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Everything posted by VirtualKitten

  1. I was not using the options screen on mesh import will try again as i think in need the include weight option ticked
  2. I think there is either a problem with settings in the upload or the mesh up loader or the animesh system is in beta This is the mesh rezzed in world This is what happens when i turn animesh on
  3. I like other developers have been looking at animesh and what can be done with it. But I am having some problems getting it all to work. Simply put i downloaded the sl female form and imported her into sl not expecting much but using blender 2.79 and setting SL + open sim rigged and then importing into second life . I then copied scripts from the example male in the hope it would do the same thing remembering to add the animesh tick box. Instead it just rotated and jumped up and down. Now the secondlife mesh had an armature fixed to it so i cannot see why it didn't do the same thing as the examples has anyone done this and got it to work as its really basic animesh and uses a lot of rigged components which many builders may be unfamiliar with? I am not sure what I am missing but presume the male core files should do the same thing in a female form
  4. Thanks for you reply Rolig Jira is a waste of time have given up with them . They just close my cases . I have been trying to write using trig from this but this method is suppose to move individual links and would be far more simpler as the trig is starting to get really complicated when the root rotates to a new postilion. The llDetectedGrab is of no use as it uses collisions which are not available to a linked prim and can only be used in the root . I have yet another JIRA about using llCastRay to do this collisions in a linked prim but JIRA was useless a great group the NCI group got the wiki page changed so at least it does what it does do now which wont work either as a detection routine without issuing multiple llCastRay I tried to reason with Jira about this but they just asked questions about why i thought it should use a bounding box to search and then locked thread as they in my opinion are completely not interested in anything the female developers have to say. My reports speak volumes of this unfair handling. According to JIRA [BUG-7871 ] available from the page written by the Linden man he said this worked from v1.4 as a way of just allowing status functions to operate on a linked prim the script is in . Of course now it doesn't seems its been broken. I wondered if i was using wrong syntax but am sure its ok
  5. Hi everyone have been trying to work out how all these objects work together but am failing I have a light which creates a shadow on the floor however this only works with my trig and root is at 90 degrees on y axis . Now I dont understand why everything is not referenced to the root as its a link set it seems my additions to localpos of the shadow is affecting it and these need to be on different axis depending on which what the object is rotated now this seems really complicated maths to calculate all of this and have seen llStatus which doesn't sadly seem to work although this would have worked as a bearing from the root and would have been great . I then need to ask whats the easier way of calculating the addition depending on angle is it back to trig again ?
  6. It doesn't work you just get locked in an area which you cant tp out of to anywhere . The credentials have changed and lost of people have this problem . I though at first Linden had shut it down but people tell me they have access.
  7. Hi everyone has given up with Jira I am experiencing a problem with llSetStatus() I am using llSetStatus(STATUS_BLOCK_GRAB_OBJECT, TRUE); llSetStatus(STATUS_PHYSICS, TRUE); llSetStatus( STATUS_ROTATE_X | STATUS_ROTATE_Y , TRUE); llSleep(1.); llSetStatus(STATUS_PHYSICS, FALSE); llSetStatus( STATUS_BLOCK_GRAB_OBJECT, FALSE); However this doesn't seem to move the linked prim the script is in. The STATUS_BLOCK_GRAB_OBJECT doesn't work it moves complete linked set.
  8. Hi i set the item at vertical 23.73778 and it set the prim out 3.381597 at a vertical heght of 21.31469 but it dropped 1.19022 to 20.12447. Now i didn't expect this drop amount to increase but it does which has me even more confused. Is there any way of calculating it?
  9. Hi sorry to trouble you all again I have been through my Trig again and found an error which puts it in right place . However now when it is set the vertical at 21.31462 and placed 1.376m forward from the front of the root prim angled at 39.427050 by multiplying my local position by root position it sinks .48416 lower than its should be . How this information lowering the prim .4816 coming from . My root object is 0.67712 high so this is not enough to equate to it.although this is not a bounding box size as the item is rotated. It must come from somewhere but cannot see whats calculating it to recreate the figure can you help?
  10. Hi will i need to llSetLinkPrimitiveParamsFast(LINK_THIS,[ PRIM_ROT_LOCAL, llEulerToRot(localpos)/ llGetRootRotation()) or llSetLinkPrimitiveParamsFast(LINK_THIS,[ PRIM_ROT_LOCAL, llEuler2Rot(localpos* DEG_TO_RAD)/ llGetRootRotation(),PRIM_SIZE, <size,0.01,size/2>]); The trouble is it removed all my settings and height adjustments and put it at root hieght and nothing set in localpos I tried both with and without the multiplication with DEG_TO_RAD this seems to wipe out my position information in localpos
  11. When i search for anything nothing exists as it puts me in a safe place with many other people who are trying to visit beta grid . Its like being trapped in a case
  12. If I use : llSetLinkPrimitiveParamsFast(LINK_THIS,[ PRIM_POS_LOCAL,localpos, PRIM_SIZE, <size,.01,size/2> ]); And set localpos to any of the following: localpos.x += 0.5; // x is down localpos.y += 3.5; // forward and up a lot localpos.y += -3.5; // below floor localpos.z += 2.5; // 2.5 to right localpos.z += -2.5; // 2.5 to left The results of axis are not predictable now this is mesh and came in through the mesh importer which currently has no rotation user settings on import page . This seems compounded by the rotation of the prim . i.e moving y on the child prim forward also moves it down in relation to the angle of the root. Is there not a way of setting this placement so its changes to its y axis are just in relation to the linked prim and do not take in any angle geometry of the root ? Thanks for looking as i am sure i a missing something.
