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Rowan Amore

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Posts posted by Rowan Amore

  1. 29 minutes ago, FairreLilette said:

    I think there is a misunderstanding.  You do get to choose which avatar you want from a pool of avatars IF a new user.  If it's an alt account, you may not.  I guess the thinking there is LL is not going to give a bunch of free avatars to all the alts people want.

    As a matter of fact, I have 3 accounts altogether right now.  My first two accounts I was able to choose from a pool (very good variety) of different avatars.  When I made my 3rd account, it just gave me a female, not my skin color either and not white like my real life self.  IOW, on my 3rd alt, LL made the choice of avatar.  I was not planning anyways on keeping any of the avatars LL gives me when I start either main or alt.  It seems that's what happened to the OP, he was just given an avatar (no choice) just like I was with my 3rd alt, as the OP states this is an ALT account they just started not a new account.  

    I think we should all start out as little blue hands with one big eyeball.

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    • Haha 7
  2. 2 minutes ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

    Strictly speaking, a carnivorous version of poutine is a violation of the laws of nature. Sort of like (dare I say it?) pineapple on pizza.

    ETA: Oh, and I like maple syrup. It's just not my favourite thing. And I don't want to see it anywhere but on a pancake.

    Now, we really should be talking about butter tarts. THOSE are worth gaining a bit of weight for.

    If you're vegan, can you eat butter?

  3. 2 minutes ago, Seicher Rae said:

    Wow. I just made a noob Google mistake. Earlier and elsewhere I posted pictures of real cats in latex fetish wear. They kinda freaked out Rowan. With the talk of BDSM cows, and vanilla cows (the beverage), I just tried to find a jpg or gif to post here as a joke.

    Oh no. Oh. No. I. Dint! :::facepalms::: 

    I'll just leave it to your imaginations what images appeared.

    Such a noob mistake.

    And why they have those filters.

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  4. 3 minutes ago, Seicher Rae said:

    Unless you are using that disgusting vegan cheese stuff, the cheese doesn't fit. And as was just mentioned: gravy. 

    What have you got against BDSM cows? Surely, cows have the same rights to be in M/s relationships as they do vanilla ones.

    (mmmmm vanilla cows. I've heard a cream soda (creme?) float called that. yum)

    WTF?  Vegan cheese?  There should be a law against that.


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  5. 7 hours ago, Ceka Cianci said:

    It merged in 2011, but was announced like mid summer 2010, I wanna say like July or august.. The new rating system was 2009..

    spring 2009 it started the creation of zindra which didn't come online until like October 2009..

    that was a crazy couple of years.. They bought up Xstreet and the market was born..

    it was like, bam,bam,bambambam.. hehehehe

    I started in 2009 and remember when they started the whole zindra  thing.  Wasn't that when you had to verify age or something before you could enter adult areas?  I know I didn't have to when I joined but did later on since this club Bacchus was adult.  I spent a lot of time there in the beginning.  They had themed dance contests 24/7 so I won money which was awesome for being a noob. The contests were always in theme or naked and naked was cheap!  Too bad there aren't places around like that anymore for new people.  It was a lot of fun.

    • Like 1
  6. 2 hours ago, djacwalker said:

    Hello SL friends, 

    I am helping a friend promoting her club and was wondering, how and if you can use the radio stations?  Like pay for air time for commercials...thanks for any help.

    What radio stations?

  7. 14 hours ago, KarelessKitty said:

    I've never played this game until a week ago , i think you have the wrong person. Lmao.

    Wow, really?  And you managed to snag a dancer job on your first day?  Impressive!  One of our recently missing forum members user to work at Sassy Girls, too.  Small world, I guess.  

    Anyway, to stay on topic...if you do a search for the style of music you like, you're bound to find people with other similar interests.

    • Haha 1
  8. 3 minutes ago, Diane Soulstar said:

    Are you anyone getting your secondlife marketplace store's sell notifications in your email? I see yesterday 28 Oct 2020 there was marketplace maintenance. After that I am not getting marketplace sell emails. Can anyone please confirm?

    Also even by mistake SecondLife emails NOT BLOCKED not Marked as SPAM in my email. 

    There has been something going on as addressed in this thread


    • Thanks 1
  9. 18 minutes ago, Kylie Hammill said:

    I accidentally detached my avatars wrists when I clicked on lacey sleeves to detach them, my wrists also got detached. I have a slink physique body and had an extra one in my inventory so I tried putting that one on but that didn't work, still no wrists. I have no idea at this point what to do to get my mesh wrists back. Can anyone out there please help me if you know how I can get my wrists back. It would be very much appreciated. At this point I think I have totally screwed up my avatar and am at a loss :(

    Use your body HUD and unalpha your wrists.

  10. 1 hour ago, Fauve Aeon said:


    I think there’s a dancer for this, complete with the song and some vewwy smexi moves...can’t confirm of course and responding with interpretive dance isn’t always well received...but that’s never stopped anyone either! 😉

    peeve: my own disorganized inventory. I’m annoyed with myself over it. Anyone up for a drinking and inventory cleaning party soon after Hallowtide? 

    Me three



    • Like 3
  11. Does seem like a lot is expected

    10 hours ago, Eruka Nova said:

    As the assistant Manager you will take care of renting and maintaining adboards in popular places, reaching back to customers that click them, promoting EMH on social media, SL groups and Forums and managing appointments that have been set. You will also be responsible for checking new adboards at popular SL locations and informing owners of their availability and cost.

    for little or no pay.  All that is very time consuming and there's no guarantee anyone will come in.   But hey, that's just my opinion.

    • Like 1
  12. 3 minutes ago, Gatogateau said:

    /me nods sadly

    I'm really devastated.

    Oh, it is a "him"? Didn't know that. Now I'm even more devastated.


    TS crying 2.gif

    I have no idea to be honest.  The name is a little ambiguous.

    Eta:  yes, wouldn't want to be off topic.  Let's see...peeve of the day...ambiguous names?

    • Like 1
  13. 2 minutes ago, Gatogateau said:

    Peeve: Peeve thread being moved off of page one? That is a bridge too far!

    Peeve: Not that I thought there was to be more said in a certain thread, but it got closed for going off topic and after five pages with granted a TAD of off topic, it was one of the more consistently on topic threads I've seen for a while. Weird.

    Not a peeve but a LOL: Apparently I picked up a peeved up little noob, who is now following me around, visiting my profile page and hitting the confused reaction on my posts. :D Yeah, that'll show me. I've never had anything so mean ever done to me in the forums before. [yes punkin, that's sarcasm font]

    I forget who it was who was missing the Swifty gifs. YW.  (I had more but they went over mb limit :*(    )


    TScan't be surprised.gif

    They removed a lot of the off topic posts about coloring huds before the lock.  The OP hadn't returned before they did, sadly.  But his confusion seems to be more about reality than you IMO.  Or he just likes your *****cat.  😉😂

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