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Everything posted by MIstahMoose

  1. If you use numbers to rotate around your object you might occassionaly be hitting the number 5 which goes in and out of ortho/perspective mode
  2. uh.. I've never had it take more than a week..? You should plan ahead man
  3. Just alpha the avatars legs and you're good to go.
  4. http://lmgtfy.com/?q=How+to+create+3d+models+for+games
  5. To have them compatible with the LOLA tango appliers the uv unwrap would have to be exactly the same. I am not sure you're looking for a scripter.. Maybe just "Help needed"
  6. Also the fact that it is sixteen times higher will completely destroy your graphics card trying to render it. So sticking to your screen resolution is typically best.
  7. I believe when you insert an animation into a gesture it copies it by default. So anything that is no copy will keep trying to copy and fail to insert No way to say "no, don't copy. Just go in" at least that's what my brain is telling me as I try to shove one into a gesture lol
  8. WIth a program that costs so much, yes. They have their secrets locked up. Try blender, much more free access to lessons and learning, Even in-world classes. Unless you actually paid for Maya, then yeah.. keep learning that. Check out forums like polycount/cghub to find places to learn maya. Polycount wiki si awesome. Youtube seems to pull up plenty on maya?
  9. What are your system specs? Are you planning to upgrade? Or are you looking to buy? You need to plan it out a bit more to buy, need al ot more than a graphics card. You need to plan it out more if you're planning to upgrade, you may not be able to use the graphics card you'd like to. This i the build I will be doing later this summer http://pcpartpicker.com/p/37qpA It will no doubt crush ultra under it. Though with SLI link between the second card that i will get later in the year it will leave no surivors. (THought the largest problem with people running ultra is that everyone freaking uses 1024x1024 textures. So really if everything was optimized in SL it would be no problem running ultra on even a mid level pc. Anyhow, Let me know your specsand if you're trying to upgrade man. I can toss you a nice card/upgrade idea)
  10. The UV layout is locked however the creator set it to be. You can't change it. They should have left you a note on how to use it, but yes. Whatever results you're getting now you are going to have to work around
  11. Sounds like a PS script. Sorry but no idea
  12. RAW Files are the files the creator used to edit whatever you are purchasing. Be it, .psd,.dae,.fbx,.blend etc So essentially they are giving you the ability to take the prefab a step further by customizing it to your will. Rather than just a UV unwrap so you can only change the texture.
  13. Drongle McMahon wrote: What about the normal map and its alpha channel? If those plywood cubes are local lights, the specular exponent map in the normal map alpha can have a significant effect. All images are converted to jpeg 2000 before uploading. I think a 16-bit tga uses 5 bits each for RGB and, optionally, the last bit for one-bit-transparency. Whether your tga used the optional bit, or whether SL uses it when there, I don't know. In any case, I highly doubt whether the jpeg2000 uses the reduced colour depth of the 16-bit tga. Unless it does, then there would presumably be no difference in the upload size compared with a 24-bit tga. The main difference would be including the one-bit-transparency if it is used. On the other hand, using a 24-bit tga instead of a 32-bit tga does save upload size because there is no alpha channel data uploaded from a 24-bit tga. (Strictly speaking, it seems tga can specify peculiar colour depth formats that would allow alpha in 24-bit/pixel, but I doubt they are ever used). So the question is, what use is an eight-bit alpha chanel in the specular map? I hope the attached picture will illustrate this. These are all prim cubes with materials applied. The first three all use the normal map shown below, and all four have "glossiness" (specular exponent) set to 0 and "environment" set to 255. So we are looking only at environmental reflection. The first three all have blank white diffuse texture and the same rgb channels of specular map shown below. For the first, this is in a 24-bit png, which has no alpha channel. In the second, it is a 32-bit png with an all-white alpha channel. This looks tha sames as the first, showing that using a 24-bit specular map with no alpha has thw same effect as a completely opaque alpha chabbel. The third cube uses the same image in the alpha channel as in the rgb channels. This leads to reduction of the excessive shininess of the first two. In my view, this already provides a far superior metallic look. Of course, something in-between might be even better, and this can be achieced by appropriate adjustment of the alpha channel. Finally, using the alpha channel allows the mixing of shiny and non-shiny areas in the same material. This is shown at the right. This uses the default plywood diffuse texture, a grey tint, and the normal and specular maps from an earlier thread. There are three levels of shininess, high for the bolts, lower for the bars, and zero for the panels. Thanks for clearing up the upload information for me It would be good to know if saving as 24bit does eliminate the alpha channel or not. Your example does a lot better of a job than mine Though I still feel that it isn't really that necessary to have the alpha channel there. It kind of forces the metallic feel at all times, even if light isn't really shining on it. While it can get some cool results, it just looks very forced, I feel replicating metal with just the spec map seems to have cleaner and more realistic results as of now. Possibly since the full opaque alpha and no alpha are both the same SL might force an opaque white environment alpha onto your textures? therefore everything has an Alpha texture? I guess we'd just have to ask a linden to know for sure.
