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Love Zhaoying

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Everything posted by Love Zhaoying

  1. I almost took advantage, but I had only gotten a full adult mainland region again a couple years ago, and decided not to jump back into private.
  2. Your Avatar needs Friends! Don’t just post on the Forum, Make a Friend in Second Life Today!
  3. No, I was pointing out a specific point about “content”. And you didn’t care, but Linden Realms IS content. I post the lion pics all.the.time. The point of the previous lion pic is “facepaw” because of cluelessness. So..go ahead and ignore me, it’s ok. I never, ever meant anything “mean” or hurtful. I enjoyed your posts, and tried to be playful in my responses so..don’t take it personally - I replied I your thread because it was interesting and I took a side. Not your side? Get over it!
  4. @Patch Linden http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Belzora/237/9/38 On the edge of a Linden Park. Free Lemonade and Fireworks out front!
  5. This is much better than those posts where we are asked to take a survey for a “research project”.
  6. Whenever I see an update on this post, I read “Teegle” as “Tenga”. (Don’t ask, I won’t tell you.)
  7. Your sacrifice will be recorded in the Halls of Doomed Testers!
  8. Honey, ain’t we all looking!
  9. I am in Russia Troll Farm, they pay me Rubles or Catnip to post all day on site of Second Life Forums. I choose Catnip, is easy choice, Da?
  10. Hope I’m not found in Code violation lol. Will provide within next day.
  11. If you ever need to go, my Linden home has public bathrooms on the first floor. And a sign outside. I should post pics.
  12. Yep, if no instructions and wearing, rezzing, touching don’t work, select “open” and “copy to inventory only” - if you “copy and wear”, that could be a big mess!
  13. Hey, You! Your Premium Avatar gets more Land Now! So, you can be a “Land Baron”, or a “Land ‘Ho”! (That’s what sailors say when they spot land!)
  14. We are all that character. Where could he possibly get that idea?
  15. TIL about the duodenum, jejunum, and ileum. I was going to make a joke, but these turned out to be the wrong body parts.
  16. It’s weird, finally up to 7.
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