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Rowan Amore

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Posts posted by Rowan Amore

  1. 24 minutes ago, LondonClaire said:

    So if my opinion means nothing to you. You sure do take the time to respond. I don’t bully, bullies. I make them aware of what they are doing. So you have a blessed day :) 

    Here's the thing which I know you will disagree with of course.  I'll admit to being flippant with a few posters early on.  Then I came to realize most people posting "I'm new and need a job" had no idea how this sub forum normally works.  If you'd bother to look, I later linked them back here and mentioned there were several jobs available with instructions in most on how to apply.  The one actually said thanks as he wasn't aware of how it worked.  To simply post "Need a Job" when there are a dozen positions available below your own post?  I think it's helpful to direct them right back here.  As far as the post who said "you must pay me", honestly?  What would they expect in response.  They need to think of it more as the help wanted section.  Find a job and apply.  Even on the job seeking websites, you can't just post...need a job, ffs.

    Now you can go on and on about bashing and bullying until the cows come home but I'll still go with...what I posted was helpful.  And I hardly need someone like you to make me aware of anything.

  2. 1 minute ago, Silent Mistwalker said:

     I think apply would have worked better. They are textures that are applied [directly] to the mesh body.

    The only reason I even mentioned it was because it didn't sound very professional and if I had been reading it myself as a newbie, I'd have wondered who the heck they had writing these things and if I should take the seriously.

    • Like 1
  3. 4 hours ago, Mollymews said:

    Linden moved from inworld tutorials (like is found on Help Island Public and Orientation Island Public) when context sensitive help came with Viewer 2 back in 2010

    the main problem with people generally, not just in SL, is that they don't/won't/can't read the manual. For those that can't then is where helpy people can be useful. There is not a lot of that can be done to help those who don't/won't


    It can be daunting seeing a wall/page of text.  I also realize insisting someone complete one task before moving to the next may not be the answer.  Do they have videos along with text at the help areas?  Seeing something being done is often much easier to learn than reading about it.  Even if the video is in English, those who speak another language could see it being done.

  4. On 10/2/2020 at 10:09 PM, RowanMinx said:

    You could check here: https://community.secondlife.com/forums/forum/312-inworld-employment/

    I think I saw about 10 places hiring in the last few days.  Most have contact info or a link to apply.


    On 10/1/2020 at 11:37 AM, RowanMinx said:

    Check here.  There are a few places hiring.



    On 9/29/2020 at 9:06 PM, RowanMinx said:


    On 9/24/2020 at 9:38 AM, thatgirlyky said:

    you must pay me

    Not sure how this isn't helpful but sock puppets, they show up everywhere.

  5. Said the sock puppet.

    And actually, if you had read some of the other responses, I've pointed new people to the rest of this forum as they don't seen to read down below where they post. There are always jobs here which I'm not sure why but they don't see.  But posting a thinly veiled job for sex workers is less appropriate than my post IMHO.

    Eta:  and yes, sometimes it does get amusing when people post..."you must pay me".  Seriously?  

    • Like 1
    • Haha 1
  6. What about a more interactive tutorial?  You must complete tutorial/task #1 before you can proceed to the next.  A video of how to inbox..then you inbox and only then do you move on to the next.  Covering the basic of appearance, the same thing.  Open inventory, see what is worn, detach this, add that.  Only after completing all can you move off into the world.  I recall my first time in.  I read maybe the first couple then off I went.  I'm sure a lot are the same way now and there is way more to learn.  

    Ive helped out a lot of people over the years.  It can be time consuming and often it seems as if they're not focused on what you're saying.  Making it mandatory to complete a basic tutorial (as in actually doing it before moving on) seems like a good idea to me.

    • Like 3
  7. 1 minute ago, animats said:

    They did a modern mesh tutorial. NRI's text and graphics could use some polishing, but they're doing good work. I've been after the Caledon people to do something like this.

    It expresses the idea well, too. With classic avatars, you had all those system clothing layers other than skin (dress, coat, etc.). With BOM mesh, the classic stuff is applied (I think) only to the bare skin. Dresses and coats must be separate rigged mesh. So it's simpler now. You layer the skintight stuff on the bare body, then put on some clothes. And it's good to see it expressed that way. Much of the BOM info is "how to bang on your existing mesh avatars and wardrobe to make them play with bakes on mesh", which gets complicated. For a new user, that's unnecessary.

    Which is awesome but the wording could have been better.  Applied to, adheres to, lays directly on..maybe they had misplaced their thesaurus.  It doesn't sound at all.professional.

    • Like 1
  8. 1 minute ago, Foggypebble Muircastle said:

    What are the unspoken rules with paying hosts and DJs at clubs in SL? I get that you tip the DJ after a song request. Do I have to tip for being present for the whole set? Would not tipping after staying the whole time be rude? I want to be a part of clubs but it'd get really costly dropping hundreds of Ls per day.

