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Rowan Amore

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Posts posted by Rowan Amore

  1. On 8/30/2020 at 10:03 PM, Rabid Cheetah said:

    And, unfortunately, I've had rl black friends who've been ostracized for having black avis.  There was even a thread about this, or a subthread/tangental conversation, I forget which.  But that's probably a result of racism, not lookism.

    I really haven't encountered this much at all.  I'd say maybe a handful of times if that.  The times it has been in local chat, most everyone around pounced on the person and they quickly left the area amid quite a few ARs.  I've never felt unwelcome anywhere that I can recall. If people did have a problem with me being black, they had the good sense to keep it to themselves.

    • Thanks 1
  2. 2 minutes ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

    Oh c'mon, Kitty. You know the difference between connotation and denotation, and you know what a difference context makes.

    "Whore" is a derogatory term that applies far more broadly than sex workers, and implies social scorn, and moral and ethical judgments. When you have the option to refer to someone as a "sex worker" or "prostitute," which are, relatively speaking, judgement-neutral terms, but choose to use the word "whore" instead (or in addition), you are making a conscious choice that, to me, makes you sound like some bible-thumping misogynist from the deep south who divides the gender into virgins and *****s.

    The term is also sexist AF. We don't really have a male equivalent for it -- except, significantly, "manwhore" -- because, well, being "whorish" is a kind of woman's thing, isn't it?

    If someone is RPing a "whore," that's a different thing -- but that's RP, and not the context in which this was used.

    I certainly agree with the point of whore being the least appropriate word.  However, as far as the rest go, they're all basically the same although when people think of escort, they assume (rightly or not) a bit more class. That was the basis for suggesting losing the Sextoy name for something more neutral/classy.  As Pearl is somewhat of a classic name, A surname with as much class should go along.  Again, just my thoughts.

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  3. 35 minutes ago, Bagnu said:

    Something I will consider. It's not just my name though that makes me uncomfortable with that though. I would feel out of my element, just as I do, and am, here in the forums.

    I just meant you'll miss a lot of what SL has to offer and an entirely different class of people if you were to venture out of your element.  It's been my experience that people are basically the same everywhere unless you're in a specific RP area such as a sex place or defined RP sim.  Live music venues are a great example.  Most people are just themselves as you could be.   No character to play but yourself.

    • Like 3
  4. 24 minutes ago, Bagnu said:

    Probably for the same reason as I did.

    I recall you mentioning in another thread, I think, about not feeling you could go to other areas because of your name.  Or something like that.  If it were me, I'd have an elegant display name and then perhaps starting or joining a group that uses Sextoy as a tag.  That way, if you're not working, you'd have this lovely name and no one would be the wiser as to your profession.  SL is a vast place and you shouldn't let a simple thing such as an easily changed name get in the way of you feeling comfortable wherever you go.  How about Pearl Hollander after the famous hooker Xaviera Hollander, The Happy Hooker?  Just my 2 cents.

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  5. 1 hour ago, Bagnu said:

    I never knew that our login name would be used as anything more than just for a login!!! I had a couple of different display names for a very short while, and then I was just "Sextoy". Simply because I found it very kinky to introduce myself by saying: "Hi!!! I'm Sextoy!!!". Then I got involved with a Master, and he thought I should have two names. He called me Pearl, because he thought I was just beginning to come out of my shell. He "suggested" that I keep Sextoy as a last name to express what I am. I kept it because I liked it, and I've never met anyone called that in RL or SL. It's an interesting juxtaposition that pearls are associated with innocence and modesty.

    I wasn't "working" back in those early days though.

    There's actually more than a few people who use Sextoy in their display name.  At least I know I've seen some here and there.  

    • Like 2
  6. 17 minutes ago, Madelaine McMasters said:

    I don't imagine gravity/momentum (the only inputs to avatar physics, I think) has much effect on lips, does it? Wind however...


    See now that I could live with more so than jiggly arms and thighs.  

    • Like 1
  7. 1 hour ago, Bagnu said:

    I;m happy with my Lelutka, but would till like to try Genus sometime. It would have to a be a test alt for me though. I'm not taking risks with my head!!!

    Really, all you need to do is make a copy of all your basics in a separate folder and the whenever you want to work on a demo head, switch out.  I do that whenever I'm trying a new head or body.

    • Thanks 1
  8. 1 hour ago, Mollymews said:

    natural body simulation

    face animation with physics could work quite well. Would help soften lips for example when we smile


    Facial animations I could see.  Most, not all of course, women have no idea how to do breast physics so things are jiggling long after they shouldn't be.  I can't even imagine an SL with all kinds of other things jiggling.  

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  9. 2 hours ago, zalaurie said:

    Has any one the developers thought about additional body physics? Right now physics are restricted to breasts, buttocks and torso.  What about the idea of thigh, upper arms and face, basically having full body physics?

    For the love.of....why?

  10. I just could never get the look I wanted with genus and honestly?  Their HUD is a nightmare.  Finally switched to the new Evo lelutka but maybe I'll give genus another try.  Did they ever update to BOM. Without having to use an omega?

  11. 23 hours ago, Whirly Fizzle said:

    If clearing cache lets you login that session, the problem is most likely to be a large flat inventory structure causing the "Creating in inventory views" part of the login process to take so long the login times out.
    If this is a flat inventory issue with a certain account, you'll also be able to log your alts in without any problems even with a fully cached inventory.

