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Freckles Fairelander

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Everything posted by Freckles Fairelander

  1. Are there any venues or SL DJs that lean toward gothic country / dark country / Southern gothic (insert related label of choice) music? Yes, I realize this is extremely niche.
  2. I'm supportive. At least one creator has shared how it will make their process easier/more efficient, and it is a way for someone to track which bodies their particular customer base uses vs statistics for SL overall. It isn't sustainable for folks to rig for the whole spectrum of bodies currently available. Will it possibly become a hunt to find creators who support a particular body/add-on? Yes, but I already did/do that for Maitreya Flat.
  3. I spend more time in SL when RL is tight and/or prices go up overall. Redecorating my parcel is actually one of my favorite artistic things to do to decompress from something stressful in RL, so a premium membership is worth it to me for that.
  4. Agreed! The youngest Tiny I've met so far (at least who shared their age) is 35.
  5. @sailorcipher, check out the Evelyn jacket at Pixicat. You can use the HUD to hide the sweater. Then, it is more like a regular double-breasted blazer. Stores not already mentioned: Ecru Couture, Rosier, Apricot Paws. I've seen a couple things from Cubic Cherry and Corvus. And I absolutely adore what I have from Contraption if you're into steampunk. Thanks to you both for sharing your places. I have some shopping to do!
  6. This is my FAVORITE band! Very much looking forward to this theme.
  7. You may not know this yet, but aces or asexual refers to a sexual orientation, not a sexual behavior.
  8. [theSkinnery] (6 head skins) has a sign that says its compatible male body skins are at Clef de Peau, which also has its own head skins.
  9. I tried it a few times but it felt a bit silly (I do have beds set up for both my Dinkie and my Biggie, just because). I do usually TP to Home and always make sure I am clothed before I log out.
  10. A primarily in-person customer service position. We may not know the answer, but we know how to find it. I spend roughly 20 percent of my time answering Level 1 or 2 tech questions (my favorite part!) and am strongly considering finding out how to turn that into 100 percent in a different position.
  11. 1. Good quality, which may be "good enough" quality compared to other users' expectations. 2. Clothing comes with at least 2 Maitreya fits (Lara, Petite, or Flat). Shout-out to Pixicat for making their newest items in all 3. 3. Oddly, I was never interested in modifying clothing until I got a Dinkie avatar. Now, I prioritize modifiable clothing for it.
  12. OMG, thank you! Fascinating. I agree, I expected the Lara add-ons would be low, but not that low.
  13. Are there any more creators for the Maitreya Lara Flat add-on that I am missing? (not VTech) ZK The Secret Store Stories & Co (more for VTech, but I think there are a few Flat items) Escargot Creations Contraption Two-Sided Pixicat Apricot Paws AsteroidBox Benk Dolly Daydream FAKEICON Boys to the Bone Ecru Couture Alination theSkinnery
  14. I left from roughly 2016-early 2020 due to my computer no longer being able to handle it and then not having one at all. Being home more often and also taking on too many volunteer responsibilities at my RL church brought me back (a church in my religious denomination has weekly meetings here). I enjoy making new outfits, decorating (and re-decorating), and exploring.
  15. Thank you for all of your hard work! This is intriguing, and there are several bodies on this list that are new to me. If you do have time, I'm another person who is curious about the Lara add-ons, especially Lara Flat vs VTech.
  16. Unfortunately no luck with that, either. Click and hold, try to drag, but nothing follows. I even searched my inventory for the object name. Argh!
  17. A group sent a souvenir item to all members attached to a notecard. When I click on the item, nothing happens. How do I move it to my inventory?
  18. This is my first time to rent land. When I click on the rental pole for my parcel, I can choose the amount of rent and click on Pay. Then, I get a message stating "You have paid L$X to Landlord's Name." This is promptly followed by the message "Landlord's Name has paid you L$x" automatically returning the payment to me. Any ideas?
  19. This is my first time to rent land. When I click on the rental pole for my parcel, I can choose the amount of rent and click on Pay. Then, I get a message stating "You have paid L$X to Landlord's Name." This is promptly followed by the message "Landlord's Name has paid you L$x" automatically returning the payment to me. Any ideas?
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