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Love Zhaoying

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Everything posted by Love Zhaoying

  1. Go Vets!! The last American WW1 veteran died in 2012, age 110!!
  2. I know a lot of RL people who feel they can say whatever they like with no consequences. I’m not sure if it’s an “entitlement of the aged”, or what.
  3. I hoped they already filmed his cameos for the next couple movies.
  4. Or, “nobody knew how hard [obviously hard thing] was.”
  5. Today I learned: most Civil War memorials were built not following the War, but along with the Jim Crow movement. Interesting! https://www.history.com/news/how-the-u-s-got-so-many-confederate-monuments
  6. I don’t put it beyond his capability, at this point.
  7. I knew the other two, but not “Chicken Licken”.
  8. Some people don’t take direction well. Fun fact, I heard this morning that “Memorial Day” was created following the Civil War. “Veterans Day” is basically the same day as “Armistice” day (WW1), 11th day, 11th month, 11th hour, etc.
  9. I am honored. I read your posts when I’m in the mood.
  10. Zomg the forum was inaccessible for a few minutes. Panic attack!!!1!!
  11. This is genius! Littke kid: “Where do Glytches come from?” Nervous parent: “Never, ever diddle. That’s all I can say until you are older.”
  12. If I recall correctly, the music video shown on MTV was..interesting.
  13. You mean they were trolling, and not just asking an honest question? I has teh dumb!
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