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InnerCity Elf

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Everything posted by InnerCity Elf

  1. If you don't want to terraform the land yourself, and rather focus on the things you put on your land, you can also buy RAW terrain files to upload on the marketplace, "normal" ones, and even special ones like a heart shape landmass surrounded by water. Have fun with your new region in any case!
  2. Stories like these are my favourite reads on the forum Brilliant indeed. As I had just logged out at Clocktower yesterday anyway, and was just around the corner and appropriately dressed, I went for a stroll right away. Literally lovely.
  3. Except that there are. But it's up to anyone to let them influence them, or not, and to follow, or not, so all's fine. Or as fine, as the rest of the world is, in any case. 🙃
  4. To me, it just means "someone owning a whole lot of land", which may or may not include people buying land for L$3000 and putting it up for L$49,999, depending on how much land in total they own. Those, I'd call land speculators, or maybe land mongers, sounds funnier and matches the land baron terminology better
  5. My first thought is, oh, how nice, he wants to gift her something, or, she wants to know what he'd like to see her in. But maybe it's a torture scheme, yes, who knows
  6. I gave up being afraid or worried years ago, can recommend. Being afraid and worrying, especially about things that might not even happen, or whose course you can't really change anyway, is useless and gives you worry wrinkles. It's fun to think about the future, though, and I'd love to be able to see what it really will be like, but I probably don't have much time left and will have to settle for musing and reading about and watching other's visualised ideas of the future. However it will turn out, I firmly believe that Earl Grey tea will still exist, and I hope I can continue preparing my tea myself and won't have to ask Siri or anyone to do it for me. Although the option will exist, does already exist to a low degree, and that is all good. I'll also contribute one more concrete prediction. Other than Earl Grey, we'll also have decontamination tunnels, like that path in Japan, where you'll walk through a whole set of torii, and each one will equip you with a vaccination against yet another version of Covid, all the while feeding you news, "news", fake news, overt ads and covert ads on the walls. Cheers.
  7. These are the only two things that might make me want to spend more money. Willing to be wowed to see something offered that I don't think is realistic enough to get to elaborate on, though. Price depends on whether 1. or 3., and if 3., on the size of the plot, obviously. If 1, the price should be relative to what renting a homestead costs, if 3., it only would make sense if it's relatively cheaper than just simply paying more tier.
  8. It's fascinating to see how different people's experiences are. As a preface, a good chunk of my SL time, I'm alone on some sim or other, or in my home, so I don't get that many reactions in total; I'm female in real life, and my avis are female (with the exception of a funnily cute avi that is basically a cardboard box). Most of the time that I'm not alone is spent on roleplaying sims. I get compliments when I'm not just looking around in a "good enough" to not mess up immersion for others avi while admiring the sim, but with an actual committed roleplaying avi, embodying the character I want to play there. I don't dress sexy but "for the occasion", like my char doesn't need to be afraid of frost burns for the sake of showing skin, walking around the forest, she may carry a basket with mushrooms, things like that. I also like playing somewhat unusual characters, which the avi reflects. When I'm serious about a char, it shows, I put in effort, details, Lindens, to get it just like I want, and I'm pretty sure that the compliments are from people who are about the same way in that regard, and appreciate me adding to the visual immersion. I am a little scaredy cat, afraid to "bother" people if I send a pm first, so, sadly, I'm on the receiving not giving end there, although I'll reciprocate, of course. If someone pms me first, I'm very happy to say something nice about their avi or place. Maybe I should work on that, but it's really hard for me. When I'm walking around "as myself", shopping, I get people asking for Lindens, or where I bought something. Twice, I got a compliment not for my avi but my name and asked if they can buy my account in that same one first message, which scared me so much I didn't reply but logged out. Did I already mention that I'm a real scaredy cat... Walking around or hanging out "as myself", exploring, I sometimes get casual comments like "cute/nice avi", but mostly my profile seems to induce the communication there, not the avi. I can't remember the last time I got a "lewd comment", "indecent proposal", or anything of that kind, and it can't have been many altogether in my more than a decade of SL years, as I've always been astounded when reading how commonplace that seems to be. Not sure why not me, maybe because my avatars aren't very sexy or cutesy by SL standards, or because of where I spend my time, or by coincidence, or because of my accounts' profiles, or by a mixture of all that, but no complaints there.
