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Everything posted by VirtualKitten

  1. I have extended codes that print in SL but not FURWare such as '⏰ and '☀' they come out as Question marks llMessageLinked(LINK_SET, 16, "c=white;f=5054fec3-1465-af8f-2fe5-e9507795c82a", "fw_conf"); string message ="11:00am til 1:00 ⏰ SLT ☀ Sunday with DJ Denise & Sandar.\n 02/11/24 at 02:30 PM. 11:00am til 1:00 ⏰ SLT ☀ Sunday with DJ Denise & Sandar.\n 02/18/24 at 02:30 PM. 11:00am til 1:00 ⏰ SLT ☀ Sunday with DJ Denise & Sandar.\n 02/25/24 at 02:30 PM. 11:00am til 1:00 ⏰ SLT ☀ Sunday with DJ Denise & Sandar.\n 03/03/24 at 02:30 PM. 11:00am til 1:00 ⏰ SLT ☀ Sunday with DJ Denise & Sandar.\n 03/10/24 at 02:30 PM. "; llMessageLinked(LINK_SET, 0, message, "fw_data");
  2. Thanks @Monty Linden Please let me know what happens you are brilliant
  3. Um when i started this project it worked two weeks ago giving random http returns that was put on the prim it was in . It then started returning 499 for some reason when it was returning 500, and 404 that week so its been changed within two weeks to this ew behavior as i started this thread then. LSL Script to ask why. I have go no further with it since we last spoke sorry. I had hoped one of you had. Currently I can see no reason why to pay Second life for my adverts As if i do i cannot even use them sighs
  4. @Monty Linden Its pretty strange, I used to be able to load an avatar on the face of prim that is supported as its used on club boards so not all URL in Secondlife seem blocked two days ago this was proving a response but now 499. I am not worried by Second Life blocking this on Google which it doesn't only in maturity reasons. I have access onhttps://search.secondlife.com/web/search/search.php/ But it does seem this does not function at all from Secondlife returning 499. This being the case as you suggested why does it have cookies something used by other browsers. This suggests there is another URL, as for what reason would it need a cookie in SL. Quiet frankly this seems a bum reason. I understood their was some advances had been made on HTTPRead(. It seems no one should be paying for their events on Secondlife then I will reconsider doing this ! Perhaps Second life should rethink this?
  5. i also found this works on web https://search.secondlife.com/web/search/search.php
  6. @Love Zhaoying There must be a search file location somewhere otherwise this could not do a search. i asked @Monty Linden where these search files was located. As there is also a referral from www.secondlife.com/search to search.secondlife.com. I also found https://search.secondlife.com/web/search/? on a post here on Google but this doesn't return anything but 499 with also is there two types of search a different directory for SL on this server. int bodylength = 2048; url="https://search.secondlife.com/web/search/?search_type=standard&events_category=0&date=02%2F13%2F2024&dateformat=mm%2Fdd%2Fyy&starttime=0000&query_term=Galadriel%27s&sort=start_time_asc"; http_request_id = llHTTPRequest(url, [HTTP_METHOD,"GET",HTTP_USER_AGENT, "LSL_Script(Mozilla Compatible)", HTTP_MIMETYPE, "application/x-www-form-urlencoded", HTTP_VERIFY_CERT,FALSE, HTTP_BODY_MAXLENGTH,bodylength], "");
  7. I tried curl but could not find a way of implementing it . I still think these are fake URL and redirected like said it why it returns 499 as there are no files there to run . I tried downloading whole site with a program it said nothing was in the mirror at any of the locations. Your first guess about 5 steps must be right. i tried visual trace root (https://gsuite.tools/traceroute) with search.secondlife.com and it went here traceroute to a1895.b.akamai.net (, 30 hops max which as not much help as i think its just a server address A it says Invalid URL The requested URL "[no URL]", is invalid. Reference #9.88465b68.1708001254.ca5dc81 Also arns09s05-if-f142.1e100.net.was no help either.
