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Alwin Alcott

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Everything posted by Alwin Alcott

  1. relog mostly resets stuck AO's or other attachments
  2. if you have nothing else to do than stick in sick groups and report others please go on, but don't ask for advice here ? SL is for relaxing and fun and all other things you can't enjoy or realize in RL, please stay in those groups it will keep others free to enjoy SL while you fight windmills like Don Quixote
  3. don't you think it's a bit strange you are still in those groups?... and are you sure there is nothing that activated this so called pedophile(s) to start chats? In my whole sl life i never heared this, even on my child alts, i never had any sexual harrasment. You must have a wrong choice for joining groups. Next to that it won't be the first time some buggers encourage pedo's for fun, and as soon they respond they start yelling and report them for being perverts ( what they are) but the ones triggering it aren't much better. This might happen in your groups too... leave them would be best solution in my opnion.
  4. if you change it you will get a message, most likely it's seen as spam and will end in the spam folder. Or perhaps spam is deleted even without reaching your mailbox, if you repeat this and still not get a message contact your isp, if they tell it's not on their side, send a support ticket to LL for solving this.
  5. when you get the message you can't login for problems it's a bit weird to start talking about hacked account. This message is always given when there's a problem between your pc and the servers of LL, can often be solved by resetting your router/modem. If this doesn't help it's most likely at your isp's side.
  6. undo it the same way as yo putted the color on it, if you didn't change the original texture and only the color, picking white will undo your change. If you changed the texture itself you will have to contact the creator if he/she is prepared to help you ....if not.... you need a new one
  7. as far i know minimap is only to see avatars around you, or your own position on the sim, not for objects. The only reason objects are globally shown is to have a reference where somebody else is holding up. For locating objects the area search is way more accurate.
  8. nobody can help you with that here, you will need to look at the landforums, this section is for technical issues, not rentals you also can use marketplace to find land to rent. https://community.secondlife.com/t5/Land-Forum/ct-p/LandForum
  9. you can only change your hovering viewerside, all other animations have to be adjusted manually, often using the hud thats controlling them has that option.
  10. breedable sim?? omg... think about the tiers when they get little ones...every sim is 295 usd a month.....perhaps LL will cut it as long it's not fulll grown
  11. when he also had others in that call i assume it's a groupconference so you are in that group too... groups are joined by youself. And is it'snot a group he would have to pick you somewhere for some reason, so look at your own trail. With only yelling here there's a pedophile you proof nothing, it's only your story. If you can't stand the dark side of SL, hit the red cross in the right upper corner, thats still the best protection.
  12. if somethign looks to good to be true it mostly is not true.... give your name on those sites and they might install a keylogger...bye bye account info.....
  13. here you find the one and only trustable investor... do it yourself https://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/Buying-and-selling-Linden-dollars/ta-p/700107
  14. Also Alwin seems to be a prude nope... i don't hate nudity at all, just not all the time and everywhere, and for sure not when traveling around, it's a disrespect to the people you find on your path. Posting it here with the question if it's acceptable it's simply a no no for me, childlike or adult, no difference.
  15. why would you do so if you don't think the avatar looks childlike? simply because this look isn't acceptable for me, i don't like it.
  16. as far i know LL never had this option, you have to look at the third party sellers. http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Linden_Lab_Official:Linden_Dollar_%28L$%29_Authorized_Reseller_Program
  17. nah not really childlike, but would ban and eject without a warning when finding somebody like that on my land. (think thats the real question under your message) Not what i take as a pg/general allowed apearance.
  18. you don't have to go to your bank, they can't do anything for you, it's billed by paypal. LL does not bill any bankaccount directly. You gave paypal unconditional access to bill your bankaccount for anything billed on your online account. The only thing you need to do is recall and end your recurring billing access on your paypal account for LL. If you have owned any land during the last billingcycle you can't do anything against it, you will have to pay as everybody else.
  19. i won't say it's a open invitation, but going afk on a sexbed is a bit ... ehm ... dumb .. there is no privacy on sl, everybody who sees it can join. Simply log off if you can't keep an eye on your avi.
  20. My point with all of this is, if you’re in doubt about how to review based perhaps on what you think are subjective and/or unfair things, then simply make it about fair and objetive ones some people always ask others before taking any action, they have such lack of confidence they can;t make their own opinion. Shoes that look good on pictures, looks good in real, but is not ok as soon you put it on?...sorry... but thats just weird. Buy a furry avatar and you don't need shoes... problem solved
  21. the only option is to make the everybody role the lowest in ranking, it's a system role you can't avoid all people getting in it.
  22. i wonder a bit how you know these things... as far i know viewer information isn't collected anymore and if you see things in his sandbox, how sure are you it's copied and not only he rezzes his inventory there?..or perhaps bought full perm builder kits for retexturing?.. be carefull with AR and accusing, before you know you are the one who's banned. report it and stop being bigger saint than the pope. As soon it's reported it's out of your hands
  23. what i don't read in your post is if you tried to set the scripts to running again.... perhaps you been too heavy loaded and the owner of a place putted your scripts off?
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