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Everything posted by Orwar

  1. A skin is the layer of your avatar where the textures depicting skin goes. As Fritigern said, this is generally speaking a collection of 3 skins - though for some mesh bodies there are more textures, depending on how the mesh has been UV-mapped. For some other avatars, made from mesh or prims, it may also be fewer textures.
  2. Oh, oh, I could totally see myself preforming a ceremony in a dark, towering structure of pointed arches and spires with a slightly leaky organ (oi! the musical instrument) playing a wheezy march that could as well be for a funeral. *ahem* Dearly beloved, we are assembled here in this twisted congregation to witness the unholy union of these here carnal lunatics. Life is full of moments of joy as well as moments of disappointment; regardless of how those who now stand before me shall proceed, whether with success or failure to uphold this matrimony with dignity and passion, at least we may remember today for what a lovely cake we will be feasting upon once the completion of this ritual. Remember that everything that is born must also perish, and that until we meet with the inevitable, the best we may hope for is that everything doesn't totally suck. Perhaps, you may help each other stave off such distress and instead turn the challenges ahead of you into opportunities to grow stronger together - considering the expenses of today's arrangements I should hope so! Again, no refunds. Should anyone have reason to object to this union, I ask that you sit down in silence, as we've no time slot in the schedule for drama. In fact we've failed to take into account any time for asking whether you consent so I'll cut this short - you may now snog the bride.
  3. That sounds great and all, but when do we get cake? Just kidding - congrats again!
  4. Oh. "all", not "turtles". Makes sense! Anyway, when I kitted my female alt up, I went with the same philosophy as when I made my male avatar - whether I'll be using it or not, I'd like my avatar to be 'complete'. I was advised to get for the VAW one, and I think that it works very well - however, I'd suggest the "inner only" option (both options come in the same pack), as the outer parts may clip when you move, and can be iffy to get in the right skin tone (essentially it's the same issue as with neck seams - even using skins supplied by the same skin creator, how they appear on the mesh may differ depending on the brand - and in that area, it can be pretty much just one big neck seam!). Can't really say much about it's functionality though as I never tinkered with that (there's a pun in there-- But I don't think the forum rating would allow it!). As with anything though, I'd advise that you demo as much as you can, to get a first hand experience.
  5. I'm afraid we're quite out of luck on the fashion front. But you may want to look up ContraptioN (some Victorian/Steampunk apparel) and ColdAsh.
  6. .. My Spanish-- Or Portuguese(?) is a little bit flaky... Did you just say 'Hello turtles'?
  7. A concept that ought to be common sense. Alas ...
  8. ... ... See, that's a penny I may never see again!
  9. Mmhm, I think we just discovered why that is!
  10. I did get one with a demo from... Blueberry, I think. So it appears to be possible. The AO in that one wasn't quite "me" though.
  11. Silver... You know that's for slaughtering those pesky dogs, right? Against the undead, it's no better than a butter knife. This isn't some Hollywood B-movie!
  12. No, I don't think BOM will have any effect on how legs and long skirts/dresses play with each other. It's mainly because of how animations move the bones and how the apparel is rigged to your body; if you've got an animation wherein you cross your legs (like Syo in the post above this one), and you're wearing a long dress/skirt, the dress will implode on itself and clip through itself. The best way to deal with dress/skirt implosions is to avoid such animations whilst wearing them. I'd suspect/hope that there's some sort of leg or animation overrider-overrider that either locks your legs in place or just make them move very slightly when your avatar is moving - if anyone know of a good one, I'd be very interested to know!
  13. No, no, I'm not looking for friends with their online status hidden - this might end up a bit of a rant, but I do have a point that I'd like to make. I frequently do look up the profiles of people who post in the Make Friends forum to see if they appear interesting and, most importantly, whether they're online. Sometimes, when a person appears interesting to me but appear offline, I'll write them a little note card to introduce myself and let them know I saw their post and decided to contact them - and I drop it at them, and they receive the item just fine; they're online! I might as well have put this in the pet peeve thread, I suppose, but I also figured it might be relevant for people who are indeed on the look-out for friends; I highly suspect that some people may well skip you over if they look you up and are led to believe that you're not online. They might check in again later, and still thinking you're offline assume that you just don't share their online hours and pass you (at least, I do!). Whether you post in these forums, or if you sign up at some in-world venue for finding friends or partners, your hidden online status might just be what causes you to miss out on potential friends! I get that people, for different reasons, may want to hide their online status - but if you just tick that box because "privacy", well, you may well be getting more of it than you asked for. And if you do post here to try finding some friends, at least toggle it off temporarily for a few days? </rant> I'm curious though, is it just me or does seeing the red 'offline' notice in a profile turn you off from trying to reach out to that person in that moment?
