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Love Zhaoying

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Everything posted by Love Zhaoying

  1. Heck, I had to think about what he meant, also! ("Scylla posted something complimentary about LL Customer Service?!?")
  2. Did his head essplode? I suppose not, unless you are a big fan of Pigs - who eat "swill". Now that I remember, your Malt "Dick" is..a pig.. The copy I quoted earlier was still there a few minutes ago, at least. Maybe Ted's was deleted and yours wasn't? It's so hard to go back and forth, searching for possibly-deleted posts..ETA: Wouldn't we have to be civil in the first place?
  3. Some of those overlords will find themselves just as kicked out as the previous Linden overlords were. Most of them seem to only have a limited shelf life. Look how many of them have gone. In the past I received very good customer care from certain Linden folk, and some hostility from one or two, and ALL of the ones I dealt with prior to 2016 are no longer employed by Linden Lab. Here today gone tomorrow. I missed what Scylla said. Pity you read it and it upset you all over again. I believe Sid is being sarcastic, and referring to Scylla's post about how she cannot get help to solve the griefing issue on her parcel.
  4. Heck, being Canadian, maybe she doesn't even know what it "means"!! They are supposed to be "extra nice", y'know.
  5. We don't even know where that fingerpaw's BEEN, if it's CLEAN, or the claw is trimmed! But since Ted is a kitty, I assume that fingerpaw has been in a litter box. EWWW.
  6. I figured out why we don't see @Patch Linden in-world very often. ..because he's always stuck in Mouselook!
  7. I am one of those old farts. That would be a good name for "us old farts": "Woof Arted".
  8. Context. It's not IF you use it, but HOW. Seems to me you are begging for trouble if you direct the emoji to a person or people. Well, according to the movie version of "The Beverly Hillbillies", it's just the "California Howdy". (Not including a video of that on purpose.) But more seriously, I thought the users who posted it prior were doing so "in good humor" - not being "literal".
  9. I got some selfies of what it's like sometimes when Turbo wants to cuddle in bed. Luckily, he doesn't try to sit directly on my head or claw me in the face (unless I don't pet him). He pushes up the edge of the pillow like that. (Yes, my face is both scrunched up like that for the picture, and cut off on purpose.) ETA: The relative size of my hand and his head give you an idea of how huge Turbo is. (Probably about 125lb.)
  10. Yeah, I've noticed that for Japanese anime, subs vs. dubs are VERY different.. But you're saying there's a lot more to experience, eh? Cool!!
  11. Sid, I like your posts generally but please can you stop hammering on the Motown problem you had? It's done. "But maaaaa, I didn' do nuffin!!!!"
  12. Awesome! My use-case is mostly as HUD attachments, but now that I know it worked for you, I'll have more confidence when I get back to it. (I did not bother to code the inter-object communication because SQUIRREL!)
  13. That's what I meant - the Lab CAN do that. Instead of deleting individual posts (which have to get reported for Mods to even know people gave "the finger" Emoji).
  14. No, the "middle finger" emoji is part of the universal "Emojis", like a "font". LL does not "provide" it. However, if the Forum software was sufficiently modified or capable, then they could "scrub" any posts containing objectional emojis. Just like obfuscating known swear words, but specific Unicode characters. https://unicode.org/emoji/charts/full-emoji-list.html
  15. which is way better than two things you know. And not quite as good as adding the third leg: something you are (biometrics), to the extent it can be reliably obtained. (Some fingerprint readers can be pretty lax, 2D face recognition is weak, etc.) It's like the Riddle of the Sphinx! Or the "Old Man from Scene 24".
  16. I looked into this too! Using "floppy disk" attachments was my metaphor.
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