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Rowan Amore

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Posts posted by Rowan Amore

  1. Some of the newer furniture does include bento face animations.  Some good, some not so good.  There is usually an option to shut it off in the furniture.  Perhaps next time, ask it an amusing fun way for them to shut it off?  They generally do override the animations in the head HUD also. As for the distortion part, when you stand up, edit appearance in the pie menu and reset skeleton/animations.

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  2. 3 hours ago, AthennA20 said:

    hello, how do i get the 3d head to use in photoshop?

    You might need to give more information on what exactly you mean by 3D head.

  3. 40 minutes ago, animats said:


    Fitmesh is a big convenience for new users because they don't have to fuss with HUDs and alphas. The target audience is a 0-day user who got stuck with the 70s Disco Guy avatar and desperately wants to stop looking like a n00b default.

    But @Skell Daggersaid: I've been doing that myself, and believe me, using fitmesh isn't going to cut it, because many menswear stores aren't creating it anymore and new users won't have any of it in their inventory, so finding it will be a bit of a pain.

    If anything, trying to use fit mesh will only confuse them further as they'll be lost trying to find anything that works.  They need to learn about alphas if nothing else, huds if they go with the TMP Classics 1L mesh body.  Trying to ignore a major step in avatar creation isn't wise.  The walk in avatars have alphas.so why trying to pretend it doesn't matter?  Fit mesh is actually an inconvenience.

    I understand what you're hoping to accomplish.  I just don't feel you have the necessary tools to make it work.



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  4. 15 minutes ago, Garnet Psaltery said:

    When you can get my nationality right then I might more easily swallow your vitriol.  As it is I couldn't swallow for laughing.

    Rumple tongue kitty.jpg

    Looks like they just ate a bug.  Something extremely distasteful, no doubt.

    So let's see.  She's disparaged my intelligence and empathy and has moved on to your nationality.  That's about par for the course.  And she has the audacity to call me a bully in other threads?  Pathetic.  Luckily, I'm only seeing the vitriol when others post her rantings and I must say, it makes for a more relaxing Sunday not seeing her wall of blah blah blah.

    My shocked and surprised face.



    • Haha 4
  5. Just some info on the Classic body from TMP and also their new Legacy version, you must have media turned on for it to work.  I don't recall at the moment if it's for everything or just the section with skins, nails, clothes.

  6. 7 hours ago, Garnet Psaltery said:

    You might be confused; I'm not.  I assumed that my opening comment was plain enough.  The topic was not about politics, but about LL.  I even restated that further down.  Of course there would be some who'd ignore what I say, and use any chance to stand on a soapbox.  The topic title referred to the blog but I see now it was a handy way to highlight the soapboxers.  I'll file that away as a useful tool. 

    Before the cat pics arrived the derailment had already occurred with people posting about politics, so I knew the topic was already doomed.  I let it run so that some of us could have fun with it.  I'm not minded to add to the comments about voting, since that was not the topic, and I have little interest in US politics anyway.  Now cats are a different matter.

    You throw the insult at me about being self-centred but it's you who demonstrate that quality when you choose to ignore my actual comments and you throw in another insult with your assumption that those who choose not to talk in this topic about certain issues do not care about them.

    Since I asked last night for this topic to be locked (right after I posted the Hallowe'en cat and before you posted that diatribe above) I'm going to post more cat pics.  You can go and seethe some more; I'll probably not respond to anything more you say here (and you will, you can't resist it).

    Wise Cat.jpg



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  7. 1 hour ago, Ceka Cianci said:

    Women call each other girl all the time, especially in America..Just as men call each other boy..


    Hey Girl, How'd it go last night?

    Girl, let me tell you what that boy did.. bla bla bla bla bla..

    Oh no he didn't!

    I tell ya Giiiiirl, I popped that boy so hard in the manbun that he fell to his knees like he was repentin all his sins!

    No you didn't Girl..

    He could still there for all I know, I didn't stick around long enough to see him get up..

    After that, it sounds like you need a girls night out..

    Girl,That's just what I need..



    You go, girl!


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  8. 18 hours ago, animats said:



    Fits at last. A mesh body wearing fitmesh sized for classic non-mesh avatars. Jacket and jeans are fitmesh. This is Bento and BOM, too, so it's all the latest SL clothing technologies.

    Turns out the reason the skin peeked through at the belt line in the posting above was that someone was overcompensating and set the default  "package" shape appearance slider slider to 100. Set to 50, the body is inside the jeans. (So fitmesh doesn't respond to that slider, unlike "butt size", which does affect fitmesh.)


    If you see this, it should fit. (Pending further testing.)

    I need to try more clothing, but I expect that most fitmesh clothing that works with classic male avatars will work with this one. I've tried some other fitmesh items and they fit. Fitmesh either works or it doesn't; the end user can't adjust anything. For fitmesh, it's the clothing creator's job to get sizing and alphas right.

    This body has no HUDs. It doesn't need them. With BOM, clothing that needs an alpha layer is supposed to come with one. That simplifies things for new users. On the male side, there's not much demand for nail coloring, lip gloss, and such, so HUDs for that are unnecessary.

    This looks promising for a new user tutorial and starter kit. New Resident Island has a good one for women only; they come out wearing Ruth with one good outfit. This can be the equivalent on the male side.

    I'd talked to some of the Caledon Oxbridge people about adding a section to the newcomer tutorial to include mesh clothing. They've been interested, but as a nonprofit, they can't promote the expensive name brands. Same for Firestorm Help Island.

    I'll put together a starter kit and see where this goes.


    Right. That's what I'm using here.

    The HUD is also helpful since not everything that says fit mesh will hide everything you need it to which is where that alpha section comes in handy..  It doesn't seem as though you quite understand how it all works.to be honest.  

    Eta:  what body is that?  The hands look like regular SL hands.

  9. 4 hours ago, Luna Bliss said:


    Yet here you are whining and complaining in total self-centeredness because their post reminding us to vote did not include you somehow.
    If I were you I would call for a lock, because I'd be awfully embarrassed due to the utter self-absorption I displayed.


    Now, where is that ignore button.

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  10. 45 minutes ago, Prettisusu said:

    I want to download the the BD viewer but google drive gave me a message ( google will not be able to scan the viewer of viruses because its too big) Is the black dragon viewer safe to download ?

    As long as you download from their official website it's perfectly safe.


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    2 hours ago, QueenBeeBuzz said:

    Hello, I'm currently looking for paid employment. ( I'd prefer if typing in the chat is allowed rather than using voice chat ). I don't have much work experience on SL, as I just signed into this account after being inactive for a while. But if anyone is currently hiring, I'd love to work for you. Thank you :).

    - Bee.

    Hey Bee!  You could always take a look here: https://community.secondlife.com/forums/forum/312-inworld-employment/

    There's probably a dozen places hiring with contact info included in their posts.  

    Good Luck

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