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Love Zhaoying

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Everything posted by Love Zhaoying

  1. Hmm. Do any of the options look like lion tails?
  2. So! Assuming I used the right UUID’s is it possible this just does not work with textures that are system tattoos and not “just textures”?
  3. Today, I installed the Omega for my Belleza Jake, and setup the “lower” and “upper” Appliers using the UUID’s from my legacy tattoo (full perm). Instead of working as expected, it turned my avatar full grey (first the top, then later the bottom when I tried it). - I made sure that the Omega got the “thank you” message from the body when I installed it. - I made sure that I modified and compiled the upper and lower appliers with my tattoo UUID’s. 1) What could have gone wrong? 2) How do you fix your avatar if this happens? Clicking on the skin textures in the Belleza hud did not fix the mesh - upper and lower stated grey. So, I re-rezzed a new Belleza and started over.
  4. Otherwise known as “drinking problem”.
  5. Trying on some new clothing with my new mesh Neko Lion - found my ears which match red manes! This is in front of my Linden home in a public park.
  6. I’m so out of touch, the current LI rules still feel “new to me”!
  7. The twerking gif is too big to upload, but it’s at the link. https://m.imgur.com/gallery/V0y466L
  8. I had a thought, to get around land permissions could “take copy”/attach/keep.
  9. Thus the quote, “Someone REALLY likes mayonnaise!”
  10. Maybe people will think you already got some!
  11. Any advice on which heads may have the least problem when you max out the eye size? On this Catwa, the lower lids get all smooshed and swollen (like my poor dog’s before his surgery). Basically, I need really big eyes (not just the eyeballs). Lion=top predator = big eyes.
  12. Working on my first mesh Neko lion avatar! Now I need more appropriate skins/eyes.
  13. So far, I like "Future Outcasts" best of the 3 - looks least like "caught in a windstorm" or "fresh f*ck*ed" look.
  14. Luckily, they have some of these in "reds"! I'm not partial to redheads, it's just a "mane thing".
  15. Found the Catwa hair hud, turned off the hair base.
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