  14. I'm not sure what help you're offering, but feel free to ask if there's anything you need help with.
  15. Now then, let's see if we can't find a quick and easy way to bring this argument to a conclusion.
  16. I'm not quite techy enough to be able to get behind how exactly the calculations work or how precisely they preform, but from my experimenting with complexity tolerance I've noted that fully rendering an avatar with 200K complexity does indeed appear to have a larger impact on my FPS than fully rendering someone who clocks in at 80K does (by toggling "render fully" off and on on random avatars with different complexity values whilst in an already taxing setting). I know that it might be a bit of a primitive form of experimenting, but since FPS is usually the go-to measurement for graphical performance, unless my results are just totally random chance - it appears that avatar complexity is at least somewhat on the right track. I do prefer to see the people around me, as that sort of feels what clubbing in SL is largely about - but if a person doll up their avies to the point that they alone can cost me an absurd FPS loss, not caring about the performance of people around them, I think that jelly dolling them is only fair. It feels all the more pathetic when someone with well over 200K complexity IM me something like 'nice avi'; I usually tell them that they have 'a nice colour to their jelly doll' - some don't understand what I'm talking about, others get pissy about me not wanting to render their trainwreck of an avatar (especially if you scan them and find that they're running around wearing their high-scripted, highly complex genitalia hidden in their trousers). The one thing with the current system that I think might need improvement is that you should get a warning when you attach something with an extremely high amount of complexity. It's easy enough not to notice the complexity prompts when you have your inventory open and focus on picking out an outfit - suddenly you're just way over the top, and don't know why. Often it can be as simple as a single attachment having a few hundred thousand complexity to it, and removing that one thing (usually it's shoes, hair or sculpted jewelry) would put you well within a reasonable complexity level.
  17. Creators (and bloggers) who refuse to tell you what <insert accessory/apparel> is used in the advert, and chastise you for having the audacity to waste their time asking questions not related to their own products. Especially bloggers who say that "I didn't list that item in the credits, because they didn't sponsor me - I only include my sponsors' products in the credits". Fair do's, no point following you then, huh? Huh?! Bloody brats.
  18. There are tons of stores that sell photo poses of various styles, with or without props. Backdrop City has a mall with pose stores at their ground level that you can check out - you can also keep an eye on Seraphim since they often announce when stores have sales, and there have been quite a few sales from different pose stores lately. I would suggest, when it comes to poses, that you always should try the pose in-world though, since your avatar shape may not work with all poses (poses that put your hand on your hip, for example, can put it through your gut or out in the air depending on your shape sliders). Browsing the MP is fine, but go to the in-world store to try the pose before you spend your money on it; if they don't have an in-world store, I personally would go for finding a different pose (unless the pose doesn't have any risk of clipping or other issues). Many pose stores straight-up cater to the T-rex people (if you can't beat 'em, sell them poses?) whose arms don't reach their waists, I have several gift and freebie poses from such creators that look absolutely ridiculous with my shape. A few brands I use that I could recommend: Artis Poses (I can't seem to find the in-world location - @Tamara Artis?), Hera Poses, Poseology and Voir (Voir has some very large fatpacks, I think there's a specific 'Model' set even!).
  19. Darn, I saw this tread earlier and was going to reply in it, but I went to get a clip from my Flickr that I caught of one of the Abranimation rave dances - and apparently I had taken it down whilst cleaning my feed. ... Might have to go check out any suggestions that pops up here for myself, too.
  20. Agreed. I never heard of that sim before, so I went in and had a look - it's nice, and it's a shame it might be going out of business. But the entitled whining of its supporters and the (from the little I've read, some of which might be plain hearsay) creator, makes me almost want to watch it burn.
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