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Everything posted by VirtualKitten

  1. Well your version doesn't work it doesn't detect the land near my house at all let alone trees so is unworkable as the llcastray returns 0 Sorry I already tried it and sadly gave nothing. So had to go back to drawing board with what had worked so far as nothing else I had been showed had worked or rezed the fire ball on the ground psuedo ground sky box tree or anything of any structure in lsl .
  2. It also doesn't work if its not on ground pseudo ground sky box tree or anything it hits gosh this is hard to accomplish. Idk what best solution is your doesnt work at all in sky box pseudo land, tree or only on ground i think you ray cannot be working correctly. I have _RezBall(float radial) //Offset in meters. { //This will rez the object at (offset) meters in front of the root. integer link = check_for_prim("Fire Emitter"); //llOwnerSay("link:"+(string)link); list l = llGetLinkPrimitiveParams(link,[PRIM_POS_LOCAL,PRIM_ROT_LOCAL]); rotation emitRot = (rotation) llList2String(l,1); vector emitPos = llList2Vector(l,0); vector rezAt; getRootDetails(); list targets = llCastRay(emitPos, emitPos + <0.0, 0.0, 32.0> * emitRot, [RC_DETECT_PHANTOM, TRUE]); if( _debug) llOwnerSay("Raycast got " + llDumpList2String(targets, ",") ); integer iiMax = llGetListLength(targets); integer hits = llList2Integer(targets, iiMax-1); if(hits > 0 ) { iiMax -=1; // move back from the result count to the last returned pair integer ii; list targetDetails; if( hits > 0) { for( ii = 0; ii < iiMax; ii+=2) { targetDetails = llGetObjectDetails(llList2Key(targets, ii), [OBJECT_NAME, OBJECT_POS]); string targetName = llList2String(targetDetails, 0); vector targetPos = llList2Vector(targetDetails, 1); rezAt = llList2Vector(targets, ii+1); // See the caveat regarding silently failing at too great a distance if(_debug) llOwnerSay("Found " + targetName + " (" + (string) targetPos + ") " + " at " + (string) rezAt ); llRezObject("Fireball(llDie)", rezAt, ZERO_VECTOR, ZERO_ROTATION, 0); } } } else { // Try an alternative method. //This will rez the object at (offset) meters in front of the root. list l = llGetLinkPrimitiveParams(link,[PRIM_POS_LOCAL,PRIM_ROT_LOCAL]); vector v_Pos =(vector) llList2String(l,0); rotation r_Rot = (rotation) llList2String(l,1); vector a1 = llRot2Euler(r_Rot); a1 *= RAD_TO_DEG; float angle_top = a1.y; // y is z in this model vector size = llList2Vector(llGetLinkPrimitiveParams(0,[PRIM_SIZE]),0)/2; llOwnerSay("Rotation: " +(string)a1+" , size: "+(string)size); pos = llGetPos(); llOwnerSay("Root.z:" + (string)pos.z + "Local.z:" + (string)v_Pos.z); float zhieght = v_Pos.z+(size.z) ; float Xhoriz =llTan(PI_BY_TWO-angle_top)*zhieght; llOwnerSay("Angle: "+(string)angle_top + ", Hieght: "+(string)zhieght+", XHoriz:"+(string) Xhoriz); pos = llGetPos(); pos.y += (Xhoriz)-.25; pos.z -=zhieght; vector finPos = (v_Pos + (<radial,0,0>*r_Rot)-llGetPos())*llGetRot(); finPos = pos; //radial*rootRot to get the correct offset relative to the root (accounting for rotation) then add the region coords. if( _debug) llOwnerSay("Manual Pos got " + (string)finPos + "Manual Rot got " + (string)r_Rot); if( _debug) llOwnerSay("Manual RootPos got " + (string)llGetPos() + "Manual RootRot got " + (string)llGetRot()); llRezObject("Fireball(llDie)",finPos,ZERO_VECTOR,r_Rot*llGetRot(),0); }