    Best thing to do is to contact LL support & ask them to check if your inventory needs de-flattened. LL support can run a script on your inventory to "de-flatten" it, which will fix the problem.
    If you are a premium member, use Live Chat & they will most likely fix you right away if it just needs the de-flatten script run.
    If you are a basic member, file a support ticket: https://lindenlab.freshdesk.com/support/solutions/articles/31000131009-contact-support


    A "flat" inventory is one which has a large number of items in the inventory root folder &/or one or more inventory folders contain a large number of items - where an item is a loose inventory asset or a folder.
    The more nested your inventory is the better - you can never have too many sub-folders within  sub-folders.
    The de-flatten script LL support run will automatically create sub-folders within any folder that is too flat - ie contains too many items.



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  12. 2 hours ago, LittleMe Jewell said:

    Since it is only one account, it is possible that you are dealing with 'flat inventory' problems.  That happens when you get too many items within a single folder, rather than within sub-folders.  Open a Support ticket and mention that you might have a flat inventory.  LL has tools that can fix that.

    I just read about that

    22 hours ago, Whirly Fizzle said:



  13. 3 hours ago, Maia007 said:

    because i was still trying to figure out as to what might be causing it since i can log in at other times. it's not like i never logged in the entire month of july and august. i have logged in some days but i still keep getting this issue until now and it is worse today, that is why i decided to reach out here and ask what might be the problem. i have been trying to log in since morning, it's almost evening now, haven't had a single success. i'm not the type who just contact support the second i encounter a problem without trying to fix the issue myself first because if that would be the case, if someone replies to my message and asks me if i tried doing this and that to see if it will fix this issue, troubleshoot, most likely i would answer no to every single question. i do try to check first if the issue is temporary and if i can fix it myself before asking for help. also, i am not online on SL every single day. so i don't really experience the issue everyday. then i realize now that even if i only log when i have the time, which is not all the time, the issue is still there. the entire month of august was extra tough for personal reasons i would rather not discuss here. it's a major thing that kept me from doing other things. so, yup, i don't always have the time to be tinkering with this issue until now. thank you for replying :) 

    I do know they've had off and on login issues over the last few days.  Aug. 31 was the first day info was on the grid status report but many residents who live in Europe were reporting troubles before that.  It does seems odd that it's just your main unable to log in.  SL gremlins?  Also, try messaging your main with one of your alts.  

    • Like 1
  14. 5 minutes ago, Gatogateau said:

    Another peeve (that's what? a few in one day?): This recent thread, several others by another person... This peevage has indicated to me that it is time to switch to posting with the cat. I like the cat. (I can't find the old image I used for GiGi but this is a cutey, too.) Yep, pulling out the big feline claws and gonna be fluffy for a while. Be afraid.



    Although this one might be more appropriate for the forums lately.


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    • Haha 4
  15. 32 minutes ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

    Ok, pet peeve.


    More specifically, SL boobs.

    Why are there so few ways of customizing them? Boobs are enormously varied in RL -- different shapes, sizes, and . . . other stuff.

    But, here, basically, you can make 'em bigger, and you can push 'em together, and that's just about it. The more popular mesh bodies for women are no help: the boobs tend to "break" if you mess with them much beyond the middle slider range (the dreaded underboob crease!), and if you want smaller ones, you've got to shell out upwards of L$5000 for an entire new body. (Although, yes, the most popular brand has a less expensive add-on, which I use, sometimes).

    There are like, what, three sliders for boobs? And probably at least TWENTY for the lower part of the face!

    Boobs are more important! I know this, because half of the guys I talk to have their cams focused on my cleavage rather than my face ("show crosshairs" FTW!).

    Also, gravity. Why can we make boobs jiggle, but we can't make them react to gravity realistically? Like when you're leaning over, or lying on your side? For instances.

    And rigging: the rigging for tops for women often don't even attempt to match the actual slider values of my boobs. Women's clothing creators, stop deciding that you know better than I do how big or small, or what shape, I want my boobs to be!!!!

    And I think there should be a rule, in the CS or TOS or something, against having pushed-up, pushed-together boobs unless you are wearing a bra!!! Damn it. You wanna wear a tank top with no bra? FINE. But you don't get to have nice clean cleavage then! No pain, no gain, says I!

    None of this, of course, is to in any way criticize how others choose to render their boobage. If you want them sticking out like the flight deck of an aircraft carrier, then go for it! Like 'em flapping about under your chin, or smushed together like they were in a vice? More power to you!

    What I want is more options so that those of use who want realistic, nice looking boobs can have that, and those who want to treat them as a component of performance art can also do their thing.

    Is this so very much to ask? Really?

    I was happy to find some skin creators adding a saggy option although I wish there were a better name for it.  Mature, perhaps?  It's still very difficult for fuller figures to achieve a natural look and I agree, no bra, no pushup and unless they are larger, no cleavage.  I did get a notice that Legacy now has a petite add on and I believe it free for current legacy perky owners.  I haven't tried perky since it would be another 5000L and I'm fairly happy with the adjustments I've made. I also found a little store that does breast animations for pictures and such so you can make them shift left/right/down.

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