  9. That's a great offer indeed, far cheaper than the going rate, looking nice too! It should be mentioned that it's the middle one of a sim trio, though, a catch that some may be fine with, seeing the nice price, but that will spare others the virtual trip
  10. Oh wow, silly me, I've seen that in profiles, like just yesterday, and always thought it's because lucky they have really close friends in SL who know and might gift their avatar something for their RL birthday, or Christmas, or so, like I check a RL friend's Amazon wish list to make sure to get them something they'll really like. Thanks for destroying my delusion 😂
  11. Going by another platform I'm on and their forums, maybe they don't want their support flooded with support tickets from all the people who somehow manage to breathe and keep track of the logins of their current active accounts, but don't have access to the mails they used for registration of either that or any other account, change their phone numbers like other people their socks, forget their security question's answer, don't have an ID, forget their own user name, their own rl name ... 😁 They offer and I'm using 2FA there, though. It's a small sacrifice for more peace of mind. I don't want to lose money, also, hackers could, and actually do cause other kinds of havoc. I read often enough from people who got their accounts hacked to make it seem worth the effort of having to log in again after every windows update The 2FA there claims you're logging in from a new device after every windows update or unexpected laptop shutdown, and such. But at least, that shows me it's active and works. If anyone reads the logs, they must be thinking everyone, or at least the Windows users, on that platform is super rich, having new devices all the time 😄 It's a bit annoying, yes, and causes strain on your eyeballs from too much eye-rolling, but else, the additional few seconds will be worth it and probably take up less time than a compromised account would. A bit like taking out an insurance that you pay for with your time directly vs indirectly paying with your time through an insurance premium.
  12. I totally did (forget them, that is, and pethaps visit again, too), and even if I'd had any friends to tell in my first month 😅 I doubt I would have thought it important enough to tell them, unless it would have come up in conversation anyway. However, I agree that SL, and SL residents should be more newcomer friendly. Also more friendly to anyone who's friendly, in general.
  13. I'd probably use the official viewer if it had an integrated animation override system like Firestorm has, because that's the reason I switched. I really like that feature, I have a very basic AO set for events and different ones for all of my roleplay characters, and one for my "me, exploring" character. Other viewers may have that too, but I can't be bothered to learn navigate a new one, unless someone would tell me about something mattering enough to me to switch again. I did try out others for a short while to see if one would improve performance, reduce lag noticeably, but I didn't see much if any difference.
  14. I'm pretty shy too, and the only friends or something like friends I made here are or were through roleplay, a few but good ones I even got to know "for real". I mean actual roleplay in a setting, with lore and rules, and everything, on dedicated regions. IF that's something that could interest you, maybe try it, at the least it should be fun, and as the same people tend to go there often, you get to meet the same people and can spend the time that it takes to develop friendships with some if you get into a story. In my experience, you somehow usually end up chatting in personal messages with several people when you find a place you enjoy, there may be some people who are there strictly for roleplay but many for the social aspects too. There are many different genres, just type "roleplay fantasy" or "roleplay science fictions" or whatever in search and check out places. Enjoy your time, in any case
  15. Or maybe it was a test run by Vulcans to find out if we'd get it, and the diligent/uncool one was to not make it too difficult ... although, somehow, I have the feeling that every single person here got it, and would also have without that last usage, never mind if native speaker or not; aren't humans' brains wonderful things (sometimes). Wow, really. But I watched a fun video, and learned stuff ... about ... ellipses and such. A shame though that I'm on my phone and can't apply the ellipses space saving tidbit - but I've memorized it for future use!
  16. Same. If I'd go to an SL live event, or whatever other experience with a price tag, I'd want to pay in SL currency.
  17. I was torn between the 💓 and 😄 (in a good way) reaction. I guess that many users wouldn't like this "forced login" for different (and understandabld reasons) but I definitely think it's too complicated for new or even casual users. The destination guide and in-world search with the option to sort for traffic goes in that direction, but maybe a bit too much to expect from overwhelmed new people to figure out. I imagine a function that pops up and asks something like "Hi, it's great you're here. What do you want to do today?" Then you get several options like "Take me to a club!" (Kind of club/music sub options for choice), "I want to roleplay!" (different genres for choice), "I want to see what SL artists are up to!", etc. And then, the avi would automatically be sent to the place of choice with currently the most users. This might be too complicated technically, I don't know, but seeing the difference from starter avatars and duck walk from years ago to mesh heads with facial expressions and bento hand movements, I'd like to think it's possible. ______________________________________ I've mostly done roleplaying, and I have the feeling it's the same there, "too big", meaning too many roleplaying sims of the same genre at any given time, competing against each other, instead of working together, which ultimately isn't good for either players or sim owners. Same as with Bellissaria, or main land, all the "hopping around" is counterproductive to avis accumulating at one spot. ______________________________________ In roleplay, you can often see this phenomenon when people in chat go "Oh no, this sim closed? But it was so lovely, I used to be there so often! Why did it close?" Well, it closed because you, and many others, *used to be* there often but hopped away to check out the next big thing with potentially greener grass, and the owners eventually saw no sense in keeping it open just for themselves, or couldn't afford it