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Felicia Nova

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  1. I wouldn't have figured it out unless a Linden told me, so odd that there is no mention of this fix anywhere. At least i'm happy my solution worked for you too!
  2. In the end fixed it by 'edit appearence' and not saving. For some reason that was the problem, nothing to do with inventory not being synced.
  3. I forgot to mention, but they recently did sync my inventory(past tuesday). So I'm so confused what is going on.
  4. Pretty much what the title states. Tried the following things to fix this, which sadly didnt work: Relogged multiple times. tested my connection (which is just fine). Checked if I could load stuff in regular SL (which loaded just fine). Used the regular viewer and firestorm. Equip the test avatar, relogging after. waiting it out (30 mins, nothing). Cleared cache's. Switched sims. Removing all my attachments. Dropping my graphics to the lowest possible. Reinstalling the viewer. I can see other people's avatars just fine. Anyone have another idea what I could do to get this to work :C? Thanks in advance!
  5. If this is already answered anywhere on the forum, I'm sorry, couldn't find it So, I was wondering if there is a way to apply regular omega appliers to a BoM object, something like this: https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/BOM-Pregnant-Belly/19446680 Is there a known relay for any of this? Or is this just an impossible task? Thanks in advance :)
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