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Everything posted by Jaylinbridges

  1. And if you RENTED your private estate or region from a land company, you could also turn it on or off. That option is up to the land company that owns the region.
  2. But that is not what the Lindens, Moles, and a certain poster is claiming, It is frankly ridiculous to think a land baron owning 1000 full private regions, can can only flip the bot flag on all 1000 regions. Anyway I will ask Zoha. The impression that only the largest estate companies must change the bot flag for all estates at once is simply incorrect.
  3. It is possible to "rent" a full region from Zoha Islands, one of the largest land companies in SL, and STLL have full Estates Rights for only your region you are renting. I don't know how Zoha accomplishes this, given all the Linden responses here, but they do. And this also agrees with what Belinda has said by testing on the homestead they rent. That is why I said you need to ask the land barons. It is possible the Moles and Lindens here are missing an option. Or perhaps Zoha assigns all full sim rentals as a unique estate. From their full private sim info page: https://blog.zoha-islands.com/zoha-islands-promotion-full-prim-sim/ Do you want to have your own FULL PRIM sim but don’t want to invest 600.00 US$ to buy your sim from Linden Lab? Then we have THE solution for you! Rent a stand alone Full Prim Sim from ZoHa Islands: 65,536 m² – 20,000 prims FULL Estate Manager Rights: Monitor script usage, collissions and lag. Restart your sim when needed. Write your own covenant: your sim, your rules! Reselling and reclaiming of land allowed. Change the rating of the sim into general, moderate or adult. Up to 7 Estate Managers. Send messages to all users on a sim via a popup notification. Up to 100 avatars at one moment on the sim. Enable/disable land resell, land divide, fly, terraforming, pushing, scripts, collissions, physics, voice, direct TP, … Change the elevation ranges and terrain textures of the sim into grass, beach, snow, … Change the object bonus, default water height and sun settings. Return all scripted and/or non scipted objects of one user from the sim. Allow/block public or group access. Ban users estate wide. …, …, … When needed the name of your SIM can be chosen at the following cost: One time fee of 13,450 L$ or 50.00 US$ via PayPal.
  4. But you really should, that's why large land barons with thousands of regions have employees to answer questions. If an estate owner gives ANYONE estate manager rights, they can change the bots flag for the region they where they have estate manager rights. In Belli, a Linden owns all regions, but the renters can only own parcels, not full regions. That is reason enough why it is an all on or all off block in Belli.
  5. This thread is just no fun anymore, without off topic posts. (:
  6. You are going force LL to raise fees again. They need more employees in Governance to cover your AR's.
  7. I'm not telling anyone else what to believe. That is my OWN opinion, which I still have a right to express even here. Everyone I know, and I expect about 90% of all residents use a third party viewer. Only the newbies start out with the SL Viewer, until some experienced resident clues them in.
  8. Stupid policy overall then. No difference between a video and snapshot, except the snapshot will reveal avatar information more clearly. But that's ok, but dancers are not? So who do I AR for LL violating their TOS for their own meetings with Lindens and residents. I have seen my avatar show up in the Linden approved videos quite often on YouTube. Nobody asked me if they could scan me with their camera, and stick it on youtube. Now the FBI has more to add to my folder. Much ado about nothing, this fear of publicity. We are not a police state.
  9. SL clubs often have FB websites where group members post pics of the club audience. The same as you can find on YouTube videos. These snapshots of live avatars often show the name tags, display and account names, and even their complexity (horrors). So you think anyone posting these snapshots or videos from SL are illegal? How about the LL community meetings? Are the videographers doing this for LL monthly meetings also violating the TOS? Public information to anyone that is on FB or youtube, or that simply wants to log into SL.
  10. LL has no idea that you rent a parcel from another landlord on a private parcel. Mainland tier is only paid directly to LL when you own mainland. But I think you already knew that. There is sort of a weird bug though if you rent a parcel on a private region and the private parcel owner sets the land for you to buy in your name AND you already own land on the mainland. LL says this might increase your tier cost, if you also own mainland as a Premium member. It made me do a double take before I rented the land on a private region. But it had no effect on my LL tier, just a strange bug in their land purchase page warning messages.
