces here yesterday to @Shield Markus and faces, places, pictures and names all stored somewhere in the blurrisness. I do have you very clear though and so does Shield, with your lovely location. I think I do have a pretty good idea where your right eye is aiming for right now though ^^ Would love you as my neighbour there :P

    • Like 2
  6. 11 minutes ago, RaeLeeH said:

    That's great @usagihara, congrats! I've never actually had that happen YET (at this point anything is possible), but still handy to have here in case it helps someone. Thanks for the tip! 👍 😁

    Someone even mentioned they'd managed to catch a house by refreshing the 'Sold Out' page? I can't see how that helps but who knows. I'm not exactly an expert on the matter.

    I've also had an odd thing that happen twice now that hadn't previously. Someone (I think it was @Leora Jacobus, or @iBrat, I could be mistaken? Sorry if I'm thinking of someone else) had mentioned catching a house kind of by accident in that she had left Auto Refresh on, left it refreshing the page as she went and did something else, and then came back to check it at some point to see it had found Bellisseria on the style options menu. Not knowing how long it had been there she clicked 'Next' anyway, ticked the check box thinking there was no way the house was still there, and she got the house! She wasn't even rushing through all this clicking.

    I remember saying to her (or whomever it was) that she was lucky as I'd never had that happen to me. Well it has now, twice! Though it doesn't happen all the time either. But there seems to be occasions where Auto Refresh will find Bellisseria (as it's supposed to) even if you're not watching the page or extremely quick on hitting the 'Next' button or 'Terms of Service' check box, and the house can still be claimed.

    It's just another tip I guess. Hopefully it will help someone. And keeping all these tips in one place is hopefully easier to find than spread throughout the forums.

    In my memory, could be wrong lol. Wasn't it @tootsiepop1 who had that suprise catch?

    • Like 1
  7. 35 minutes ago, Vana Gears said:

    So I just tried (from fresh start) to refresh repeatedly for my 10 limit. I got 8. I have been trying this randomly for about 6 days now and it's always 8. Is this because sometimes use a refresher addon even when I do not use it? I'm fickle, sometimes I use it sometimes I do not. I even make sure to logout regularly. I clean sweep daily and such, but it's still always 8. What am I doing wrong?

    I am not sure, it is late...if you mean manually, but I refresh manually and also only get 8 tries ( always been like that.) I am used to it and just live with it. Don't know if there a reason for it.

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  8. 10 minutes ago, Leora Jacobus said:

    If I remember right my first Photos of my first house were on 15th of April - put one to Flickr on 16.th

    HomeS01_View by Leora Jacobus, auf Flickr

    PS: OOps I was too late - other people had said that allready :(

    Anyway fazit for my ExcelTable: Monday 09:53 26.08.2019 Walrus and Limevale have been released- right?

    I did not take part in the chase. Will have a long break and mend my nerves till I get home on 1. of September.
    No good trying to catch anything with this lousy Hotspot.


    This thread will miss you. Enjoy your break, relax and do lots of fun stuff. See you when you back :)

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