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Rowan Amore

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Posts posted by Rowan Amore

  1. 4 hours ago, EmmaAsht0n said:

    Morning Yoga


    LOVE the new hair at The Arcade from Yasum.  Hell, I love pretty much everything she makes.

    She's great, too.  I saw an issue with the rigging in her new outfit at Dubai yesterday.  I sent a message with a photo of the crotch area and she spent quite a bit of time with me while she redid that area in all the sizes.  Talk about excellent customer service!

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  2. 33 minutes ago, Ayashe Ninetails said:

    I saw a guy streaming on Twitch a few nights ago. Had his Christmas tree up. Fully decorated and lit. 😂

    I call it Spooky Season instead of Halloween so anything after Sept. 30 is fine with me. Tons of people put their decorations out earlier in RL since you never know what the weather will be like come the end of October.   Isn't Halloween now the second most decorated holiday?    Christmas season, after Nov. 30 although, again, put them out earlier if the weather is nice.  

    In SL, I'll dress up all month for pictures.  There's just not enough hours on Oct. 31 to visit ALL the spooky regions and change outfits!   

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  3. So anyone who likes PBR and dislikes bots is doing so because of group think?  Are people who dislike PBR and like bots doing so because of group think?   No need to answer that.

    Funny how almost all the memes about group think mention Reddit.  🤔


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  4. 10 minutes ago, WeFlossDaily said:

    Here is the complete sentence of which you quoted from.

    And here is how you choose to crop it:

    You also interpreted my previous comment regarding how cult leaders control their followers as me calling SL and/or the forums a cult, which could be considered an assumption of your part. However, it was also a deliberately misrepresentation of what I said. Now you have massively overcropped the next thing you wish to take issue with, which I view as a second attempt to misrepresent what I said.

    If you not interested in fair debate tactics, why try to lecture me on them?

    Basically, I'm suggesting that your current argue amounts to paradoxical reasoning and think we should backtrack and discuss your assumption before we discuss my own, as yours precedes mine.

    Yes, you said large amounts of forum users often embrace ideas without any semblance of critical thinking and asked for alternate psychological theories to explain it.  I'd have to first agree with what you said, which I do not, to even both with another theory.  I simply think you are wrong and making assumptions.

    This was your reply...

    2 hours ago, WeFlossDaily said:

    This is exactly how cult leaders prevent their followers from being receptive to any sort of criticism that could cause them to leave the cult or question the status quo the leader wishes them to accept.

    To this...

    2 hours ago, Cinnamon Mistwood said:

    Sheeple, hive mind, group think.  The second someone mentions any of those, everything they have to say can be dismissed.



    Doesn't take a stretch to see how one could interpret your meaning.  Anyone who dismisses what you say about group think is a cult, cabal, FIC, forum elite, etc.


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  5. 7 minutes ago, WeFlossDaily said:

    embrace ideas without any semblance of critical thinking

    Nice assumption.  That right there is why I discount most of your posts related to group think.  You're making assumption about people.  People you do not know aside from on the forums.  

    It's as if I made the statement...people who like such and such are.just not smart enough to think on their own.  Or conversely, people who don't like it aren't smart enough to understand it.

    Kind of rude, huh?  Kind of a broad statement to assume everyone who does or doesn't like something only does so because everyone else does or.they're dumb.

    • Like 1
  6. 10 minutes ago, Love Zhaoying said:

    Is that part of the issue, people who cannot stand being disagreed with, who claim everyone else is using "groupthink", are themselves afraid of being swayed from their own closely-held opinion?  That would make a lot of sense.


    I honestly have no idea.  There are people I agree with more than others but even those.others, I do agree with now and then.  I, personally, don't have friends on the forums either.  I've met a handful of people inworld and we've exchanged a few words but that's it.  I've friended no one from the forums.   I'll admit though, once you've rubbed me the wrong way one too many times, I'll probably just ignore you AND block you inworld since I've had a few try to carry forum crap in there.  Most just get my WTF reaction.  


    • Like 1
  7. The person posting isn't to blame for.anyone's weak mind who follows along blindly.  If you're easily swayed or coerced into changing your opinion or behavior, going to tell you right now, SL, hell the internet in general, is not the place for you to be.

    • Like 4
  8. Just now, Love Zhaoying said:

    Did you miss that I included at least 2 that were ABOUT in-world? "What does your SL look like today", "What does your avatar look like today"?

    So quick to dismiss anyone's ideas, responses, unless they agree with your own!


    I'm inworld.every single day for an average of 6 hours a day.  Didn't even know.there WAS an activities page, either.  

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  9. 7 minutes ago, CaerolleClaudel said:

    Thx! I am still extremely disappointed, am even considering whitelisting stuff, as much as I am wary of that...so, I would also almost try a beta (experiences with 7.10 seem very mixed, but then that seems to apply to every single thing in SL, and esp the performance different people see after PBR).

    You really should white list the files recommended in the Help.section in the viewer menu.  There's no reason not to and it WILL make a difference.

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