  3. [06:17] Fire Emitter: Raycast got 0 [06:17] Fire Emitter: Rotation: <179.99990, 50.65000, 90.00005> , size: <6.55973, 3.06752, 1.72104> [06:17] Fire Emitter: Root.z:3498.521000Local.z:0.355501 [06:17] Fire Emitter: Angle: 50.650000, Hieght: 2.076540, XHoriz:5.131605 [06:17] Fire Emitter: Manual Pos got <199.88790, 47.70318, 3496.44400>Manual Rot got <-0.63915, 0.63915, -0.30247, 0.30247> [06:17] Fire Emitter: Manual RootPos got <199.88790, 42.57158, 3498.52100>Manual RootRot got <-0.88015, 0.00184, 0.00448, 0.47467> in } else { // Try an alternative method. //This will rez the object at (offset) meters in front of the root. list l = llGetLinkPrimitiveParams(link,[PRIM_POS_LOCAL,PRIM_ROT_LOCAL]); vector v_Pos =(vector) llList2String(l,0); rotation r_Rot = (rotation) llList2String(l,1); vector a1 = llRot2Euler(r_Rot); a1 *= RAD_TO_DEG; float angle_top = a1.y; // y is z in this model vector size = llList2Vector(llGetLinkPrimitiveParams(0,[PRIM_SIZE]),0)/2; llOwnerSay("Rotation: " +(string)a1+" , size: "+(string)size); pos = llGetPos(); llOwnerSay("Root.z:" + (string)pos.z + "Local.z:" + (string)v_Pos.z); float zhieght = v_Pos.z+(size.z) ; float Xhoriz =llTan(PI_BY_TWO-angle_top)*zhieght; llOwnerSay("Angle: "+(string)angle_top + ", Hieght: "+(string)zhieght+", XHoriz:"+(string) Xhoriz); pos = llGetPos(); pos.y += (Xhoriz) -0.25; // minus half size of emitter ball pos.z -=zhieght; vector finPos = (v_Pos + (<radial,0,0>*r_Rot)-llGetPos())*llGetRot(); finPos = pos; //radial*rootRot to get the correct offset relative to the root (accounting for rotation) then add the region coords. if( _debug) llOwnerSay("Manual Pos got " + (string)finPos + "Manual Rot got " + (string)r_Rot); if( _debug) llOwnerSay("Manual RootPos got " + (string)llGetPos() + "Manual RootRot got " + (string)llGetRot()); llRezObject("Fireball(llDie)",finPos,ZERO_VECTOR,r_Rot*llGetRot(),0); } Works current direction
  4. [03:49] Fire Emitter: Raycast got 0 [03:49] Fire Emitter: Got Here [03:49] Fire Emitter: Manual Pos got <184.50000, 2903.67900, -1954.64200>Manual Pos got <-0.63915, 0.63915, -0.30247, 0.30247> 2903 is under my skybox location of emiter: <199.88788, 42.57153, 3498.52100> and rot <236.70000, 359.64999, 0.45001> root loc <199.95439, 36.27785, 3497.49805> and rot <6.04999, 0.54999, 90.00000> but it rezes no object from } else { // Try an alternative method. //This will rez the object at (offset) meters in front of the root. list l = llGetLinkPrimitiveParams(link,[PRIM_POS_LOCAL,PRIM_ROT_LOCAL]); vector v_Pos =(vector) llList2String(l,0); rotation r_Rot = (rotation) llList2String(l,1); vector finPos = (v_Pos + (<radial,0,0>*r_Rot)+llGetPos())*llGetRot(); //radial*rootRot to get the correct offset relative to the root (accounting for rotation) then add the region coords. llOwnerSay("Got Here"); if( _debug) llOwnerSay("Manual Pos got " + (string)finPos + "Manual Pos got " + (string)r_Rot); llRezObject("Fireball(llDie)",finPos,ZERO_VECTOR,r_Rot,0); }
  5. I should add this else code doesn't work either } else { // Try an alternative method. //This will rez the object at (offset) meters in front of the root. list l = llGetLinkPrimitiveParams(link,[PRIM_POS_LOCAL,PRIM_ROT_LOCAL]); vector v_rootPos =(vector) llList2String(l,0); rotation r_rootRot = (rotation) llList2String(l,1); vector finPos = v_rootPos + (<radial,0,0>*r_rootRot); //radial*rootRot to get the correct offset relative to the root (accounting for rotation) then add the region coords. llRezObject("Fireball(llDie)",finPos,ZERO_VECTOR,r_rootRot,0); }
  6. I have _RezBall(float radial) //Offset in meters. { //This will rez the object at (offset) meters in front of the root. integer link = check_for_prim("Fire Emitter"); //llOwnerSay("link:"+(string)link); list l = llGetLinkPrimitiveParams(link,[PRIM_POS_LOCAL,PRIM_ROT_LOCAL]); rotation emitRot = (rotation) llList2String(l,1); vector emitPos = llList2Vector(l,0); vector rezAt; getRootDetails(); list targets = llCastRay(emitPos, emitPos + <0.0, 0.0, 32.0> * emitRot, [RC_DETECT_PHANTOM, TRUE]); if( _debug) llOwnerSay("Raycast got " + llDumpList2String(targets, ",") ); if(llGetListLength(targets) > 