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Rowan Amore

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Posts posted by Rowan Amore

  1. 2 minutes ago, Foggypebble Muircastle said:

    Thank you

    You're welcome.  Starting from the beginning is a very daunting task.  Most of us did it bit by bit as things came out.  Bodies then heads then all the new BOM.  Just take your time and try not to get frustrated.

    • Like 1
  2. Is this their first time buying land?  Land itself has nothing on it.  Anything you see such as trees, rocks, homes would generally be something the seller has added to give you an idea of what the parcel could look like.  They usually ask if you want them to leave it or take it back.  Its not false advertising.  You were just unaware of how land works.

    ETA. Are you actually buying or renting on a private estate?

  3. 50 minutes ago, xJustMex said:

    i have purchased 3 days ago afternoon at 16.16 hour  linden dollars but i did not recieved still yet i must pay my rent how long does it take to pay my purchased linden dollars ??? purchased at

    Best Rate Buy (Limit Buy)


    Note: Because LindeX exchange rates fluctuate, you may have to wait for some time before your Limit Buy (Best Rate Buy) or sell completes at your desired rate. If you set your minimum exchange rate too high, your transaction may be delayed indefinitely.

    • Like 2
  4. 1 hour ago, ophismx said:

    Hi I am very interested in making my own clothing for SL and maybe even opening up my own store here to sell those clothes, But I don't really know exactly where to start I couldn't really find much helpful tutorials for blender since they are pretty outdated on YouTube. I also would love to learn how to mesh the clothing I make after working in blender. I really want to learn about this since this is something I believe I would love to learn about and enjoy, so your help would mean a lot thanks :) 


    ps. where would I even look for to find the avi shape like Legacy or Maitreya to open up in the software blender? 

    Just at a glance, there are literally hundreds of videos about this on YouTube.

  5. 34 minutes ago, JaclynFashion said:

    bom relay huds are free

    That's beside the point.  Almost all heads and bodies have been updated.  Stop giving people bad advice.  Since you claim to own a makeover business, you should be aware of how things work and not steer people toward things they do not need.

    As far as I'm aware, belleza is the only mainstream body that needs a BOM HUD which is available at their store.

    • Like 1
  6. I may not agree with something but I've learned to accept that some things are the way they are and perhaps should be.

    Agree and accept, different means.  

    Do I agree with a region owner not allowing a person because of race, sexual orientation, hair color?  Not in the least.  Do I accept that this is their right?  Dang right I do.

    • Like 2
  7. 53 minutes ago, Lindal Kidd said:

    I don't know the name of the first Nice Person I met in SL.  He came up to me at an Infohub, where I had just arrived fresh from Orientation Island (the old, old version of Learning Island).  He took me to the Free Dove and showed me how to get freebies and unpack them.

    This anonymous stranger is responsible for getting me hooked on SL, and I've been trying to repay him ever since, by helping newcomers myself.

    Same thing happened to me.  A lovely woman took time out of her day to show me how to edit my avatar, unpack boxes and numerous things.  I've often wondered if she's still around.  I think I do have her name somewhere on a notecard I made so I wouldn't forget her name.  I may have to go dig that up.

    In my experience, the majority of people/creators that I've come in contact with over the years have been pleasant.  If they hadn't been, I don't think many of us would have stuck around as long as we have.  

    • Like 2
  8. 22 minutes ago, RayeLos said:

    Yes, I'm solid blue. I am able to see everything but the colors are also inverted. It's happening on all the viewers I use (Black Dragon, Firestorm, Secondlife Viewer).

    Ok.  That's a whole other issue then.  If it were just you being blue, that's probably complexity.  Sorry, can't help with the color inversion thing.  Although I've just learned you can't see yourself as a jelly doll.  I've never checked.  Hope you find an answer, RayeLos

  9. 11 minutes ago, RayeLos said:

    So I haven't logged into Secondlife for about a week and I logged in last night and my avatar was blue, like a real avatar.

    I tried to adjust the setting on my viewer (both Secondlife viewer and Black Dragon) and nothing is working. I was reading it may have something to do with my computers graphics card but I literally just bought this computer so I haven't done anything but played SL and watched Youtube (lol).

    If anyone, anywhere, can help me with this issue, I would appreciate it!


    (Computer in use: ACER A515-43 AMD RYZEN 3 3200U W/ RADEON VEGA GRAPHICS 2.60GHz)

    Are you a solid blue but everything around you is seen properly?  If so, you've somehow changed your avatar rendering complexity setting.  

    I don't use either of those viewers so this article should help you fix it.

    Open the Preferences window by choosing Me > Preferences from the top menu bar.

    Click the Graphics tab of the preferences window.

    Adjust the Avatar Maximum Complexity slider to your preferred threshold. You may move the slider all the way to the right to make the threshold unlimited.

  10. 5 minutes ago, Mar Scarmon said:

    Definitely go see Mount Campion Caves National Forest.  The caves are extensive and very natural and realistic. I am pretty sure it shows up in search.

    Your place was the first link I posted.  Wonderful place, Mar.  Actually, a link to a story about your place since I wasn't able to get the slurl.

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