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Rowan Amore

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Posts posted by Rowan Amore

  1. 12 minutes ago, Ceka Cianci said:

    Video games nowadays last about 3 years or so and they have already started the next version right after releasing the current version, because they know, after they feel the the players are leaving more because of regurgitating grinds and money slowing down from the side purchases..It's time to release the next one..

    You're more limited to what they feed you..

    SL you can feed yourself as little or as much as you want.. Just depends on if you want to put in the work to create your own world or enjoying surfing someone else's..

    I just know from my experience, there is more than meets the eye candy..

    This^ exactly!


  2. 7 hours ago, Odaks said:

    To obtain the full maturity levels, a payment method has to be set up and accepted. This is pretty clearly documented. What is not clearly documented is that you also had to have to use it to get the full registration to activate, e.g.. purchase some L$. I think this is still true, with the change to Tilia.

    It has certainly tripped people up in the past. Could that have been the case for your alt? People don't readily associate the eventual purchse of L$ and the mysterious opening up of maturity ratings together, either, when suddenly it all does all work as required.

    I can send my alt adult rated items from the MP and she has no payment info on file.  She can also purchase on the MP herself without having payment info.  Anyone can access adult areas without payment info on file.  

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    • Confused 1
  3. Have you checked these in that about land? Options tab?


    Landing Point - Set a landing point where people will arrive if visiting your land. Click Set to place the landing point where you're standing. This is where people will be directed to if they teleport to your land, including from Search. For example, if you're building a space station, you can set the landing point high in the sky so people don't get lost on the ground looking for it.


    Teleport Routing - Use this dropdown to select one of the following options:

    • Blocked - Prevents Residents from teleporting to your parcel.
    • Landing Point - Forces all Residents to land at your specified landing point.
    • Anywhere - Allows Residents to teleport to anywhere in your parcel.

    Each has its uses depending on your intent. For example, if you're building a game with secret areas and divided into multiple parcels, you can choose Blocked for some parcels so people don't accidentally spoil surprises, but choose Landing Point for the entrance parcel so everyone can see the instructions sign you've posted.

    • Thanks 1
  4. 38 minutes ago, animats said:

    I do not think that word means what you think it means.

    Sharding in games means having multiple copies of the same area so that more people can be in it at the same time. It's what you do when your MMO can't handle many users at once. Sansar had shards. Fortnite has shards. The whole point of Second Life is that it's one big world and doesn't need shards.

    I'm sure there's probably a Republican conspiracy in there somewhere.  😯 🎃

    • Haha 3
  5. 1 hour ago, NalianaOja said:

    I bought a couple of items on the marketplace yesterday, and they still have not been delivered, and I'm unsure if my lindens were refunded. How would I find out if they were refunded, and what would my next steps be? I'm still new in SL and while I have housemates that have been playing longer than I, but the only time they have had this issue the items showed up before the 8 hour mark so they are unsure how to help me. 

    On the dashboard, log in and check Account...Ls transaction history.

    • Like 1
  6. 35 minutes ago, Garnet Psaltery said:

    It's nice to hear your enthusiasm about a show, but it might not be a good idea to start a discussion just about that one show, as the forum could quickly become flooded.  I gather your original topic was about something else, but if you still want to talk about tv shows, perhaps you could start a topic on them generally?  I haven't searched the forum to see if it's already been done - perhaps you'd like to find that out.

    They changed their original post since it was in the wrong section...


    • Thanks 1
  7. 4 hours ago, AngieForever21 said:

    The major difference between body types on SL is : the price, the quality, the complexity (some mesh bodies creates lot of lag... but who cares ?), and what you want to look like (the most important point). For female bodies, most of ppl choose the same bodies : Maitreya or Legacy, and the risk is : everyone look the same.

    The tendency is to have chubby avatars, but you have the choice... for example you could try the new REBIRTH mesh body that allow you to shape a thin avatar, in different style, kid / teen / adult and more ... you can switch from female to male hehe

     I've yet to see any clothing aside from what they sell themselves.  Downside.