  14. So, If you're wondering what you're looking at we have from left to right A specular map (32bit tga) with the alpha channel painted randomly, set to max A specular map with the specular map(32bit tga) duplicated on te alpha channel and environment set to max A specular map with just specular(16bit tga) and shininess set to high I was curious if the alpha channel really had a big effect, because someone said I shouldn't save my spec tga's as 16bit(Eliminating the alpha channel that effects environment). So what I find is that the alpha channel can be used to make some really neat metal features, but the only issue is that if you want the environment to effect your texture at all you have to put the environment slider past 0. Which, in most cases...you don't want to. It makes a strong metallic feel on your object. So I figure, save as a 16bit tga and eliminate the alpha channel, so people don't have to load as much data. (If that is possible, or are all imports given an alpha channel when uploaded?) and then a 32bit if you plan to do something with the environment setting in the specular area of the material settings. You CAN see the environment, sky and land.. but nothing else. So IMO the extra channel really isn't worth it unless you need a strong metallic feel to your object. Who knows, maybe I am doing this all wrong? Thoughts? Opinions?
  15. I once ate two large pizzas in one sitting.
  16. lol theres no bumping on this forum. What does your unwrap look like?
  17. If you state something controversial you get controversy. Welcome to the world.
  18. If you purchase it on steam you can request a code for the standalone as well. (Oops didnt see you had edited and said this) Also, the program techinicall IS hundreds of dollars. We are currently just using a standard edition, once released the commercial version will be $500ish I believe. I do not remember exactly but it did start with a 5
  19. My point being that you have posted something interesting and then went to give false information about it. This is how people are wrongly educated. This is how rumors start, and this is how you get yourself in trouble in the professional world. It takes two seconds to google something as simple as who made sculptris before you falsely say that another person created this webGL program and sculptris.
  20. Most games have set clothing and set sizes for their sliders typically a 1-10 slide for each area. SL has to adapt and make it useable for any set of clothing with a 1-100 slider. Linden lap isn't a triple AAA game studio. The team is rather small if you didn't notice. With such a large project and a small team its hard to please a community so large, so they try what they can to fix and progress. What is click and wear mesh? Aren't we already clicking and wearing mesh? They really aren't aimed at the gamer. They are developing a social platform. The reason they sought to expand to steam st one point was to try to bring in more customers. How would they extend their in world building tools to include mesh? You've never been on the inside, so why do you act like you know what's going on? You judge a social engine given to the community for free with the option to pay for it. Most choose just to utilize it for free. So yes, let's demand so much from a company and give back as little as possible
  21. Why do people post things like "I believe this because it is similar to this" Tomas Pettersson developed sculptris btw. Just so credit is give. Where credit is due
  22. Theres an Export all channels button. Not sure if its included in the demo? Working with the full version here (EDITED: Apparently it exports it all as png? hrm.) Those guys over at Allegorithmic work hard and deserve as much support as anyone can give. They're creating the next-gen texturing pipeline. With just two programs, rather than the current not-so-great one that everyone is working with thatconsists of 3 or more programs. ETA: If anyone needs help with it just toss me an IM. I have been and will be working with it a lot in the future. I will try to answer your questions as best I can, but do not expect me to hold your hand through everything, I do have things I have to do
  23. Not saying give up at all. Just rethink what you can do to really make them want your product. IE combining a lot of these templates into a PSD that allows people to easily change what design the clothing has to easily hash out new ideas? You just really have to offer them something that sparks their interest. "Oh while I can make one of these clothing templates really fast, having all of them in a psd that I can change and utilize faster than making my own would really help -buys-"
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