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Rowan Amore

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Posts posted by Rowan Amore

  1. 25 minutes ago, Alwin Alcott said:

    so you do have the money, it is just on your USD balance. Normally that amount will be used first when you again buy L$ or fees for SL.
    If they closed your account you wouldn't be here.

    If they told you what you did wrong, why don't tell it here? It's impossible to help or advice without that information.


    She probably meant they closed the ticket sincw they explained to her what happened. 

    Like I said it happened to me once for no reason.  I just repurchased the same amount of Ls and the money came out of the USD/tilia.

    • Thanks 2
  2. 7 minutes ago, Silent Mistwalker said:

    I'm a disabled grandmother. And no yOU don't understand. If yOU did understand yOU wouldn't have made excuses and would have apologized instead. 

    They didn't apologize for saying something about black people in another thread so don't think you'll get one here either.

  3. 29 minutes ago, jonny6452 said:

    I have a girl that hates me because I'm concervative. When I am dancing with a woman sometimes she zapps me, I can see a flurry around me. Then my stand button os gone and I can not sync with my partner. This is harrasment as far as I'm concerned, but SL does nothing about it. I'm not sure how she does it, can anybody help me with this? and how I can stop her from doing this. Thank you

    You can edit your post and just write deleted

  4. The difference in this election and the main reason dems aren't complaining about the EC is Biden is winning the popular vote as well.   It was in the last election that Clinton won the popular vote but lost in the EC numbers or did we all.forget that?

    Clinton received 65,844,610 votes, or 48.2% of the total vote.

    Trump received 62,979,636 votes, or 46.1% of the total vote. (That's a difference of 2.86 million votes.)

    • Like 3
  5. 3 hours ago, Lorelei Mission said:

    Hi I'm back in SL after being gone for nearly ten years, and whoa, mesh has changed things.

    I've dragged my boyfriend back in with me, of course.Since my boyfriend isn't as keen on SL as I am, he doesn't care what body he gets, but I do. I have specific preferences on how I like a guy to look.  I shopped around a bit and the male mesh bodies are so far very offputting; in particular, they tend to have a triangle shape with the shoulders'chest too puffed-up and the waists too small for my preferences, and muscle shaping down the arms is overdone... I can put up with most of this, I guess, except for those thinning waists. What I'd like for Jon would be a stocky male body, sides just about straight down from armpit to waist, not tapered-in like what I'm seeing in the stores. I don't know if once we buy the mesh body we can reshape it ourselves, but I don't want to throw good money and then find out these bodies don't alter very well.

    What store should we visit to buy Jon the body type I'm describing? Or, if I have to help him reshape a mesh body himself, how is that going to work without looking bad?

    Also, where are we gonna want to go for his skin, since I don't want to have to look at any extreme washboard stomach lining shadows on him, either?

    I've included pics of non-waisted men, as best I could find on the internet, to try to show the type of stocky sturdy guy I like. Minus the excess washboard lines of course lol

    Thank you all so much for your understanding...






    My partner uses the Legacy body and does a pretty good job with his shape.  He's constantly fixing this or that.  It can be made more bulky than some of the others in my opinion.

    The only problem with Niramyth is that as far a I'm aware, you still can't use any other skins on it so you're stuck trying to match whatever mesh head/skin you get.  And NO, you can not use the Niramyth head!!!!!! Never ever!! No!!!

    • Like 1
    • Haha 1
  6. 17 minutes ago, Seicher Rae said:

    First time I've been snarked at for adjectives.

    However, if adverbs had been the target, that wouldn't have been the first time for that.

    It is a serious subject, what we're on about. But agree, that someone as far out on QAnon or whatever conspiracy wire you're plugged into, you cannot be taken seriously.

    I usually only get snark for ending my sentences with a preposition.  

    Now where did that preposition run off to?


    • Haha 1
  7. 3 minutes ago, Lyssa Greymoon said:

    What it does is give candidates encouragement to put almost all of their effort into a dozen or so battleground states. Candidates have no reason to campaign at all in most of the country. But won’t someone think of Nevada? 

    Nevada said today they have until next Thursday to finish their count.  

  8. Just now, Seicher Rae said:

    Mole! Teh food not the critter.

    Don't knock it unless you've had it, and even then...

    Canned mole sauce sucks, but the pain-in-the-butt to make homemade stuff? From heaven.

    The problem is we ate so dang much chicken that I can barely stand the smell of it cooking anymore.  Sad too since my husband loves it but only makes it once a week now because of me.  So ruining perfectly good chocolate with chicken?  A tragedy.

    • Sad 2
  9. 10 minutes ago, herekaya said:

    I got a Genus head recently but the eyes are too sunken and edit my own mesh eyes doesn't work. Someone knows how to fix it? I really don't like the look and if is something that can't be managed i'll buy another head. 

    The first pic i tried to fit the mesh eyes but they escape

    The second is when I frozen my eyes.. with no movement 



    Make sure the eye depth on your shape is at 50.

  10. 4 minutes ago, LittleMe Jewell said:


    That part varies by state.  Colorado only has one envelope.  If the election judge doesn't think the signature matches what is on file, then 2 other elections judges, of different political parties will check it.  Both of the other judges must also agree that the signature does not match before further steps are taken to confirm things.

    The laws are different by state.  Some states require a witness or notary signature on the envelope, but others don't. Some states require that a copy of a valid identification also be submitted with the mail-in ballot.


    All.of which takes time.  I'm surprised most states got as far as they did so fast.

    • Like 1
    • Thanks 1
  11. 1 hour ago, Gage Wirefly said:

    No its taking so long because votes are being taken that were past the date cutoff, which is not allowed. They magically 'find' votes in the middle of the night, and many instances of long dead people voting ...and the list goes on and on. Something is fishy with all this and I hope the President exercises every right he has under the law...even a full recount if possible or if necessary.  I believe the integrity of this election has truly been compromised and it's not good regardless of the side one is on.

    Laugh or dismiss if you must but something is just not right.

    “President Donald Trump said Thursday that he would block a funding boost for the U.S. Postal Service to handle an expected flood of mail-in ballots in coming weeks, admitting it’s part of a White House effort to limit Americans voting by mail and raising the chances of chaos surrounding the election in November.”

    This is based on an interview at Fox Business with Maria Bartiromo, as cited in more

    detail at CNN.

    So..  Who was trying to subvert the election?



    • Like 3
  12. 8 minutes ago, Gage Wirefly said:

    That's fair enough.

    There has been an unprecedented amount of mail in votes.  2 envelopes opened by hand.  Signatures verified.  If there is something questionable, both a democrat and a republican representative must look and agree.  As long as the ballot was postmarked by the date specified by the state, it is counted.  Many RED states are the ones who had the rules in place to not allow counting of mail in ballots before election day.

    There are a myriad of reasons why it's taking so long aside from tin foil hat conspiracies.


    • Like 2
  13. 53 minutes ago, AzureFury said:

    I had over 2000 Linden Dollars, now my account is wiped out completely. There was a stupid vampire guy following me and wouldnt leave me alone. And i couldnt transport away. Can someone steal from my account?

    Does it show 0L.or is it showing ?????

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