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Rick Nightingale

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Everything posted by Rick Nightingale

  1. Yep, along with an AFK me right now. Got ten minutes while food cooks so back here for a few Here's the advert from Jomo to prove it: @Modulated and @Rowan Amore I'll send the prizes to those usernames in a minute... if you also want a copy of them going elsewhere (your alt or someone else, I don't mind) shoot me a message. I'll keep other identities to myself, promise
  2. Winner!!! Congrats! Wil sort out prizes later - doing food right now
  3. Modulated guessed Jomo first, and I confirmed it. ---------------------------- I'll end the comp after dinner; going to prep it now. There could be an easy win, given what I said above... nudge nudge wink wink...
  4. In fact... I thought it was discontinued. It isn't...
  5. I've just noticed there's still a picture of this avatar at Jomo.
  6. It's the drawback of AK (and any other evox) heads versus real LeLutka heads. It's possible to make an HD applier for AK and there is some out there, but nowhere near as much as there is for LeL. Unfortunately there is no way to make a converter; both HD systems are proprietary and independent from each other. From LeL's point of view, I guess it means people are more likely to buy their own heads than others which just use the same evox UV map.
  7. I'm actually surprised no has got this. I didn't expect it to take more than an hour for someone to come along who recognized it.
  8. Not any more... but once upon a time... No mods or anything like that, it's just the plain body with one of the supplied skins, and some hair.
  9. No, but thank you for the reminder; I had forgotten about them.
  10. Sorry for the confusion; it's an all-in-one body/head/even the legs. Nope
  11. Nope. @Modulated got the maker with Jomo. I'll give it until later tonight in case someone gets the exact body name as well... then call it quits. So far, if no-one gets the name @Modulated is going to get the prize, and will anyway for getting half way there... so we could have a second winner yet! No clues on the name. I'll only say if you get it exactly right
  12. Right - I'm crawling back into my demonic hole for the night... I'll check the thread in the morning. Remember, I'm looking for an exact answer - maker and avatar name.
  13. I don't think it's around any more. I got it in 2014... and it's still a good avatar today.
  14. nope - Modulated might get it... but it's not a well known one
  15. Little clue before I go to make some toast... the entire body is one piece. So only one maker, one name...
  16. I've just finished making them and because I feel like doing something fun
  17. Competition closed: Winners are Modulated and Rowan Amore. You could be the lucky winner of brand-spanking-new, and honestly not worn even a little bit, Comfy Knickers for Maitreya X. Or, if you don't think they'll fit, you can have my Haunted PBR mirror instead. Both will, of course, come with mod perms! I can even deliver the prize to an alt or SO of your choice. In fact... you can have both prizes! The competition then, now you are all excited... The other day I posted my current look in another thread. I'll attach it here for your convenience. What exact body and head am I using? Maker and exact name required to win. First answer below that suits me wins the prize. Small print: only open to people not on my ignore list; because I won't see your post and won't accept quotes.
  18. Or you could just confuse everyone and ::1
  19. Darn it... how did you know the number on my luggage locks???
  20. Yeah - it is a bit of a pain. I've just found one odd glitch where an alpha setting works sometimes, and not others, and sometimes loses itself half way through, although I probably shouldn't be doing it that way anyway (there's a 'proper' way) so I won't, lol.
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