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Rowan Amore

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Posts posted by Rowan Amore

  1. 3 minutes ago, Pussycat Catnap said:

    It Girls. That's the brand you want to investigate.

    It's actually the brand they use in a lot of their product images.

    NURI x Lelutka x GenusBOM x Lelutka x Genus x CatwaNEW STORE & NEW LM & BOM SKIN/BODY UPDATES



    Well, in that case I dunno. You could try Angle Rock, but I personally find their skins often are a bit ashy.


    Nuri is the one I'm currently using from ItGirls to go with the head by the same name.  I did buy another but don't recall the name at the moment.

    Rainy Days_006.jpg

    • Like 1
  2. I don't think you can set an average really.  Some have many and some have none.  I do think everyone should have at least one just for purposes of checking if some issue is just their main avatar or if it happens to both.  I've seen some people say they can log in with one but not the other.  I've also had to use one to 'nudge' my main offline after a hard crash.  I only use one though.  It's too costly to outfit multiple avatars unless you use them for specific RP which I know some people do.

    • Like 2
  3. Well, they all look nice to me.  It's going to be difficult finding a skin that is NOT Plain without highlights which is what I assume you meant by 'smacked by flour'. 

    If you're BOM, maybe an old system type skin?  Those were mostly flat looking with the darker skins.


  4. 55 minutes ago, Bellatezzudea said:

    I work them in Photoshop

    yes but there is a limit to the size you can upload here to the forums...0.49 MB regardless of what work you do where

    • Like 1
  5. IMO the only thing that will fix the health care issues in this country is a reform to the insurance industry and their ultra powerful lobby.  Why is it that, for example, an uninsured person must pay $150 for an office visit yet that same visit when covered by insurance, gets a discount so that the insurance only has to pay $20?  It seems to me, the person (individual) who NEEDS the discount is the one who is uninsured.  

    I've had emergency surgery twice in my life.  Once insured, once uninsured.  When insured, my insurance got a discount on ALL items that were covered.  I still had to pay my percentage but it was overall, a lot less than I would have had to pay.  When I was uninsured, I was able to get the actual hospital bill canceled as our income was low enough to be eligible.  However, the surgeon, anesthesiologist. radiologist, I had to pay in full, no discount.  How is that fair?  Why do the companies who we pay hundreds of dollars to for insurance coverage, get a 'discount' on services when it's the ones uninsured who need it?

    It's also interesting that when the economy took a dive in 08, I didn't see any insurance companies looking for a bailout.  They, not government or policy, are what's wrong with health care in America.

    • Like 2
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  6. 7 minutes ago, Bellatezzudea said:

    I can't post any picture of me to my profile here on the Community


    Are you trying to upload one that is too big?

    Accepted file types gif, jpeg, jpe, jpg, png · Max file size 0.49MB

  7. 23 minutes ago, Odaks said:

    I think I dredged up information from the back of my mind that referred to accessing Adult land, as opposed to Adult content. 

    Accessing Adult land, as far as I am able to verify, requires payment information to be on file and/or age verification, depending on how the land has been set up.

    Accessing Adult content only appears to need age verification, and should be able to be set by the Resident in Preferrences.

    So I was indeed wrong in my earlier post. It should be a simple matter to set access to Adult content, provided that an "over 18" date of birth has been registered. A support case should solve if it won't work.

    In my experience, most adult places/land are not set to payment info on file.  That's why a lot are full of new people.  

    • Like 2
  8. 3 minutes ago, forbreze said:

    i never liked itgirls and those skins makers stuff just look unpleasant on me, sorry

    No need to apologize since I don't make them.  The others that Max mentioned also have lovely options.

  9. 7 hours ago, forbreze said:

    Is there any light/medium skin tones for a black person that don't make me look like I'm smacked by flour or needs some moisture for lelutka because I'm tired

    I've been using itGirls for a couple of years.  I use the darkest tone but worth checking out the lighter ones.