0 ){ integer iiMax = llGetListLength(targets); integer hits = llList2Integer(targets, iiMax-1); iiMax -=1; // move back from the result count to the last returned pair integer ii; list targetDetails; if( hits > 0) { for( ii = 0; ii < iiMax; ii+=2) { targetDetails = llGetObjectDetails(llList2Key(targets, ii), [OBJECT_NAME, OBJECT_POS]); string targetName = llList2String(targetDetails, 0); vector targetPos = llList2Vector(targetDetails, 1); rezAt = llList2Vector(targets, ii+1); // See the caveat regarding silently failing at too great a distance if(_debug) llOwnerSay("Found " + targetName + " (" + (string) targetPos + ") " + " at " + (string) rezAt ); llRezObject("Fireball(llDie)", rezAt, ZERO_VECTOR, ZERO_ROTATION, 0); } } } else { //This will rez the object at (offset) meters in front of the root. vector v_rootPos = llGetPos(); //Info about the root prim rotation r_rootRot = llGetRot(); vector finPos = v_rootPos + (<radial,0,0>*r_rootRot); //radial*rootRot to get the correct offset relative to the root (accounting for rotation) then add the region coords. llRezObject("fireball",finPos,ZERO_VECTOR,r_rootRot,0); } } } I wonder if there is another method to place it when llCastRay fails like in sky box or other reason at 101m
  7. Thanks but to be honest I have been through all of these and don't know why they are not sticking in place . Previously had had a problem with mPelvis bone in the week and removed all of them so don't understand, how they crept back, also in your example you found no mElbowRight although this new method shift click with cursor select It did find some :0 so hope is better this is the problem I am currently having as it creates these daggers and distortions when mElbowRight Moved . Also i tried clicking on primary nodes but there is no extra influence shown Also sometimes Shift Click on a node nothing is shown at all when a vertice is selected so how can it be affected by mElbow? Sharps: Yes I nocked this blue but do not know why it appeared or what it meant it just went blue one day
  8. It looks fine to me am stuck : https://i.gyazo.com/021726d507364b6471cbf038c2f75619.mp4 https://pasteall.org/blend/ab3795e1815143c7af41054aa4ca1475 https://i.gyazo.com/d96470354ac92532736983963f91e066.mp4 Yes I went through al vertices despair is sinking in
  9. I am getting thigs dropping down onto floor every time i move a bone . Is it supposed to be doing this as it sits at rest ok and when you move a bone it drops them then i noticed when i shup properties one came back suggesting its something else can anyone help :mElbowRight moved: At rest all is well no spikes jumping out Move elbow and this happens to both
  10. am getting a lot of these type pf errors for some reason when i rotate or move model its hard too track them down Its Its fine until i rotate model and it gives not much clue as to what is wrong these look like distortions from the hands to the floor . Its happening on both sides there should just be claws in this area not silly long things :
  11. @Quarrel Kukulcan I am not sure of your meaning of your term 'sharps' I have not come across it idk. I have been fire-fighting this mesh before I last posted to Aguila . There was a great many odd mesh shape distortions being created with miss-placed bones from auto weight as you noticed mGroin was one some of the fingers was also wrong. The strange oddity about this was before we started on the mouth eyes and tongue the mesh worked in auto weight mode. I have had to go to pose post mesh through pose mode look for distortions and look closer in weight paint to try to see which part of this mesh this is coming from . It would be really helpful if the blender team carried this node edit parameters in to weight paint so you could select a node on distortion sadly this is not currently possible, however I noticed a lot of strange bones in the wrong places idk why but its taken a while to check it all by vector node . Which I have completed . Its pretty much posable again without distortions but am going to come back to it after i get tail loop cuts in as currently i need another solution to place them Hugs D
