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Rick Nightingale

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Everything posted by Rick Nightingale

  1. Did someone say dungeon? This is my audience chamber; the side alcoves get a bit dungeony. Entrance view - well, after the entrance really. The actual entrance can be a little... surprising to wandering visitors:
  2. Wow - a Mad Men reference with Christina Hendricks! That just stole the show of the whole thread for me. Must watch it again...
  3. look in your "lost and found" folder in your inventory. You might need to log off and back on again for it to come back to your inventory too.
  4. Nine times out of ten if I've used boolean I need to add a trangulation modifier (with 'keep normals' if I've got any custom normals) at the end of the stack and turn off Blender's default export triangulation. Blender's default triangulation tends to lose custom normals and the SL importer cannot cope with holes at all; the modifier mostly works. And as @Kyrah Abattoir said, applying the stack and then tidying up is the best way to go. Even for just a simple beveled edge* (manually or by modifier) the resulting edges need manually fixing for UV mapping purposes or you get little jaggies in the corners. Those can be surprisingly noticeable in world depending on the textures. Edit: Can you guess what I've spent a good part of the morning doing to my latest creation?
  5. I think I get it now... something like this... nearly? (warning - adult forum thread)
  6. Thank you for putting it how I actually felt when I read Skylar Pancake's statement; my reply was rather restrained. I've hardly commented on the issue really, but that statement... well, it says all I need to know about their ethics.
  7. Being a Brit... there's a difference between keeping a stiff upper lip and putting up with things we shouldn't because 'it's not British to complain'. Far too much is allowed to go on here that is outrageous and should be shouted out about from every corner, because of that very confusion that's been programmed into (some of) us.
  8. To me that shows a very poor attitude from you. If one of your bots is popping into someone's house, they have a right to be annoyed about it and one person's justified, rather annoyed complaint is another's 'ranting and going off like a Karen'. Even if they are polite you only might be willing to help. There should be no question about it, you are in the wrong sending your agent into their house in the first place and you should do something about it regardless of the inconvenienced person's perceived manner. Edit to add: it's what is called 'professional conduct', something that seems to elude many people. Perhaps if that were less the case, there would be less drama around all of this.
  9. Yep - been happening for a while. Supposedly (for those who don't know) wearing mulitple items on one attach point is often blamed as a cause. Like all the rigged clothes that just attach to right hand because the creator was too lazy to attach them elsewhere before selling. I've never found that to be the case though as I always make sure to attach things sensibly in the first place, and still get missing parts. Sometimes almost my entire body and outfit is gone on TP. I've not seen any pattern; can happen to any of my alts or my wife's, and not depending on the outfit. Do other people see me with missing parts, I wonder? One day I'll have to ask someone. "Excuse me... can you see my head anywhere?". The glitch of the day though right now seems to be back to TP complete crash-outs for me, since last night and continuing this morning. Might try a router reset next time in case there's a bad router somewhere in the path.
  10. The request has been accepted. That's a start... https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/BUG-233720
  11. Well, my wife does Let me know if Cat wants the alpha layer I made for it.
  12. Hmm... I certainly understand the feeling. It seems half my LSL code at times is to check for and mitigate things that don't go as expected or suddenly take 30 seconds instead of a millisecond. I'm going to roll with it as is though (appropriate since it has wheels). So far, maybe a hundred automatic reconfigurations in the beta grid, premium sandbox and my home have all gone perfectly. There are about 50 mesh objects in the linkset, about half of which can be replaced at the press of a button, up to twelve at a time the way I've set the command HUD up. Do you mean the in-world numbering not matching the script-reported numbering? That is somewhat annoying at times.
  13. Do you mean on the MarketPlace? If so... Open an item's page that you want to add, on the right of the page is a link "Add to wishlist". To get your wishlist's link for sharing it with other people (you dould put it in your profile for instance) do this: At the top of the marketplace page, click "My Marketplace" and at the bottom of that menu click "My Wishlist". At the bottom of the wishlist page is "View and share your wishlist". Right click and copy the link - paste it where you want to share it. Edit: beaten to it with pictures too... got to be quick around here!
  14. Think I should try crashing Frank's like this? (we - my building alt and I - are both members there) On a serious note, yeah, read the rules of a place if it looks like any sort of RP or possibly restricted appearance. I'll usually find something appropriate to wear if I want to have a nosey around anywhere. It's only polite. Their house... their rules. Reminds me of the time in RL that an ex (very ex 😡) 'friend' of mine tried to get into a club on an improptu night out. I was wearing the cheapest possible supermarket shirt and trousers, straight from work. He wore designer jeans that cost more than I earned in a week. Guess who got into the club and who the bouncers refused entry? He was fuming mad, lol. He kept going on all night (I didn't abondon him and we found another club) about the unfairness of it.
  15. Thank you. Yeah, I know what you mean! I've gone ahead on the basis that I'm right and so far it all works, inserting added prims at index 2 in my table (as per the wiki) and deleting them using llDeleteSubList() for removal. I'm just doing one prim at a time to save headaches although I might upgrade to adding whole linksets for more speed. I'll let it run for a while and watch it. I guess it only takes a bit of a second to rescan the linkset after each change, but with script injection, link breaking, rezzing, link making, positioning and other stuff for up to twenty prims or so it already takes a while to reconfigure the object.
  16. Hopefully someone will know the answer to save me doing hours of testing to confirm it... If I remove a linked item from its linkset (using llBreakLink if it matters) do all the link numbers above that one simply drop down by one? So... if I remove link number 6, then what was link number 7 will now be 6, 29 will now be 28, etc. It will save me having to relist the whole linkset every time.
  17. Welcome to the forums and SL! Right click a folder in your inventory (can be the Notecard folder, but doesn't have to be) and select "new notecard" from the pop-up menu. A new notecard will appear with the cursor in it to rename it. Name it something (I often put my username in the name of it, like "New group member: Rick Nightingale". Double-click it to open and type in your text to say hello or whatever. Make sure to include your username again. Click save to save it. Then, open the group's profile, and click the creator's username to open their profile. On their open profile, at the bottom it should say something like, "drag and drop here to share" Drag your notecard there, and drop it. You'll get a confirmation box to click yes to. Edit: That's basically it. I've done it so many times I can't recall the finer nuances, and I can't get on the viewer right now to check the fine details. But that should get you there.
  18. Note for the future: my trick is to drop a listener script into things when I do this, and I have a simple HUD with a kill button. I did the same when I was making the Twisted Protocubes. Much easier to hit that red button that trying to catch 200 of the runny (and teleporting!) little blighters in a sandbox. Edit: of course, it's always obvious after the event.
  19. I had posted a reply here a few days back - it's vanished! My thoughts on the matter echo @Fluffy Sharkfin's. The ability to automatically correct a mirrored normal map in SL makes far more sense than having to upload a (possibly 'duplicate') mesh with a reversed UV map which makes re-texturing later a total pain. Wonder if it's worth putting in a feature request... might do later. Although I have to agree with @OptimoMaximo's comment that someone else must surely have thought of it already. That's sort of why I asked here, in case I had missed it something.
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