    • Like 1
  10. 7 minutes ago, FairreLilette said:

    Okay, thanks.  I wonder what they have an "adult" section for....?   Also, as far as General, the Lindens gave two examples:  1)  Be sure it something you would share with your Grandmother, and 2) Be sure it something you would share with grade schoolers.  These two examples are what 'general' posts should contain - something we'd share with Grandma and the grade schoolers, and I think that is because General is for everyone from the smallest to the oldest, even great-great-great Grandma.  This is "puritanical" American guidelines - it's pretty much the same across all forms of media for General - must be for the youngest through the oldest and all in-between. 

    We can talk about or ask questions without being too explicit.  There have been questions about D/s relationships, collars, sexuality.  Adult subject without graphic details.

    • Like 3
  11. 16 minutes ago, FairreLilette said:

    I think it's something more like this:  Adhere to the rules of General, Moderate or Adult whether it's inworld or on secondlife.com (this includes the foums and Marketplace too). 

    Global Standards, Local Ratings

    All areas of Second Life, including the www.secondlife.com website and the Second Life Forums, adhere to the same Community Standards. Regions within Second Life are noted as Safe or Unsafe and should be designated by the SL account holder as either "Adult," "Moderate" or "General." Resident behavior within each region must conform to the respective local rating.

    In addition to adhering to the Second Life Terms of Service, Residents must also refrain from the activities listed below. These Activities are Not Permitted on the Second Life Community Sites:

    • Vulgarity, Profanity, and Sexually Explicit Content: No name calling, expletives, or any language that is offensive, pornographic, or sexually explicit. Profanity, hate speech, or threats of violence are not permissible.
    • Nudity or Adult Content: Keep the content of your postings “General” as provided in the Maturity Guidelines. Postings that do not comply with the “General” rating may be removed.
    • Like 1
  12. 30 minutes ago, LittleMe Jewell said:

    That one ended up getting removed.


    You can actually join SL at the age of 16, but you will be limited to General regions.  Regardless of age for joining, this is about what sort of content LL wants in the general (not Adult) sections of the forums and about what the members generally want to see.

    Just to add to what you've said, the actual guidelines for the forums, regardless of whether it is in the adult section, still say all content in SL communities must be General in nature.  I'm guessing there is a bit more leeway as to what that is in the adult section but who knows where they'll draw the line.

    • Like 3
  13. 1 minute ago, Bagnu said:

    Others have posted pics far more graphic than this, yet I didn't hear any complaints.

    It's wasn't the pics!!!  A few of them yes but not enough to warrant any backlash.  It's the sexually suggestive comments.  Do you even actually read what people write?  

    I had more written but I know you'll never listen so why bother.  I think I'll follow Jordan off this particular train wreck.

    • Like 4
  14. 1 minute ago, Bagnu said:

    I was not the one to start the innuendo. I simply replied,

    Yet you still posted that last picture with YOUR comment.  Scylla may not think your intention is to tell the rest of us to eff off but a good number of your fellow forumites certainly feel that's exactly what you're doing.  And has also been pointed out, it's not just this thread but several others.  I find it hard to believe you are that naive and just play that card when it suits you.  "Golly, I didn't realize..blah blah blah". The shtick is getting old, Pearl.

    • Like 5
  15. 4 minutes ago, Bagnu said:

    I definitely am not!!!!

    Yet even though it was explained what it was people disliked, you post this.....

    13 hours ago, Bagnu said:




    Our pet...And now we have to make sure she's properly taken care of....

    So tell me, what exactly do you not understand about sexual innuendo and why it's inappropriate in general forums?

    • Thanks 1
  16. 37 minutes ago, XxHaleysavagexx said:

    Hi! My name is Haley and I'm looking for someone to style like a personal stylist I'm very good at styling for event's and everything I'm very good at styling model's also and a great personal. I can also Style club dancer's and everything.  My Iw:XxHaleysavagexx 

    If needed,

    Hi Haley....maybe you could post a link to your Flickr or post some pics of the work you've done.  It would be helpful to see what you can do.

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