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Everything posted by VirtualKitten

  1. If i move it to the center its still doesn't work can anyone help please? I am told I cant use curved bendy bones in Secondlife ?
  2. Hi @Quarrel Kukulcan Yes am familiar with this basic rigging in this video . As I said in previous posts dragon body is rigged which I have animated and worked fine . The only problem i was having starting this thread was the teeth originally when you moved the head these was left in place . Now this doesn't happen but the teeth at the front stay attached to top of mouth and the tongue no longer works as it before all these additions . The eyeballs still do not rotate when you move relevant bone. However i am trying to get moth working first . Are there better positions for teeth? Selected is there current position of the teeth bones I have added a red-ring around the section of teeth which i believe is the problem below:
  3. @Aquila Kytori Please see video for corner of the jaw Does anyone know my my teeth bones don't work? to encapsulate teeth in model when jaw moves ? https://i.gyazo.com/e826692b4f0187d7e1d2b300285e5759.mp4
  4. https://i.gyazo.com/e826692b4f0187d7e1d2b300285e5759.mp4 Please see video above I selected the bone and as you can see from the video that the rotating the bone in weight and painting the arts not moving does not move them. What am i doing wrong as am new to this With automatic weights the whole model is black when weights applied i have seen other models on youtube with automatic weights with correct painted . I thought you could click a bone and paint around it . but its hard to find the mesh part with it all black . Does the automatic weights not work in 2.92 on face?
  5. Aquila Kytori i looked at your link http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Project_Bento_Skeleton_Guide and there seems to be missing front mHipLeft, mHipRight, mKneeLeft, mKneeRight, mAnkleLeft,mAnkleRight, mFootLeft, ,mFootRight, mToeLeft, mToeRight This link then seems out of date with the Bento Bones given here https://blog.machinimatrix.org/avatar-workbench/ IDK why they are not in a separate section which are used in human avatar these or Hind limbs? With regard image if you click it it wil zooom up larger so you can read bones your examples did not look right as there was dotted lines connecting them to other bones presumably where there root should be located D
  6. I tried weight painting but it said to : Select the Armature. Shift select the skinned mesh. Switch mode to Weight Paint. Shift-Click bones to select them. * Shift double click to select bones hidden under the mesh. Now the problem is when i do this its hard to see the parts of the mesh to paint any ideas its all black:
  7. @Aquila Kytori Do You mean like this I just tested automatic weights on eyes that the eyeball did not move
  8. @Aquila Kytori HI Thanks for the pictures I am still unsure as where to put mFaceJawShaper or what it actually does its looking a lot better thanks to your amazing help I don't understand why there is only one
  9. @Aquila Kytori Uhu it didn't open i have 2.92. I think you didn't notice the inner is attached to eyeball. Right Left
  10. Aquila Kytori I am enjoying our lesson and am learning a lot thank you I hope everyone else will from this too This is what i tried pulled both out, the shadow might be were i places lighting Other side : ninside
  11. Aquila Kytori image was that was y =1.58000 , y=1.68000 looks like this is it to much Close up
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