  13. Hi I have bee struggling uploading sound to SL for some time. I have used Audacity and another program both give same results very quiet sound in windows but really quiet in sl. I have looked at forums and tried duplicating sounds in gestures but this is not much better another website told me to download cakewalk pyro 1.5 which just seems to be a virus to my antivirus software. My sounds are right up but I know some gestures can make sounds louder so why cannot the sounds i upload . I have wasted so much money uploading sounds which dont work the beta grid is offline and of no use to test now . Does anyone have any advise how to make the sounds louder without clipping them or making them distort please. This should be simple exercise but no one in world can help me resolve it ? Thank you for looking Denise x
  14. Oh Just to let you know the code i posted wont work my bounding box wont help this as the bounding box size is taken as the avatar and the seat and the avatar you need the bounding box or llAgentSize before the is . This is easy enough to do elsewhere .
  15. I am providing my code snipit in case it helps: Handle_Avatar_position(key agent) { list params = llGetObjectDetails(agent, [OBJECT_HOVER_HEIGHT,OBJECT_POS,OBJECT_NAME]); float av_hover = llList2Float(params,0); vector me_v_GlobalPosition = llList2Vector(params,1); string Agent_name = llList2String(params,2); integer Agent_link = -65543; vector Agent_size = llGetAgentSize(agent); integer i = llGetNumberOfPrims( ); integer j; do { params = llGetObjectDetails(agent,([OBJECT_NAME])); if(llList2String(params,0) == Agent_name) Agent_link = j; j+=1; } while (j< i+1 || Agent_link == -65543); params = llGetLinkPrimitiveParams(LINK_THIS,[ PRIM_POSITION,PRIM_POS_LOCAL, PRIM_ROT_LOCAL ,PRIM_ROTATION,PRIM_SIZE ]); rt_v_GlobalPosition = llList2Vector(params,0); rt_v_LocalPosition = llList2Vector(params,1); rt_v_LocalRotation = llList2Rot(params,2); rt_r_GlobalRotation = llList2Rot(params,3); rt_sz_LocalSize = llList2Vector(params,5); list ray = llCastRay(me_v_GlobalPosition, me_v_GlobalPosition+<0,0,-.132>,[]);// RC_DETECT_PHANTOM,TRUE); llOwnerSay(llDumpList2String(ray,"|")); list bb = llGetBoundingBox(agent); llOwnerSay(llDumpList2String(bb,",")); vector top = llList2Vector(bb,1); vector bottom = llList2Vector(bb,0); vector center = (top+bottom)/2; // vector mypos = llGetPos(); vector pos = llList2Vector(ray,1)+<0,0,(-bottom.z)>; //llSetPos(pos); // Convert pos as local co-ords vector localpos = rt_v_GlobalPosition - pos; localpos.z += (-av_hover + (top.z-bottom.z)); localpos.x = me_v_GlobalPosition.x; localpos.y = me_v_GlobalPosition.y; llOwnerSay("Me:"+(string)localpos); llOwnerSay("Root :"+(string)me_v_GlobalPosition); llOwnerSay("Offset: "+(string)(localpos.z-me_v_GlobalPosition.z)); llOwnerSay("Hover: "+ (string)av_hover); llOwnerSay("Agent hieght: " + (string)(top.z-bottom.z)); llOwnerSay("Agent hieght - Hover: " + (string)(-av_hover + (top.z-bottom.z))); // llSetLinkPrimitiveParamsFast(Agent_link,[PRIM_POS_LOCAL,localpos]); // llSitTarget( vector offset, rotation rot ); sittingPosition.z = (float)(-av_hover + (top.z-bottom.z)); llSitTarget(sittingPosition,<0,0,0,1>);
  16. HI everyone i have been experiencing problems with this too sorry to jump onto this thread but I dont think from my experience that llSetLinkPrimitiveParamsFast(Agent_link,[PRIM_POS_LOCAL,localpos]); is working as i have printed out my coordinates: [01:08] (Localpos)Me:<9.19067, 242.69830, 21.12802> [01:08] Root :<9.19067, 242.69830, 21.14366> [01:08] Offset: -0.015638 [01:08] Hover: 0.116000 [01:08] Agent height: 0.998262 [01:08] Agent height - Hover: 0.882262 As you can see the position is quite correct as obtained from llCastRay( data .When i run my code it places me in an entirely different location <-290,280,39> I am presuming then that llSetLinkPrimitiveParamsFast(Agent_link,[PRIM_POS_LOCAL,localpos]); doesn't work as described here and that you must use llSitTarget( I am a member of NCI Scripters and have aired this problem in thier group Denise X
  17. When i go to Second life Beta Grid it has been taking everyone to a Safe area for about a month at secondlife://util.aditi.lindenlab.com/secondlife/Ungren/103/149/76. I don't seem to be able to get away from it by any TP and cannot find land that iam able to teleport to can you provide a SURL please?