    • Like 1
  8. The old tmp had several neck.sizes on the HUD  or it may have been body fat.  No inworld so I don't recall.  As I said, I wore it for a long time without a mesh head since heads came long after mesh bodies.  So choose whichever is closest to your body fat.. Its not neck.size if I remember correctly.  Choose the skin tone c!osest  to your default head color then apply the corresponding neck fader tattoo in the tmp folder.  The skin tones and neck tattoos are numbered to match each other

    ETA.  So say your body fat is set at 15, then choose the 15 neck size on the tmp HUD.

    • Thanks 1
  9. 23 minutes ago, Velk Kerang said:

    the original tmp body and I don't recall seeing a neck blender that came with it mate. I may have to look again. Been a minute since I looked at it, but I recall that being one of the main reasons I stopped using it. On a side note where did you see the old one for sale at the price of 1 linden at? I know that's what they charge for their demos at the store in world. I definitely missed that then. lol :D

    There was a folder or object inside the original body folder that you unpacked that had the tattoo neck faders.  

    • Thanks 1
  10. 2 minutes ago, Velk Kerang said:

    Ya that brings back some memories mate. lol It's like wow so much free stuff. lol I got a little crazy with the shopping too. Who am I kidding I still get crazy with the free stuff. Especially when I get dragged to those gacha events. lol The only difference between us I think is I still got all my useless crap stored some place in my inventory. I swear I think some days I am trying to see how high I can make that number actually go. lol I'm jealous though. I don't think I have a flying pancake in my collection. lol That just totally rocks. Lmao!!!! :D

    One of the first things I did buy was an outfit.  Some leather monstrosity from I don't know where.  What was interesting thinking back on it now was that it included a shape and skin.  I'm sure they were some freebie things but I actually wore the shape (modified along the way)  for ages.  The skin?  Not so much but then I wasn't even sure how to see the front of my avatar for the longest time.  I can't even imagine what I looked like.  Probably a good thing I didn't know/

    • Like 2
    • Haha 3
  11. 11 minutes ago, Anuuubis said:

    Why does it even matter? Why bring "realism" into it when the entire point is to be something out of the realm of reality? Why does it matter what people play as and why is it not "appropriate" in your eyes?


    Didn't know another player's avatar choice was a thing that mattered, but sure. 😉


    News flash, graphics don't mean everything. I used to use a site similar to SL that was 2D flash based-- the entire draw is social interaction. Not to mention SL was made almost two decades ago and they couldn't conceivably make any big changes to the engine used without breaking a ton of usermade content, aka the entire point of the platform. It's like if you went posting on a forum ranting that the first Call of Duty or something even older like GoldenEye are automatically terrible because of the multi-decade-old graphics and simple objectives.

    Not to mention harping on the graphics of something that's mostly hinged on other users making content is a moot point in itself.

    Also lol Fallout 4 multiplayer. It's called Fallout 76 and newsflash, it's terrible. Dunno why the first thing that springs to mind are what are objectively the worst Fallout games the series has but you do you.

    And some quotes about Fallout 76 for what it's worth.

    The Guardian called the game "a pointless walk in the post-apocalypse" featuring "half-baked conflict and witless quests to unearth the dead".[63] According to Forbes, Fallout 76 was a "huge, rare, total miss" by Bethesda.[70][self-published source] Eurogamer described the game as a "bizarre, boring, broken mess", adding that, shortly after its launch, it should be considered as a "failed experiment".[71] Business Insider described Fallout 76 as "a jumble of disparate video game elements set loose in an online world, held together by a string of pointless fetch quests and experience points".[72] Newsweek said that moments of the enjoyment during their review were "outweighed by the near-constant performance issues and poorly executed game systems", adding that they were disappointed in the game despite being fans of the series.[73]

    • Like 1
  12. 19 minutes ago, Furholio said:

    I made a hughe mountainscape surround for my sim that extends 1024m and I'd like to enjoy it

    If it's a sim surround, you should be able to see it perfectly fine at 1024 draw distance.  I've used them and since you can only extent YOUR item out to a certain distance, there is not reason to have to see any further.  What happens is, poorly made items don't rez well at a distance.  It wouldn't matter how far you could see if the item is low quality.