  8. Monty Linden I think the search.secondlife.com is either a NAME Index for a URL in a redirect or a similar DNS service that does the same this is why it returns no files as this is a phantom entry.. Can you provide the proper search URL please and not a Named IDX or similar service? As I think this is most likely what i transpiring. Such as in .htaccess RewriteEngine On RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} !^www.secondlife.com/search$ [NC] RewriteRule ^(.*)$ search.secondlife.com//$1 [L,R=301] RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} !^search.secondlife.com/search$ [NC] RewriteRule ^(.*)$ www.secondlife.com/new search item/$1 [L,R=301] Where www.secondlife.com/new search item is your different URL can you provide it? Thanks Virtuakitten Thank you for your kind reply. We are currently paying 200L every single event a month this is expensive and thought we could get at these events inside second life. Which there seems no reason why not! Have already tried limiting response this below which returns same 499. using it without http o https says its not available. This was providing a response of on on saying it returned noting integer bodylength= 2048; url = "http://search.secondlife.com/?query_term=Galadriel%27s&search_type=standard&collection_chosen=events&maturity=gma "; http_request_id = llHTTPRequest(url, [HTTP_METHOD,"GET",HTTP_USER_AGENT, "LSL_Script(Mozilla Compatible)", HTTP_MIMETYPE, "application/x-www-form-urlencoded", HTTP_VERIFY_CERT,FALSE, HTTP_BODY_MAXLENGTH,bodylength], ""); The full source code is here :
  9. Monty Linden Thank you for your kind reply. We are currently paying 200L every single event a month this is expensive and thought we could get at these events inside second life. Which there seems no reason why not! Have already tried limiting response this below which returns same 499. using it without http o https says its not available. This was providing a response of on on saying it returned noting integer bodylength= 2048; url = "http://search.secondlife.com/?query_term=Galadriel%27s&search_type=standard&collection_chosen=events&maturity=gma "; http_request_id = llHTTPRequest(url, [HTTP_METHOD,"GET",HTTP_USER_AGENT, "LSL_Script(Mozilla Compatible)", HTTP_MIMETYPE, "application/x-www-form-urlencoded", HTTP_VERIFY_CERT,FALSE, HTTP_BODY_MAXLENGTH,bodylength], ""); The full source code is here :
  10. Hi OZ Any ideas Please I though as this did not work i could try url = "https://secondlife.com/search?query_term=Galadriel%27s&search_type=standard&collection_chosen=events&maturity=gma "; but this did not work either yet it does in browser? Any Ideas?
  11. Yes i went to Firestorm Sandbox but it produces same 499. so I am not having much luck.
  12. Yes but it returns this in first place for no reason with or without the timer, so something else must be wrong
  13. The font in second life is 11:00am til 1:00 ⏰ SLT ☀ Sunday with DJ Denise & Sandar\n 03/10/24 at 02:30 PM. But am getting question marks instead of clock and other symbol in FURWARE 2.01. Yes I missed the == but its still returning 499 Thanks Marvin but its still getting 499 the throttle time is supposed to be 20s i gave 25 i have also tried 50 with no luck any ideas please