anymore because you rented elsewhere. ______________________________________ I took a long break myself because the real life death of my best SL friend who had been very ill over the last years made it too hurtful, but recently, I've been logging in again, and got a house in Bellissaria first, but eventually bought a mainland plot again. There weren't and aren't many people around, at least not when I was or am logged in, and I didn't succeed in finding a roleplay sim that is a good fit for me yet either. Those, too, have become more complicated, or let's say complex, you often need to join some site off-world, apply, allocate skill points, and so on, before you can even start to play a bit to see if you can get along with the people, whereas in the past, you could simply start playing (after reading the rules, sure), or at least could apply in-world. There are even huds now that require you to register and input your info on whatever website. All those things probably don't help with retaining especially new people. Myself, having been in SL for a long time, I know how to find people if I want to (like others here in this topic, I don't really want to socialize in my "private home" much (although I'd be thrilled if a neighbor or someone on mainland exploration would actually come by for tea). For new people, though, I imagine it's probably pretty hard. And I too have the impression that SL people, as a whole, are less friendly and contact-friendly than they used to be. Even many profiles more or less seem to scream "go away, especially if your other avatar isn't already in SL for a hundred years like mine, if you're not meshed out, etc.). Maybe many have become jaded, or simply have too many people on their friends list already to really care or want to spend time with new people, but with how steep the learning curve for simply making your avatar as nice as those in the ads look has become, it must be really difficult to figure all of that out on your own, and even if you're willing to spend the time and try to learn how to through forum or dedicated websites, it might be hard for many people to throw money at it without even really knowing if there are enough other people "out there" to find their own circle and make it worthwhile. ______________________________________ Sorry, this got much longer than intended, I hope it wasn't too boring to read if you got this far I enjoyed reading the topic, and the different standpoints, forum reading always makes me look at things in a more positive light, and makes me want to spend more time in-world again! Maybe it would be a good thing to pitch the forum to people logging in to make them (more) aware of its existence, perhaps a pop-up with the "hottest topics" with posting date, so it's clear immediately that it's active.
  18. Being able to do my own landscaping and all is the main reason that makes me want a whole homestead. I've rented a lot of places, and also "owned" a mainland plot, so the allure now is to create a whole homestead myself. A landscaped homestead would be "wasted on me" as I'd return everything to start over from scratch. If there were homesteads with "mandatory" landscaping provided which you couldn't return, I'd not rent one of those even if it was much cheaper than an "empty" homestead. But I've seen your ads, your images look pretty, and your rentals are certainly a good option for people who don't like to tinker around and just want to party or whatever on their homestead and not play God and move mountains, sculpt rivers, let forests grow overnight or play architect and place bridges and paths and ... too much fun for me to do to let someone else do it when I pay a small fortune for my virtual playground
  19. If you don't mind me asking, you do that because you want a whole region or homestead but don't need all the space and prims and so you sublet at your own cost, or are there other reasons? I'm curious :)
  20. @Alwin Alcott I guess ACS stands for Anshe Chung then, 16.7% is really big compared to the others. Is Richmond Land Management = RGF? I have seen all those names while looking but don't think I've come across "Richmond Land Management".
  21. Yes, I do realize those details - and in fact, I was also thinking about sharing a full sim instead with someone, but that has its own downsides again, so I think I'll settle for a homestead for now - but thank you for bringing it up!
  22. Right, I've checked out your link and there were so many listed that I'm wondering how that even can be a worthwhile business if they have so many empty homesteads but I guess it might work if they have good rates themselves.
  23. Thank you, yes, I checked a few websites already, unfortunately those often don't tell you the prices at all, or only weekly prices, and often not if you have to pay in SL or can pay via PayPal in $ or €, so I guess contacting is the only way to really find out, once I've narrowed it down. I'm a bit hesitant to contact real estate agents, even if it's virtual real estate agents 😅 but I guess I'll have to sooner or later.
  24. Same here, quickly in to post before I'll have to post in the "50 crowd, do you exist in sl" thread No, I don't care, I'd post there too, clock age is just a number. If anyone wants an almost 50 year old gal for company for pretty much anything other than poseballing, feel free to pm. It would probably work best if you're in Europe too, though. I'm flexible with weekdays but work during the day, Saturdays and often Sundays included. Also, I'm not clingy, so, no worries, if it doesn't feel like a good fit somehow, we can just stop (we can even have a rule "if one of us doesn't pm back to a 'Hi, what's up, feel like ... next Wednesday, or have any other idea?' within a reasonable time span, it's the sign to move on, no hard feelings, no awkward explanations or anything needed"). Or it could be the beginning of a beautiful friendship, who knows. (B̶e̶a̶t̶l̶e̶s̶ Casablanca music playing). But take a peek at my in-world profile before you pm, perhaps it tells you "Oh Gawd no" or "Hm, could work ", that would save us time
  25. Thanks everyone for the replies, and Stina for the detailed info, that's really helpful! ETA: I tried the tip with the land sales tab, that works nicely, I didn't have the idea to use land sales for looking for renting property before. It just listed 7 homesteads and all by the same landlord (not RFG) and all for 7000 rent and 1LS sales price, but I'll keep looking. It's nice that you can see the homestead names right away too. Not the major factor but if I can choose between different names for the same price, that's a plus.
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