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Rowan Amore

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Posts posted by Rowan Amore

  1. 7 minutes ago, Prokofy Neva said:

    OK, but I'm telling you that even at 1500, the groups lag and don't load. Which is why I decided to divide them up. That may be a function of land groups in particular which have more to load.

    Another annoyance: if you paste a person's name into a group list, as a manager, to change their role to one with more powers, as I do many times a day (I have open groups for minimal rights with "tenant" status then "resident" with more powers), you will find the search produces nothing. It is incapable of searching on the entire name.

    Instead, you have to either alphabetize it front or back and look manually, or start typing a few letters, then some names will come up, out of which you can pick the one you need. What is the reason for this???

    Yes, I know and it's a pain.  My response was to the OPer.

  2. 1 hour ago, AdminGirl said:

    Hey I've got a question for those who own multiple heads. When you buy makeup, eyes, lashes etc. How do you decide which head to buy for? Do you get it for all or for the one you're currently using? 

    As I usually only buy for the head I'm currently using.  I do love when they include for multiple heads in a package instead of having to make several purchases.  I don't but many people do, switch back and forth between heads.  

    • Thanks 1
  3. 16 hours ago, Gabriele Graves said:

    If your eyes can take Omega, I have a free applier on my MP (look in my inworld profile under Pick called "08. Free Items from Graven Hearts") that will turn your eyes to BOM.  That way you can use from system eyes from anyone.  I believe IKON has system eyes in all packs and so you wouldn't have to wait for compatible appliers.

    I've actually never checked to see if they're Omega compatible but thank you for the info on your product.  Much appreciated, Gabriele.

  4. This from 2015...

    Linden Lab recently made some changes to groups. A group with over 5000 members will no longer load the list of members unless you are an owner or officer in the group OR if you’ve been assigned to a role in the group which gives you the ability to load the list. This change was made in order to reduce server load and help reduce other group issues like group chat lag.

    This is not a viewer bug, it is intended behavior.

    • Like 3
  5. 3 minutes ago, Bagnu said:

    Lmao, this thread was supposed to be all about ME!!!

    I Do like the freckles too, and that was part of the inspiration for my skin.


    I think we're all trying to give you some ideas of how we make our avatars unique.  It's always nice to see what other people choose and what goes into those choices.  

    • Like 2
  6. On 7/21/2020 at 12:56 PM, SamSaguratsuki said:

    Queston: Does anyone have any good recommendations for body physics? I'm looking for something that jiggles different parts of the body when doing actions. Thanks


    I've tried A LOT of different physics and these are by far, the best I've found.  From extremely subtle to a lot of movement for those more 'athletic' activitives.

  7. I still use the unrigged Catwa eyes for my lelutka head.  I love the way the pupils dilate.  It gives them a more 'alive' feel.  Appliers for them from Euphoric or AviGlam.  I used to be a huge IKON fan but he has yet to do appliers although I haven't checked recently.

  8. 1 hour ago, Bagnu said:

    Here's an early experiment.I have the Gemma demo skin from Session, and a LeLutka  skin for my Maitreya body that came with my Erin head. I prefer the Allessandra Realskin for my body though, and I will try the demo again. I have to match the tone of my head to my body obviously though. What does everyone think so far??? And do you feel it's still "me"???

    I know I look a little shocked in this pic, but I thought it was fun lol!!!

    Pearl Skin test3_001.png

    Doesn't Sessions sell a skin for the body to match their faces?  I would only shop a store that sold both as matching seldom works out as well.  Have you checked it's it glam affair?

  9. 19 hours ago, Pussycat Catnap said:

    So... which skin was that in your screenshots. It looks like It-Girls Cafe (which I use), but if not, I'd like to know what needs to go on my shopping list. 😛


    Yes both skins are from itgirls.  Ororo for catwa and I think Pocah is on the lelutka.

    • Thanks 1
  10. I used Catwa for a long time and just recently switched to a LeLutka.  Both are lovely but I do agree that the skin is what will be what makes you look more life-like.  The first if Catwa and the second is Nuri from lelutka

    a profile pic_002.jpg


    • Like 4
  11. On 7/8/2020 at 11:41 PM, Drakonadrgora Darkfold said:

    just because you have not had it done does not mean its not ever been done. It did happen at times. and would leave people coming back to read it to only wish they hadn't..

    and another less know bit of experience.. not all the of the so called afk avatars were afk the entire time there.. some where there reading it as it happened..

    so its not all just presumptions as you might want to think or try and claim.

    some even had owners that made them stay there and not emote back and then report back every little detail of what was said or done to them. as a way to train them to be more open and biddable and usable by others. and they could not just leave of they would be punished for it later.

    if they just wanted interactive porn there are better sources for that then using SL.

    Punished how, exactly?  

  12. If it's one of those '60L a week' type rentals, they tend to be super laggy.  There's really nothing much you can do about that aside from moving.  Renting your own parcel might be a better option although you'll be paying more than 60L/week.

  13. Are you over 30 days old?  Sim owners can set whatever rules they see fit.  Look at about land and see what groups it under.  Open that group and at the top would be the person who started that group.  That would be the place to start.  Otherwise, wait until you're over 30 days old.

    • Like 1
  14. I'm a firm believer in reading profiles.  You can often find something in there that peaks your interest enough to start a conversation.  Common interests, a music link you enjoy, photos you can compliment.  I love when someone makes a comment about something they've read in mine.  It shows they might be more interested in ME and not how my avatar looks.   The people with 'If you want to know something about me, just IM' and nothing else in their profile are the ones I avoid.  If you can't take a few minutes to write a bit about yourself, I can't be bothered to take the time to ask.  So it works both ways.  Have something in your profile and you might find that people more readily IM you.

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