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Rowan Amore

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Posts posted by Rowan Amore

  1. 2 hours ago, Guku Aabye said:

    I just want to say I deleted some more alts of mine years ago. Since the last alt I deleted that I posted on the forums years ago.  I am sorry I didn't mention it earlier. 


  2. 2 hours ago, Candy Tangerine said:

    Hi, so I have a Genus BOM head and I have it configured correctly on my BOM body.  I bought some additional lips for it from the Genus store.  But when I unpack the lips all that is there is a "script" file.  What am I supposed to do with that to get the lip color choices to show up?  Thanks.

    Most lipstick I've noticed is still in applier form and not the BOM although they're slowly moving to that. 

  3. On 10/2/2020 at 3:18 PM, Leona Kitty said:


    If this position sound like you, please take a moment to fill out an application and we'll get back to you as soon as possible!



    5 hours ago, Suhrai said:



    They may not check back here so your best bet is to fill out their online application as instructed in their want ad.

  4. For me it's all in the shape.  These are both the same skin and head.  The one on the left is in store ad.  The right one is my edit of my shape to create my own look.  Two.people can have the exact same head and skin yet look vastly different.  Mine would also look different if it were a lighter shade.



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  5. 1 minute ago, Asmar Zamani said:

    As far as I know, we don't have to pay a fee to cancel the credit process, or is it a new law that I haven't informed of yet.

    I didn't think so either which is why we'd like someone from LL to comment since you aren't getting any help from support.  Someone is charging you a chargeback fee so it would be nice to know exactly who and why.

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  6. 5 minutes ago, Alwin Alcott said:

    we hear of course only fragments here but perhaps @Dakota Linden @Linden Lab or any other ... can sign in a financial Linden to explain this to us all, because nowhere i found the announcement of additional costs when going over to Tillia ..another way to grab some money?

    I agree.  I haven't found any info about additional fees but chargebacks ARE fees charged for canceling transactions at banks.  

    If you’re unfamiliar with chargebacks, they’re a kind of forced payment reversal, in which a cardholder’s bank (the issuer) reverses a transaction, withdrawing funds from your account. This is usually done at the customer’s request.

    But it would be nice to hear from @Linden Labto clarify.

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  7. 4 minutes ago, Asmar Zamani said:

    Was the chargeback from Linden Lab or from Paypal  for fees incurred when you cancelled you request?  From Tilia?

    The chargeback was from the Linden Lab "account security team".

    Tilia is a subsidiary of Linden Lab, focused on payments and the compliance work associated with operating virtual economies, and it will provide services for both Second Life and Project Sansar.

    Therefore, my guess would be that it's a charge from Tilia for basically a stop payment type thing.  Just as cancelling a transaction at your bank incurs a charge.  They might be the ones to contact if the LL support isn't helpful.

    Phone: 855-979-1500
    Email: support@tiliapay.freshdesk.com
    Email: partnerships@tilia-inc.com

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  8. 10 hours ago, floryandreea12 said:

    hi, i left a comment on your other post but you don't seem to respond so i'm asking again: is the 100L adboard mandatory? i would love to join you guys but i'm very low on lindens and i can't afford the adboard at this moment.

    My guess is they require you to have an ad board.  Quite a few escort/stripper places do this to cover costs.

  9. 32 minutes ago, Asmar Zamani said:

    I made a process credit request the 22 September 2020 at 4:43 am and had to cancel it at the end because it took more than two weeks and still see In progress. I sent tickets to the linden lab asking for help, and I've got an answer a week later saying be patient so I made another request and today I've got a message saying you have to pay chargebacks, also known as disputed charges! This is honestly ridiculous because if we need to pay chargebacks each time we ask for help then no one will send a ticket anymore.

    As a premium member, I feel betrayed I am very angry because i have to pay $94.47 chargebacks only because i sent tickets to the linden lab asking them to send the process credit money to my Paypal.

     Thank you Linden Lab.

    Was the chargeback from Linden Lab or from Paypal  for fees incurred when you cancelled you request?  From Tilia?

    • Like 1
  10. 11 hours ago, animats said:

    Exactly. I've been saying that for a while, phrased as "look like Strawberry Linden's blog". I've said that each new user should leave orientation with a good mesh avatar and one good outfit.

    It's a strength of SL  that you and your stuff can look really good. Far better than any other virtual world. It's a problem that putting it all together is almost as hard as it is in real life.

    The actual problem in my view is sure, you can give them a nice avatar and one nice outfit but then they want more.  They don't realize that most people who look amazing and have that huge SL home have spent a great deal of RL money here.  They want it NOW.  Then you'll see them hit the inworld employment section with hopes of some high paying job even though they have no marketable skills.  SL is not like a video game where you rack up experience points to upgrade anything.  You either have to do some work to find quality freebies or...spend RL cash.  

    It is kind of an entitled mentality.  And youtube videos showing one woman and her lavish mansion are deceiving.  You want that mansion?  Plan on spending $20 or more.  That fabulous wardrobe and accessories that everyone else has?  $100.  

    You can spend all day tell, showing someone how everything works but if they then don't take the time and effort and possibly money it takes to improve, they won't bother staying.

    • Like 3
  11. 4 minutes ago, FairreLilette said:

    They've been mentioned:  Tres Blah, Ison, Neve are one's I've used.  Tres Blah is a favorite.  Giz Seorn perhaps too.

    I want to look like a trollop...I just don't know where I can actually wear trollop clothing too.  

    People wear it EVERYWHERE.  Nothing worse than tping into a shopping event and seeing things I don't even see in a lot of adult areas.  No one needs it all hanging out while shopping.  Throw on a trench coat, ffs!  Although, I do see the appeal of possibly wearing a BOM swim suit so you can try on things while you're there  but I always take my stuff home so as not to clog up busy events.

  12. 1 minute ago, Claireschen Hesten said:

    The new TMP Meshbody Legacy and Classic bodies use BoM it's a one time activation once you've enabled media in the HUD to get this function off their severs. It's true the old TMP everything exists on their servers and you won't be able to access any customisations when they get shut down. I had a few occasions on an alt where i couldn't access any options in the TMP HUD to re-texture their in house clothes i did get it the Classic when it was L$1 but didn't like the obvious break in the mesh on one of the legs and have since moved it over to the free Maitreya compatible Lucy Body.

    True, with BOM there's not much reason to store anything on their hud which I don't.  The only time I really need to attach it is if I need to change foot height or the alpha section.  It still has all of my old content from TMP but eh, not much interest in accessing that anymore.

  13. 58 minutes ago, mysteriousdots said:

    well that is what clubs in sl are for. first they ask you to host, if you complain that you don't get enough money then they ask you to dance and then they ask you to strip.. trust me i seen it all in sl in my 8 years of playing here.

    Just stop.  You're giving horrible advice.

    @Trisha1020pay NO attention to @mysteriousdotsthere are quite a few jobs listed in this sub forum with information on how to apply.


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