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Rowan Amore

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Posts posted by Rowan Amore

  1. 55 minutes ago, Skell Dagger said:

    That's not needed in the head's HUD because it's already in the viewer :) It's what the 'revoke permissions' part of 'Avatar Health > Stop Avatar Animations & Revoke Permissions' does.

    Would that not stop ALL animations including the ones on the furniture you happen to be using?  The best thing would be if all furniture creators had the 'shut off facial animations' button included.  I don't expect them to make animations for each and every head that's available either.  And let's be frank, why are you even bothering to pay that much attention to those faces?  If one is funny/weird/creepy, work it into the RP.  Slex is supposed to be fun so have some fun with it.  

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  2. 12 minutes ago, Misty Moxie said:

    I dont want this house that I have through my account please help me

    Pick up all your stuff first, then in about land window, general tab, abandon land.  You titled the thread premium account.  Is this because you don't plan on renewing your premium?

    If so, you might as well wait until right before it expires.

  3. Picture 2 is the default catwa skin on the catwa HUD.  Honestly, not that great of a skin but just pick a shade on the skin tab on the head HUD.

    You can edit the shape of the head to make the first pic look less cartoony.  Most people have to edit some to get the look they want.

  4. 22 minutes ago, sunnyrio said:

    Of course it's a game!  It's a program run on a computer for the purposes of entertainment, the very definition of a computer game!  You don't..... think it's real do you?  You do know those avatars are just computer generated?  You realise that what goes on in there isn't the same as real life?  When you have sex in the game you aren't actually pregnant when you close the program. It's a multiplayer game.  Just because more than one person is in it doesn't stop it being a game.

    In the sense that most gamers think of games, it's not A game.  Of course we don't think it's real, don't be silly but..as quoted:

    Linden Lab, the company that created the platform that is Second Life, is emphatic that their creation is not a game. “There is no manufactured conflict, no set objective,” says spokesperson Catherine Smith. “It’s an entirely open-ended experience.”

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    45 minutes ago, 1kristenswan said:

    HeyJaida, another update.  I totally forgot I could log on twice to SL.  So i went on and saw it from another point of view.

    Its clear if I apply any of the Mesh Alpha's it removes my body doesnt matter whether its the CATWA Full Body or the Maitreya.  If I then remove both this is what I look like, so clearly something I have wrong :(



    Take off the alphas.  Head and body are both BOM?  You don't need an alpha.

  6. 3 hours ago, Tagar1k said:


    I'm speechless. Can't say anything else but big and heartwarming thank you for your generosity!

    The thing is I am able to edit my posts, but the title can't be changed + is misleading (can't take more spots cuz of limited free time).

    @Aquila Kytorialready introduced me to it. I've applied to get access but haven't really touched this.

    Thanks for the tips 😁

    You can always try reporting your own thread and ask for a lock.

  7. 7 minutes ago, LittleMe Jewell said:

    Everyone is entitled to their beliefs, yet not everyone believes the same.  Not everyone believes they need to be saved.  Not everyone believes in Jesus or God or any other deity for that matter.

    You may believe it, but that does not make it fact.

    The "we are all evil people" sorta made me cringe too.  

    Ok, now I'm really leaving this thread.  🤐

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  8. 17 minutes ago, Jaide Beck said:

    But what makes us good? Is it taking out our neighbor's trash, or walking someone across a street, or teaching someone a new language, or given someone who is poor a blanket? These things are nice things to do, but do they save us?

    More blah blah blah bible thumping

    . :D 

    Save me from what exactly?  You really have no idea what makes a person good?  I feel sorry for you having to find all of that in a book written by men.  Your god didn't write that book.  Men, regular sinful men wrote it.  So I don't take much stock in anything you might quote from there. 

    What makes a good person?  Honesty, integrity, empathy, compassion, loyalty.  All things you can be without any religious belief whatsoever.  It's THOSE people who I'd say are good people more so than anyone who has to quote verses and is only good for fear of what will happen if they aren't.

    And on that note, since I have no need to read a wall of verse and whatnot....



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  9. 4 minutes ago, sunnyrio said:

    There's not much to have.  Just a bunch of free bits I "bought" to build a house.


    Can you set noon permanently?  I have to do it for every world I visit.

    I've changed my camera angle and created about 5 presets I use for various things.  But there's no way I know of to stop the camera getting caught outside the small room the avatar is in.  Apart from viewing what the avatar sees, but I prefer to see him moving about.

    When I do find people they're all either doing their own thing or not interested in any conversation, or away from the keyboard.  I guess it's like real life, walk into a crowded pub and most people aren't interesting.

    Of course I want to be entertained, that's why I got the game!  And if it's not a video game, what would you call it?  Don't say it's a life.  We have a long way to go before you can say that.  I'd need a VR helmet, graphics worthy of this century, and everything so good I can forget it's not real.


    Weird, I just ate that.  But without the bol!

    You can permanently set your WL in the firestorm viewer.

    Stop going into tiny rooms?  If your cam is close enough to the back of your head and you still run into walls, get out!

    Well, your profile is blank.  I, personally, wouldn't IM you and if you were to IM me, I might ignore you as I'd think you were either too boring to bother putting anything in your profile or you were an alt of someone I know.  Either way, yeah, I'd probably just not respond.

    It's more of an interactive chat room IMO.  A place to meet people, build things, explore what other people build.  When people come to SL with an expectation of it being anything like a game, they are sorely disappointed.  There is no goal, there are no power ups, there isn't any way to 'win'.  So yes, I guess if you expect certain things like that you'll find if boring.  I've been here 10 years and have never found it boring.  I've also found that people who whine, "I'm bored!" inworld are probably pretty boring people.

  10. 1 hour ago, sunnyrio said:

    You forgot five even more important things:

    11. Most places I visit are so dark I have to override with midday so I can see where I'm going.

    12. In places with walls, like er.... any building, the camera is often in a different room to the avatar if you're looking over their shoulder.

    13. There's so few people using Second Life for the size of it you seldom meet anyone.

    14. You very quickly run out of things to do.

    15. The graphics look like something from 20 years ago, even on full settings on a decent machine.

    I think I'll hold off playing for 5 years and see if they improve it.  I can think of 20 better games than this.

    @ #11  I always set my own WL so this isn't an issue for me.  I only change to region WL if it's important for viewing things properly.

    @ #12  Fix your camera angle like so.  http://blog.nalates.net/2011/07/24/second-life-camera-position-tips/

    @ #13  I have no trouble finding people

    @ #14  Usually said by people expecting to log in and be entertained

    @ #15  Well, this isn't a video game

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  11. Someone said: At the end of the day I’m a good woman I’m not perfect by any means but my intentions are good my heart is pure and I love hard with everything I’ve got and because of those things I’m worth it always have been and always will be.

    And all this regardless of my religion or lack of, my belief in god or my lack of, my following of one prophet over another, my belief that there is no hell or heaven, I'm a good person.

    When it's all said and done, no matter what you believe or not, being a good person is all that matters in the end.  When I die, that's all I want people to say, "She was a truly good woman" not she was a good christian, muslim, Jew, Hindu.  It matters not.


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