  12. @Aquila thank you I understand concept of loop cuts but as this is a slightly different problem: This is the first section the other to the left triangulated side I am having problems with : Pressing Alt + J only turns some triangles to quads: As one of the top pieces remains a triangle it is hard to use ctrl + R to loop cut ie ie It wont provide a loop cut are there any other options please ?
  13. I solved that it was the head root i had not set it to .4 on entire head. I am back to this terrible looking tale is there any way i can make it look more natural please moving bones weights or anything DISCUSS Suggestions please thank you ? i think really i could to with a mTail.5 lol to go further along to mTail5 but don't think Linden import will like that option I lengthened bone mTail4 does this look better?
  14. I cant get loop edges in this bit any idea even when its Ant +J it doesn't work I think its an extrude
  15. can this be straightened or does it need to be straightened manually by moving nodes?
  16. Hi @Aquila Kytori Hi put my tail up as cant wait it do anything it should do as its all connected its really complicated much different approach needed me thinks to everything else as i cant get it to make nice natural weighted movements what am i doing wrong please? Also the weight system wont paint again on my 2.92. it just sits and looks at me moving my mouse over it doing nothing in mix mode thanks DISCUSS https://pasteall.org/blend/d06f48075fb243218b5634fa0af0e1be The process is to select, then copy and paste into a new .blend file : In Edit mode select as much of the geometry around one of the eyes as you can. Use the key board shortcut Shft + D to make a copy of the selected geometry. With the geometry still selected hit the P key to open the Separate menu and choose the option Selection. This will separate it into a new object. In Object mode select only this new object then use Ctrl + C to copy it to "clipboard". Next is to paste it into a new .blend file, File > New > General > ( Don't save ) and a new .blend will open. Delete the default cube. Paste in the Eye geometry with Ctrl + V . The bones will be included with the mesh object. Save this new .blend and upload to https://pasteall.org/blend/ Edited Wednesday at 05:08 AM by VirtualKitten
  17. Alt=J to convert tris to quads it is then and Ctrl R to loop cut as two few polys Thank you What weighting should i give to this to create a nice curve ? I have tried different weight color but cannot fathom why i ant get this to curve nicely .maybe some examples of weights and bends might be helpful
  18. I am trying to get loop parts Ctrl _+ R to work its says it does not work well on deformed mesh its triangulated i am wondering if this is the problem?
  19. I tried @Profaitchikenz Haiku thank you for sharing the script of your workings, its very kind of you , but got Raycast got 0. I am not sure why you got return was you in skybox ? I haven't tried it on ground yet. I put the mouse from the mouse organ back to bed and fell asleep like Bagpus.
  20. On a slightly different point Firestorm has a menu option that hides huds from screen . I don't know if this is your problem but it could be a problem for you . I wish it had a preference setting as they didn't put one in .
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