  18. I rolled back my graphics drivers and this appears to be now resolved. It appears to be an issue with new NVIDEA DRIVERS
  19. After installing the latest video drivers everything was working well until I tried to install Blender. This installed an booted up ok. Then when I quit and tried to start Firestorm and got the famously useless message: Secondlife is unable to run because your video card drivers did not start up properly, out of date, or are unsupported hardware Please make sure you have the latest video card drivers. This was not a problem until .i tried to install this wretched software. I have Geforce video drivers 3.8133 my card and system was working fine before I installed Blender. How do I fix this please?
  20. If this was your first try its brilliant I have been watching this and am amazed. My only thoughs as this is to advanced for me at present. I would to have thought the comentary would be throughout as i got lost just after first episode . Brilliant job otherwise . Am amazed how much more work there is in using mesh. Having just found Singularity that converts prims to Mesh which is looking amazing too am delving back into mesh.
  21. Hi I just just tried this in Gimp 2.08 to produce the file below. When I upload this file in Firestorm Beta to the Beta Grid it imports as a graphic image not an Alpha can anyone tell me what i am doing wrong please? The image has a transparant transparancy is 512x512 and imported into Firestorm x64 as a .tga file format.
  22. Hmm, Is this not just a way of SL taking more lindens not uploading gifs . I wanted to upload gifs to so that i could play the picture with an animation and use a differant texture animation to move it accross screen. I guess i am just going to have to pay 240L for a minute of gif video and 1200L for 5 mins ? Is there no other way of doing this which is better?
  23. If there is a throttle on the number of notecards that could be written by avatar could this not be lowered so that notecards could be written by scripts? I cannot see why you can create a notecard in an objects inventory and do nothing with it except give it or delete it . Does this not make the creation of a note card redundant if you can’t edit it? If LSL was to enable this could this not be given a low priority event so it works but is cached until server was ready. If you cannot create notecard can you not create an IM with this information? There are presumably limits here. Other than this there is SQL extensions for SL now that allow you to store information of SIM . They are not widely used at present but are starting to be used more and more.
  24. I recieved an item from iliaaaaaaa Key 1013efc3-8343-4de9-815c-ca66b466b348 a Ven-do-matic See message: [2014/01/10 02:23] Second Life: OD (iliaaaaaaa) has given you this object: Vend-O-Matic v0.3 Do you want to keep it? "Mute" will block all future offers or messages from OD (iliaaaaaaa). [2014/01/10 02:23] iliaaaaaaa Resident: Enjoy your own vendingmachine, with 3D snacks and drinks included! Earn a few extra bonus L$, and let the party begin! [Open README and Settings files for more info] [2014/01/10 02:23] iliaaaaaaa Resident: Maybe you can learn on how to help the community also. :) [2014/01/10 02:23] iliaaaaaaa Resident: With scripting [2014/01/10 02:24] ღ Denise ღ (virtualkitten): smiles [2014/01/10 02:24] ღ Denise ღ (virtualkitten): thankyou [2014/01/10 02:25] iliaaaaaaa Resident: You're welcome! [2014/01/10 04:35] Second Life: OD (iliaaaaaaa) has given you this object: Vend-O-Matic v0.3b Do you want to keep it? "Mute" will block all future offers or messages from OD (iliaaaaaaa). [2014/01/10 04:35] iliaaaaaaa Resident: Updated version, also readme! [2014/01/10 06:36] iliaaaaaaa Resident: Hey, how much did you have already earned with the Vend-O-Matic ? [2014/01/10 06:36] ღ Denise ღ (virtualkitten): havent had time to use it [2014/01/10 06:36] iliaaaaaaa Resident: Today i already have earned 135L$ include my refferals. [2014/01/10 06:36] iliaaaaaaa Resident: Aw [2014/01/10 06:36] ღ Denise ღ (virtualkitten): cool [2014/01/10 06:37] iliaaaaaaa Resident: You can start making money whenever you want so. ;) [03:35] ღ Denise ღ (virtualkitten): Ahem you just stole all my lindens [03:35] Second Life: User not online - message will be stored and delivered later. I rezzed this in world clicked on it and it stole my funds from my linden account . Can I get them back please?
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