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Rowan Amore

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Posts posted by Rowan Amore

  1. 1 hour ago, Chic Aeon said:

    If you have Maitreya you can find the choices on the Hands/ Feet tab in the HUD where you can turn on hand animations or turn them off OR pick a hand pose that you want (mostly what I do). if this is a hand animation built into a purchased Bento animation then I have no clue. I don't have any of those and haven't had any contact with something like that.  



    What @Chic Aeonsaid or using a static bento pose.  You can also use the Anypose HUD to correct most poses.


  2. 10 hours ago, Conifer Dada said:

    Sometimes a fresh pair of eyes can notice things others don't! 

    While the forums themselves are fine as they are, the forum profiles - the ones that come up when you click on a poster's name - could be developed so that people could post on them or create a photo album. At the moment it just includes one's posting history and an 'about me' section that nobody else can see. The forum profiles pages even look like they were designed to do more than they actually do.



    I could get behind this idea!  🙂

    • Like 1
  3. 7 minutes ago, Chaser Zaks said:

    I don't think it has anything to do with your profile, avatar age, what you are wearing, or even being premium(because people can't see premium). People just ask indiscriminately because it works eventually, which is why people should not pay these people, it just makes them continue. People have been doing this since the beginning of SL.

    My recommendation, either ignore them, or if ignoring them isn't possible, block them. Paying them just fuels them to continue doing so. You can also report them to the event/region moderators or group moderators

    Agree.  Ignore and block and go about what you're doing.  

    • Like 3
  4. 1 minute ago, Bagnu said:

    Anyone can ask me what i'm wearing and I'll be happy to tell them. I don't get why some people would get upset.

    I always tell people if they ask nicely.  I've had people message with, "Tell me where you got that...."  which is rather rude.

    "Hey, I love that dress, hair, skin, whatever.  Do you mind if I ask where you got it?" Not rude and always answered usually with LMs if I have them.

    • Like 2
  5. 1 hour ago, SweetVicky Voom said:


    I was a famous model in SL for 3 years until 2010. I would like to go back to model inworld. If someone is inteesred please contact me. Check out my Flickr

    SweetVicky voom


    Welcome back Vicky!   As Jules said, you might have to spend some time and Ls updating to current styles since a lot of new things have come around.

    Here's a good example of what SL's top models are doing.




  6. 15 minutes ago, Eva Knoller said:

    If you don’t already have it, I highly recommend the What Is She Wearing HUD. Free on MP! I scan myself and copy/paste for my credits. Little to no typing involved! I don’t include links on Flickr because I have a basic acct.

    I look forward to seeing your BD pics!! I bet once you get the hang of it you’ll love it. It takes amazing pictures. The BD Discord server is helpful for pic settings, and I’d also be happy to share some settings if you’re interested.




    They also have a HUD at Black Nest (I think, I'll double check when I log in) for bloggers.

    • Like 3
  7. 52 minutes ago, Sassy Kenin said:

    Maybe not my most popular post, but I have no issues with Child/Tween/Teen Avatars and I often wonder about those who do.

    If it was up to me all nudity/sexual content would be have to be on a private island, removed from all mainlands and the marketplace, just my opinion, not that it would happen or if  it's really the right thing to do.

    I understand some just like to look and dress cute or use it as a way to have a childhood they never had, when i see a child avatar I do not automatically assume they a harboring a secret sexual context or the person is secretly trying to break LL/Real life laws.

    I judge a person by the context of their character not the perception of their pixels.


    As I've said, I don't have any issue with how anyone looks.  And this picture is actually quite nice.  Too young for the age group that usually come to SL but I suppose they're looking to expand their user base.  All perfectly fine.  

    My one and only issue has been and always will be when these looks show up in Adult (sex) areas and then get upset when owners ask them to leave.  Look how you want, be what you want but be appropriate for the region you are in.


    • Like 3
  8. 45 minutes ago, TDD123 said:
    • The head of the young elf is proportional with the shoulders on an ADULT level.
    • Same goes for the full grown bird next to her.
    • The person has breasts.
    • The hand on the staff looks mature. Not childlike.
    • The staff itself must have a height higher than a child.

    I could go on. I won' t.


    Just for reference, I was 5'9" tall when I was 14 and had boobs.  My only reason for saying she looked UNDER 18 was her face.

    • Thanks 1
  9. 10 minutes ago, Ceka Cianci said:

    Remember all those old daytime brawler talk shows?

    It was a really bad one of those, because nobody got hit, nobody got busted sleeping around and Steve didn't show up to break a damn thing up..

    Not a single psychologist's book was promoted on that day.. NOT A DAMN ONE!! \o/




    Maybe Jerry Springer should moderate the next debate?

    • Haha 5
  10. We've had this debate in several threads now and you can post all the pics you'd like and it still won't change my opinion.  Some avatars look younger than 18.  My opinion, of course but also others opinion as well.  

    I'm not going to argue the point here anymore.  You all are entitled to your opinions too but as @Arielle Popstarsaid, don't be surprised when someone gets tossed out of somewhere for looking less than 18.

    ETA: I honestly have no problem with how anyone looks.  The only thing I don't like is when looks like this show up in sex areas.  Yes, I do hang out at those places and see this all too often.  Sometimes, it's ok because the overall look seems more adult.  As I've said in other threads, it's when you accompany it with child like accessories (and they do), then it becomes an issue.

    • Like 2
  11. 20 minutes ago, FairreLilette said:

    I was wondering where all "the boys" are?  

    I like these dolls a lot.  Sometimes, I look at my avatar and I think I look too old.  I do want a younger looking avatar but at least 18.  I don't want a minor or a young teen...I want at least 18 to 20.  

    I've noticed that most skins are geared toward under 30 looks.  The ones that aren't go to the other extreme and make you look way too old.  There needs to be a happy medium for us over 50 less than dead people.  I know there are some cosmetics that can give you an older look but none that work well with dark skin.  I wouldn't mind some crows feet and laugh lines.  What I don't need is a face full of wrinkles and age spots ffs.  

  12. 1 hour ago, FairreLilette said:

    I finally got a pic of him.  I love these dolls.  They have a youthful exuberance.  And, those are beautiful photos Scylla and Marianne.   This thread (in the title) doesn't say we have to post pictures of only women.  It says "women post"...I am a woman in real life.  EDIT:  I wanted to add that Rowan first mentioned "the doll", I thought she was talking about the ball jointed doll body.  It's shapeable I think.  Here is the link.  https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/Ball-Jointed-Doll-Dolly-Blush-Shine-Maitreya-Bakes-on-Mesh-System-Layers-by-Sweet-Thing/18612861  >  The store has a Maitreya, Legacy and Belleza doll body.  


    I think that item you linked just goes on like a layer on your regular body?  Not an actual body so you can wear regular fit mesh?  I may go take a look.

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