    If you enjoyed it, pay a little if you want.  There is no expectation that you pay anything at all.  I always do if I requested a song but honestly, I rarely do.  I may drop some to the host and DJ but not always.  No one will think any less of you if you choose not to tip.

    • Like 7
  9. 53 minutes ago, MelodicRain said:


    Do guys actually like this kind of insanely muscular look? Like he's on 27 different kinds of steroids? Do other women like it as well?

    As a straight Asian female in RL overly muscular alpha males legit creeps me out. I guess it must be more of a western thing to be attracted to guys who look like they bench press cars on a daily basis.

    No women I know like that body. But, Lots of men seem to like that body on other men if you know what I mean.  

  10. 5 minutes ago, Anna Nova said:

    Thanks for the replies.  These eyes are a Glam Affair set of eyes, sold as BOM just today, but in fact they turn out to be system eyes.  I'll ask them that to do.  No instruction or documentation as per usual with stuff various on SL.  I should have obeyed my 'no demo, no sale' rule.

    They should work on your letutka eyes if they came with one of the newer heads.  

    Lelutka’s new Evolution range of heads are BoM by default, but the eyes are not. You will need to activate BoM on those specifically. To do this: Add your LeLUTKA.HUD; Click the ‘eye’ icon; Click BAKES ON MESH at the top; Activating Bakes on Mesh on a Lelutka Evolution head.

    • Like 1
    • Thanks 1
  11. 10 minutes ago, norajulian said:

    It really does not. 

    Yet in this case, the person posting owns a business called Whore Dash so....appropriate.  I'm sure she didn't include that or what those "extra services" were or she'd have to seek help in the adult section.

    • Like 1
  12. 2 hours ago, FreyjaDivine said:

    If you are a high quality, outgoing person who is interested in performing various services for clients please message me today. You will keep 80% of your earnings.

    Various services?  Could you be a bit more specific?

    ETA:  Co owner of Whore Dash?

    Guess that explains what services and you might do better posting in the adult forum section.

    • Haha 1
    • Sad 1
  13. 42 minutes ago, TheRedsStudio said:



    Hi SL Forum!
    I have two issues that I would like help with from the community, if anyone knows what I'm doing wrong.

    I am a novice and still desperately learning, so please speak plain everyday language (not SL-Expertese)

    YELLOW ARROWS: Eyes Issue
    I seem to have two sets of Eyes on my Avatar. 
    The GLINT: Line of Hearts Eyes are the ones I want to keep.
    The GIRL NEXT DOOR Eyes are the ones that were default on the SL Avatar and despite the title saying "(worn)", there's no way to 'Take Off" or "Detach from yourself"
    I want to get rid of these GIRL NEXT DOOR Eyes, which don't appear to show up on the Avatar anyway. When I "Detach from yourself" the GLINT Eyes then I can see blank eye sockets and the sky and mountains or whatever is in the distant background. Kinda freaky, but not what I'm wanting! :P 
    Not that the GLINT Eyes are perfect either. Look at that weird anomoly on the left-hand eyeball! But maybe the other Eyes are interferring. IDK.....

    So how do I fix this?

    GREEN ARROWS: Hair / Dress Issue
    I got several Hairstyles from LAMB and I can't make any of them work properly with NO SHOT: Letice Satin Slit Dress Yellow for ALTAMURA (Body).
    The Hair have all got Alpha (worn) + the Texture (add) yet this always makes parts of the dress disappear where I think parts of the hair texture is meant to be.
    The dress does not come with an Alpha. Just the texture which is meant to match the ALTAMURA body.
    I have tried "Take off" the hair Alpha, but this has no effect.
    (Yes, I'm guessing at what to do. I really have no idea)

    Any help to solve this would be cool!

    Cheers and thanks!

    Yeah, not a whole lot you can do about the hair/dress thing.  Find a nice updo?

    The left eye just needs edited to fit better into the opening.  Move it closer to the nose.

    • Like 1
  14. 7 minutes ago, Yanenaa said:

    kinda new to second life even though my account is (2 years 8 months; 999 days) i was gone do to personal reason but im back online just looking for a job im 19 years old it can be any type of job also my time zone is EST  

    my insta is Yanenaa.sl you can interview me there 

    You could check here: https://community.secondlife.com/forums/forum/312-inworld-employment/

    I think I saw about 10 places hiring in the last few days.  Most have contact info or a link to apply.

  15. 15 minutes ago, Claireschen Hesten said:

    If you want the jeans to fit under boots reliably Blueberry do styles that include a boot fit, 

    Love some of hers.  But, just like in RL, you have to try on a lot of jeans to find the pair that's perfect for you.  There are just too many places and too many styles for there to be a best IMO.

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