  14. HI everyone I m trying to obtain resources from secondlife events but from HTTPRequest only obtaining 499 i opened request ticket #2169194 Created on Sun, 11 Feb at 5:52 AM Does anyone have any ideas please how to resole this? my url and code is quite simple : string url; key http_request_id; integer l_status; string body; integer bodylength= 2048; throw_exception(string inputString) { key owner = llGetOwner(); llInstantMessage(owner, inputString); llResetScript(); } default { state_entry() { url = "http://search.secondlife.com/?query_term=Galadriel%27s&search_type=standard&collection_chosen=events&maturity=gma "; http_request_id = llHTTPRequest(url, [HTTP_METHOD,"GET",HTTP_USER_AGENT, "LSL_Script(Mozilla Compatible)", HTTP_MIMETYPE, "application/x-www-form-urlencoded", HTTP_VERIFY_CERT,FALSE, HTTP_BODY_MAXLENGTH,bodylength], ""); } http_response(key request_id, integer status, list metadata, string body) { l_status = status; if (request_id != http_request_id) return;// exit if unknown if ((string)status == URL_REQUEST_DENIED) throw_exception("The following error occurred while attempting to get a free URL for this device:\n \n" + body); if(status != 200) { llOwnerSay("HTTPRequest Status: " + (string)status); //llSay(0,body); //llSay(0,llDumpList2String(metadata,",")); if(status == 404) { body = url+ "\n 404 Not Found"; } if(status == 500) { body = url+ "\n 500 Not Found"; } if(status == 499) { llSetTimerEvent(25); } } vector COLOR_BLUE = <0.0, 0.0, 1.0>; float OPAQUE = 1.0; llSetText(body, COLOR_BLUE, OPAQUE); } timer() { if(l_status == 499) { http_request_id = llHTTPRequest(url, [HTTP_METHOD,"GET",HTTP_USER_AGENT, "LSL_Script(Mozilla Compatible)", HTTP_MIMETYPE, "application/x-www-form-urlencoded", HTTP_VERIFY_CERT,FALSE, HTTP_BODY_MAXLENGTH ,bodylength], ""); } } } Is there also the event font available for use with FURWARE text mesh:display with extra shapes in it that the event window has?
  15. I tried this in the Lift i altered it to this even though its the same code a but its making the avatar jump as its not smooth movement does anyone have any better ideas? vector posStart = llGetPos(); float lenStart = llList2Float(lengths,isLong); isLong=!isLong; float lenEnd = llList2Float(lengths,isLong); float lenDelta = (lenEnd-lenStart)/(5*duration); // 5 == 1.0/0.2 vector axis = llRot2Up(llGetRot()); vector axisDelta = axis*lenDelta*-1 ; // remove '-' for opposite end. integer i; for(i=1;i<5*duration;++i) { llSetLinkPrimitiveParams(LINK_THIS, // rely on built-in delay of 0.2 seconds. (N.B. 5 == 1.0/0.2) // 0.1 might be a bit smoother, but less friendly. // faster than that will create more lag for little to no visual gain. [ PRIM_POSITION, posStart + i*axisDelta ]); } llSetLinkPrimitiveParams(LINK_THIS, // final manual adjustment to (hopefully) prevent floating point drift. [ PRIM_POSITION, posStart+axis*((lenEnd-lenStart)*-1) // remove '-' for opposite end, as above. ]);
  16. Am also aware i cannot use this of KFM in linked set. Should this linked move rope routine by Quintess gratefully received not use local references not global i.e PRIM_POSITION?
