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Rowan Amore

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Posts posted by Rowan Amore

  1. 4 hours ago, TGJoysticks said:

    I'm not going to beat a dead horse on this, But 75% of all sims have such items in them, If your that picky you can fix it many ways. Sale your parcel move to a pg sim, buy or rent your own sim, derender the object, move your stuff to a sky box the list can go on and on. Face it 1000's of people do it. There is only so much adult main land. And why should we be forced to own over price main land for a non busines homes over the fact of some one crying over a object,

    You should be crying over the fact that linden labs lets AFK clubs and other types of adult clubs on the main land forcing people to move out of them just to have a home and the things they want in them. You can only blame the clubs pushing people out. I for one do not have porn out in my home. But I will not stand for someone to tell me I can have NSFW items any where in a parcel marked mature and or adult. Grow up ever time you walk into a store your hit with the dirty mags at some point its the risk you take ever day in the real world.

    FYI...moderate IS the new PG since there is no PG rating.  General, Moderate and Adult.  Although I do agree that you can simply derender offensive items.

    • Like 1
  2. 32 minutes ago, Candy Tangerine said:

    Ok Everybody, I finally figured it out on my own.  I needed to be wearing the yacht club title (tag) when I rez the boat.  Once I did that it now stays when i TP somewhere else.  Thanks for those of you who tried to help.


    • Like 1
  3. 3 hours ago, AnyaKarma said:

    Hello everyone.

    I have a maitreya lara body. I am really out of the loop with how everything works. I would like to get a new skin and especially a new head. Any recommendations?

    I'd actually hit up skin shops.first to.see what's out there.  Nothing worse than finding a great skin but its for another head.  Just be sure the also do matching body skins.  I've been using itgirls recently but a lot of the heads have websites and a list a skin stores that create for their head.  Personaly, I've also found lelutka head to be easier and BOM ready as genus is still updating.

  4. 8 hours ago, Amanda Crisp said:

    This isn’t big-ticket discrimination, which is why it flies under the radar in SL.

    If you’re speech-impaired here, you’re subject to all sorts of shenanigans.

    Relationally and Inworld Employment-wise, you’re very much a second class citizen in the voice-centric world That is SL.

    Amazingly, I can still find DJ gigs - but so with any such group; you have to hustle twice as hard just to stay even.

    Does it stop me? No.

    Other people can only define or stereotype you if you play along 🙂


    I have to say I've never been discriminated against for not using voice.  Well, except for the idiots just looking for a quickie and need voice verification to....ya know.  You can tell just by opening  their profile and seeing all the sex groups.  Other than that, I don't really hang out where voice is activated and even if it is, I seldom even listen.

    • Like 4
  5. No, you still have to look at the map if they're not wearing something that allows someone to track them such as you mentioned.  If they tp to somewhere that you might have a visitor logger or a security orb, then that item will tell you who arrived.  But as for generally being able to know when and where without looking at the map, no.

  6. 29 minutes ago, SLIM Barrowstone said:

    <a href="https://gyazo.com/aa2935e1b3e3395768bcca9fd0864f98"><img src="https://i.gyazo.com/aa2935e1b3e3395768bcca9fd0864f98.png" alt="Image from Gyazo" width="390"/></a>

    This image isn't showing correctly.  The post was referencing Firestorm viewer.  I don't know if there's an option on the official viewer if that's what you're using.

  7. 2 hours ago, Aera Kiyori said:

    If someone has someone's map location permissions, is there a script that exists that will send that location to your IMs automatically whenever they teleport or do you always have to manually look at the map to see it?  (Without them having to wear something such as a collar that does it)

    Might get more response in the answers area of the forums.

  8. 3 hours ago, RyderDale said:

    Hello I am new to SL is there a place that I can rez boxes like clothes or skins. The land I'm renting I can't drop my boxes

    To add to what Rolig said, if your are in the group, sometimes the rentals require the group tag to be active in order to rez.  I know a few of the 60L rentals places are like that.

  9. 2 hours ago, Candy Tangerine said:

    Hi, I recently purchased a Bandit 60 and rented a slip for a month.  I rezzed the boat in a different area close by and sailed the boat over to my slip.  Everything was fine for a few days.  I could TP back and forth to my boat and it would still be there in the slip when I arrived.  Then one day I went sailing and SL crashed on me.  The boat returned to my inventory just fine, however when I now rezz the boat again and park it in my slip it immediately disappears when I "stand up" to leave the boat.  Any idea on why this may be happening?  Thank You.

    Do you have to red it under the land group?

    • Like 1
  10. 1 hour ago, Sukubia Scarmon said:

    Creators that rig for legacy and say they will update for maitreya but never deliver and then ignore me asking... *sobs and grumbles* i really was looking forward to that outfit...

    Although I feel your pain in regards to them not making updates for maitreya since I used to wear that exclusively, there are still maitreya only creators who I wish would update to legacy.

    • Like 3
  11. 16 minutes ago, Chic Aeon said:

    OK I was wondering about the default animations in the viewer BUT BUT BUT LOL -- things  in that list above like head and torso rotation to follow look CAN be negated. (I have had that turned off in Firestorm for many years). And I have no "body roll during flight".  So I guess I am not understanding what you area saying.  All you need to do when making an animation to "stop" the underlying default ones is to have keyframe(s) that change the default from 0 to something else for that bone or bones.  Then your animation overrides the defaults.    This is one of the first things new animators come up against and wonder why there POSE isn't really static. It is because they have left some bone info as default and not defined. 


    Back in the day LAP poses sometimes had two versions, one with static head (like most are now) and a free head one that used the underlying animations. 


     So maybe I am just confused - or have no idea what I am talking about.  

    The OP was talking about the Legacy body "breathing" with the demo.  Rolig was explaining that our default avatars have basic movement viewer side which was probably what the OP was seeing.

    Legacy, itself, had no breathing animation built in.

  12. 16 minutes ago, Dillin Woodward said:

    Those ban anyone that makes the decision to dress this way or that. I get that.   That bans a behavior.

    My issue lately is with the acceptable levels of racism, bigotry and sexism in SL that describe a blanket ban of anyone that is gay/straight, or male/woman, or black/white.

    What I'm hearing is that this is OK here in SL.

    Yes, it's allowed on private areas.  Is it accepted by everyone?  Not at all but as Scylla said, the only way to possibly change this is to protest, boycott specific places with these restrictions.

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