  11. AI will never replace preachers. Unless they really teach them to lie.
  12. On the mainland parcel I own, the Estate owner is listed as (nobody). Maybe that's why they can't add the anti bot to mainland, Nobody is in charge. It is also group owned land (which I am the group owner). That means adding the bot flag to groups for a parcel. Groups are working so well as it is...
  13. They have been in business continuously since 2006, and other than those damn bots every 10 mins, the 12 regions they own pretty much run themselves. No ban lines allowed, but security orbs are recommended. They also provide security if you don't have your own orb. They also have a dozen or more bots to run the business. I don't know if they are registered agents. My guess is they will never turn on the anti bot flag, because nobody complains loud enough. I stay there because they have a reasonable policy for breedables on a sky platform, unlike all of the mega land companies. If the breedables cause no or insignificant lag, like one avatar on a region, there is no limit. The bots hitting the sim cause more trouble as they land. There are seldom more than 2 avatars on this private region, even though they rent out 12 parcels, and another 14 stacked parcel homes. Another issue if you add your registered agents to the region admin list, is that list is limited to 15 avatars. A club I work at has 14 slots already used up for the staff and owners, to give them region ban rights. There is no more slots to add the registered agents that have been in the club as a band, for the last 15 years. So the bots will keep visiting the club, causing lag to an already crowded region, because the owner will not ban his own AI bots and has no room to add them to the region admin list. Parcel ban rights might be nice, but most bots land at the region center, or the 0,0,0 corner, so banning by parcel will not stop them from visiting the region.
  14. I send in a support ticket on their website, and they promise to reply within 72 hrs. And they usually wait until 71 hrs and 58 mins to answer. It's a 2 person operation, and both work in RL, and tell me how busy they are... (Sort of like LL for non premium peons)
  15. http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Portal Park 2/82/131/53 It is still simple fun and works as usual, but they have done several things to reduce your payout for your time in the last 2 years. They would rather you buy a Premium membership and get a 300 L$ stipend per week, instead of earning 100 L$ per week in the Realms and Paleoquest. Bean counters in charge now... Added: Yes Paleoquest quest pays 50 L$ per week, and takes anywhere from 15 mins to an hour to complete, depending on your skill and luck. Linden Realms pays 25 $L/week for completing the quests, and you can collect enough crystals while completing the quests for another 25 $L. The quests take about 20 mins, and add another 2 hours to get 25 $L worth of crystals, for 50 $L/week. You can not start the quests until you have at least one green crystal, and you cannot cash in any crystals until you complete a quest every 7 days. So if there are no green crystals to be found, you get nothing for your time. Once you complete the quests, you can just collect unlimited crystals for the week. With skill you can collect about 12 $L per hour chasing crystals. It used to be 25 $L per hour, but they have effectively reduced the number of crystals that rezz per hour, which increases your time in game to about double what it once was for the same number of crystals. They also cut the payout from 50 $L to 25 $L to complete the weekly quest. Reason given was to stop cheaters. Walmart has a theft problem, so their solution was to close stores, cut the number of employees, and replace them with computer checkout terminals, where most of the theft occurs. Must be the same management school for both. LL is big on wage Deflation for residents... Creators and entertainers are seeing the same wage deflation, for other reasons (fees, low retention, weekend events, and RL inflation for the $L buyers. )
  16. There are no green or blue crystals in the LR 181 - LR 192 estate. I have been looking for about 10 hours now, with a dozen visits. Don't waste your time if you are sent to this LR estate. LL is saving huge amounts of Lindens (which cost them nothing) by sending you on this wild goose chase. The LR 161 - LR 172 Realms estate does have green and blue crystals. It usually takes about an hour to find one, but they at least are rezzed there.. You just have to wait until the Lindens decide to open this estate, and close the broken one. QC in the Realms? Haven't seen a Linden or mole in the LR all year.
  17. LL censor bot does not understand French. The blocked word is Petite with an s at the end instead of e. And we all know how evil the word t*ts is, cover your eyes children. The same phrase in French also refers to some XX rated videos among children. But they didn't block seins, for chest/breast, but the size of them. Stupid bot. Let's see if they censor this website for truffles: https://www.divinedelights.com/gift/category/pe*****_fours/ Yep those petite truffles are profanely good. Are their any children in the world who have not heard of the shorter word for breasts?