  17. Also this is running a different speed to rope . I had to unlink the lift as i could not move it with this. Is there a better way to move it to keep pace with rope please? / granularity of movement integer max_steps = 900; // delay = travel time/max steps float delay = 1.0/max_steps; float interpolation; llSay(-556757656756,"LETOUTROPE"); for(step = 0; step <= max_steps; ++step) { interpolation = (float)step/max_steps; // lerp between locations llSetRegionPos((1-interpolation)*here+interpolation*there); llSleep(delay); }
  18. Thats brilliant Quistess Alpha and works brilliantly apart from the texture but dont mind that I am using this as dont like KDM however it giving my dime differences in rope length as it appears to be taking longer up than down I just need to get other part moving the same // granularity of movement integer max_steps = 900; // delay = travel time/max steps float delay = 1.0/max_steps; float interpolation; llSay(-556757656756,"LETOUTROPE"); for(step = 0; step <= max_steps; ++step) { interpolation = (float)step/max_steps; // lerp between locations llSetRegionPos((1-interpolation)*here+interpolation*there); llSleep(delay); }
  19. Hmm I tried this but it in creased in side but did that fast and would not move float start = 0.30597; float end_bottom = 26.99000; integer max_steps = 700; integer extend = TRUE; default { state_entry() { } touch_start(integer total_number) { list l; vector size; vector gp; vector pos; float delay = 1.0/max_steps; float interpolation; integer step = 0; float actual_steps; if(extend == TRUE) actual_steps = max_steps/(end_bottom-start); else actual_steps = -max_steps/(end_bottom-start); interpolation = (float)step/max_steps; l = llGetLinkPrimitiveParams(LINK_THIS,[PRIM_SIZE,PRIM_POSITION,PRIM_POS_LOCAL]); size = llList2Vector(l,0); gp = llList2Vector(l,1); pos = llList2Vector(l,2); vector lengthOld = size; for(step = 0; step <= max_steps; ++step) { llSetLinkPrimitiveParamsFast(LINK_THIS,[PRIM_SIZE,<size.x,size.x, size.z+actual_steps>]); llSetPos(0.5*(size.z-lengthOld.z)*llRot2Up(llGetRot()) + llGetPos()); llSleep(delay); if (size.z+actual_steps == start) { size.z = start; step = max_steps; } } } }
  20. Thanks Quistess i i tried this but no luck float start = 0.30597; float end_bottom = 26.99000; integer max_steps = 700; integer extend = TRUE; default { state_entry() { } touch_start(integer total_number) { list l; vector size; vector gp; vector pos; float delay = 1.0/max_steps; float interpolation; integer step = 0; float actual_steps; if(extend == TRUE) actual_steps = max_steps/(end_bottom-start); else actual_steps = -max_steps/(end_bottom-start); for(step = 0; step <= max_steps; ++step) { interpolation = (float)step/max_steps; l = llGetLinkPrimitiveParams(LINK_THIS,[PRIM_SIZE,PRIM_POSITION,PRIM_POS_LOCAL]); size = llList2Vector(l,0); gp = llList2Vector(l,1); pos = llList2Vector(l,2); vector lengthOld = size; // gp.z + 0.5 llSetLinkPrimitiveParamsFast(LINK_THIS,[PRIM_SIZE,<size.x,size.x, size.z+actual_steps>]); llSetPos(0.5*(size.z-lengthOld.z)*llRot2Up(llGetRot()) + llGetPos()); llSleep(delay); if (size.z+actual_steps == start) { size.z = start; step = max_steps; } } } }
  21. ok then how do i do this can i do this moving it fast and resizing it after or ither or . What is the best method to achieve this I have this that works on touch to extend or reverse to starting size .30597 or extending to 29.9. Its going to need to change its position but have not figured this much out float start = 0.30597; float end_bottom = 26.99000; integer max_steps = 700; integer extend = TRUE; default { state_entry() { } touch_start(integer total_number) { list l; vector size; vector gp; vector pos; float delay = 1.0/max_steps; float interpolation; integer step = 0; float actual_steps; if(extend == TRUE) actual_steps = max_steps/(end_bottom-start); else actual_steps = -max_steps/(end_bottom-start); for(step = 0; step <= max_steps; ++step) { interpolation = (float)step/max_steps; l = llGetLinkPrimitiveParams(LINK_THIS,[PRIM_SIZE,PRIM_POSITION,PRIM_POS_LOCAL]); size = llList2Vector(l,0); gp = llList2Vector(l,1); pos = llList2Vector(l,2); // gp.z + 0.5 llSetLinkPrimitiveParamsFast(LINK_THIS,[PRIM_SIZE,<size.x,size.x, size.z+actual_steps>,PRIM_POS_LOCAL,gp]); llSleep(delay); if (size.z+actual_steps == start) { size.z = start; step = max_steps; } } } }
  22. Yes it solved it thank you so much i tried in beta grid as usually uploaded to many things loosing my lindens
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