  13. 20 minutes ago, Foggypebble Muircastle said:

    Content creators have completely ignored the fact that there is an ‘erotic animations’ subcategory and have polluted ‘posing animations’ with sexy animations to the point that it’s like being forced to flip through a sea of porn when all I want to do is buy some poses. So, will you guys help me?

    I’d like a pose with arms folded. Can be a relaxed pose or in annoyance.

    I’d like a pose where one hand is gripping her opposite arm anxiously.

    I would like a laughter animation.

    I’d like you guys to tell me about all kinds of poses, animations, and gestures that come with animations. Fun ones. Your favorite ones. I’m not picky, they just have to not be sexy ones. For example, my current favorite gesture is Y E E T! which flings you’re avatar across the floor. Throw it all at me guys. Take a look at your folders in-world and tell me your favorites or tell me of good stores. I am looking to express myself.


    Any furniture rated PG would have non sexual animations.  Most creators make both PG and Adult versions.  You could try turning off Adult in Marketplace and searching animations.  If you set it to General only, you won't get any sex.  Just a thought.

  14. 1 minute ago, Solar Legion said:

    Treat the Starter Avatar as a Placeholder - that is exactly what it is.

    Exactly and as most new people aren't going to be attached to their specific look as a lot of people become over time, if they can get something they at least feel a bit comfortable with, that should be fine.  They have white and black, male and female (some of each can certainly be thought of as non-binary IMO), short and tall.  That's more than enough to START.  

    • Like 1
  15. 13 minutes ago, Lyssa Greymoon said:

    Okay, now I know there are a lot of people here from the Netherland and United States whose first language isn't English, but what part of the OP in any way suggest being offended, victimized or triggered? They're suggesting more variety in non-binary starter avatars would be nice. 

    I didn't see the OP as being offended or victimized.  They just posed a question as to why.  My initial reaction was because I knew how this thread would end up.  People feeling offended by someone they think is feeling offended and so on and so on and so on.

    If what sex, color, height, weight, religion my SL starter avatar rezzes in as is my biggest problem today, I'm going to call it a non-issue.  Should LL make more options available?  Yep  Will LL make more starter avs available?  Possibly but it hardly is a roadblock to most people signing up.  Or at least, it shoudn't be.  IT'S AN AVATAR.

    • Like 4
  16. 9 minutes ago, TickleKitten said:

    Hi Rowan, we got that solved. Apparently that's an old product (we didn't know) and you have to rezz it to the ground and then unpack from there. I will if we have problems tonight with that. Thank you soooo much for your help and feedback on my silly newbie issues (I've seen your name before!), it's sure a learning curve. Mistakes are one thing, mistakes that cost L are another. Demo, demo, demo is now my mantra.

    I'm glad you got it sorted out for now.  And don't feel too bad since even folks who have been around awhile make costly mistakes.  

    • Like 2
  17. 1 hour ago, FairreLilette said:

    Well, I didn't want any of the avi's LL gave me neither for my main nor alt.  All I see a starter av for is a vehicle to go shopping.  So, hands and one eye is fine too.  

    But, again, for alts, I'm not sure we get to choose what avatar we want.  At least on my 3rd one, I didn't.  But, again, to me, it was just a vehicle to go shopping in.  I want to ditch the starter avi's asap.  As far as for newcomer's, they get a choice of avatars still, I'm sure.  Date of my last alt was over a year ago when I just rezzed into SL suddenly with no choice of an avatar.  It wasn't a horrible avi, it's just I have no desire to be a starter avi.  

    With the pool of talent LL has available, it would be nice if they would create a mesh avatar that would be able to use some available clothing or at the least, provide the current avatars with alpha huds.  They've had people create the mesh avs  so just take it a step further and provide the ability of alpha as needed since most clothing doesn't provide an alpha layer anymore.  When we all came in with the old default bodies, you could wear anything.  Not so anymore and I think a big reason why people get frustrated.  Or, make the existing starter mesh avs BOM.

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