  18. Why should a search engine also be a mind reader? Language and words exist to let others know what you want. My cat also complains he can't find any catnip on MP. He paws in Meoooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!dsflk;ja, and not a hit, or gets 35.000 hits for sex furniture.
  19. I like these historic threads. Nothing has really changed, even the names are the same. SL might die if the venture capitalists making the survival decisions decide to sell us to some idiot. Otherwise, I am planning on upgrading my 2012 computer to stay up with SL new shinies... someday - when I can no longer get 40 fps everywhere running two accounts on my old bucket of wires.
  20. Maybe there are just too many clothes for women on the MP. I tried a search for women's bottoms, using the categories on the side also, and only found about 35,000 for say, shorts. It doesn't help that the creator stores list every tinted item as a separate item, so one piece uses up a dozen MP ads. From what I saw looking on the first two pages, everything was mesh and for women's bottoms. I didn't look thru page 50 though. Two pairs of jeans and a texture hud is all I need.
  21. This is the way PaleoQuest still is today. Jump 1 meter too high when you need to jump over a rock or small cliff, and it boots you back to the start zone. There is really no way to control the height of a jump. Hold down the Page Up key 1 ms too long and you shoot up like a rocket, beyond your control. It takes a really light touch to avoid this crappy program's safeguards. Then the warning says, you are being ejected either because you were standing still, or flying, or your hair is a mess today. Linden Realms has eliminated most of the traps. It is after all a running and jumping game. There are many invisible physics prims hanging around at cliffs, where you must jump to continue the game. In a few spots, I jump as normal, and can either go up 2 meters or 30 meters, sometimes jumping over the tallest tree. This just wastes my time, since there are no crystals in the sky, or in the trees. At least this random jump behaviour does not trigger their eject algorithm anymore. What they have instead is the evil green mist. You can trigger it in a few regions by entering a region before you have completed the quest for that region. The swamp is the best example. It also happens in the upper forest, where the heart tree is, if you get eaten by a rock monster, and sent back to the recovery tank. You land in the tank, and then get hit with the green mist. Double whammy. This can crash some video cards, always removes your game HUD, and wastes another 60 seconds. I immediately attempt to TP back to the safe village region. But interestingly, while the village is supposed to be safe, since there is no game inside, the green mist can strike you again in the safe village. In which case I just TP home and log out, because such aggravation is not worth the time. I guess that was their plan anyway.
  22. LL could just ban the word wear. They have other filters so the cops won't arrest you. Wear is simply useless. But a wonderful griefing tool. So much content still has the word (Wear) on the object name. Only a few enlightened designers seem to understand the correct term is Add. If I want to watch a newbie panic, sent them a hat that says "wear". There are thousands of them still around. They lose their hair. Real funny. Or send them something to hold in their hands. It will say "wear", and their hands and possible other attached items will vanish. Very funny. Why does LL encourage griefing newbies?
  23. With only one estate operating now, you will see the same players more often. I have noticed avatars with different names but the same awful Linden library newbie outfits more often too because they all go to the same LR167 village region from the portal. But they are only playing one avatar at a time and with different account names. I don't call this cheating. I have still not seen anyone using follower avatars for years. What time of day do you see them? Collecting crystals 24/7 is not cheating either. And if there is a team effort in RL behind that, why would that be cheating? I can see some school clubs, or even large families using the same computer and avatar, or multiple avatars, to play 24/7. With some currency exchanges that might amount to enough income to buy groceries for a few days. It is still not cheating. Just poor people with nothing better to do. What I do notice is too many players for only one Linden Realms estate. I counted 30 avatars the other morning in the LR161 to LR172 regions , using the dot map to see them all. Of the 12 regions, usually 3 have no players. With 30 players using 9 regions it's easy for 2-3 players to clear all the crystals in a few minutes. Major refreshes of crystals happen about every 25 mins. It can't be that profitable for the "cheaters" either, if someone would define what a cheater really is, and how they are affecting your game?
  24. It went through later on Feb 13, so 6 days, or 4 business days to process.
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