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Everything posted by ChinRey

  1. As Theresa said, a more modern IMVU is pretty much what SL became when the focus shifted from continuos "continents" to isolated sims. Come to think of it, that shift happened shortly after IMVU was launched, I wonder if there was some connection there. The way I understand it, Sansar is more like Unity and Unreal Engine except that it comes in a complete package including not only the software but also hosting and quite a bit of basic infrastructure. I think that's where the real risk lies. LL is taking on the Big Guys in virtual reality there and the package solution which is the only thing that really sets them apart from the others, may well be a two edged sword since the inevitable vendor lock may be hard for many potential customers to accept.
  2. ChadUnfroyd wrote: Bait and switch. (Like Trump) I don't think LL does that ... anymore. But in any case, LL wants to not only recruit big companies as customers, they also want to keep them. An independent freelancer may decide to take the risk accepting a ToS like SL's and may well overlook the consequences of a later change. A company with a legal department and CEOs and all that, well depending on their sense of humor those will either break out in hysterical laughter or explode in rage when presented with an SL style ToS, they will notice any changes and if those changes are unacceptable, they will pack their things and leave. entity0x wrote: Do you have any links to the Sansar IP rights policies yet and how they will work? I don't think it's been published yet. I seem to remember Ebbe said that the ToS would be different from SL's but I may even be wrong there.
  3. entity0x wrote: I'm not sure what your point is, I hope this is a picture from within Second Life, because I thought the same; I didn't see anything amazing in the video, nor any improvement in looks or otherwise, that couldn't still be done in SL.. Sorry if I missed the point. You got the point exactly. This is the same building as it is in Second Life. Hyde only did a quick-and-dirty left handed job when he uploaded it to Second Life - he was probably only trying to squeeze a few extra bucks out of an old build he already had - and I would assume he did a more thorough adaptation when he transferred it to Sansar. Also of course, they must have done all they could to make the demo video look as delicious as possible while my photo is unedited and taken with an old windlight I made for a completely different scene. But even so, there must be more than that to explain the obvious difference in quality. entity0x wrote: Yeah, I'm just saying that if they want Sansar to succeed, better not lock it into VR only. Oh, definitely! A VR-only virtual world would be even more complete geekdom than SL has ever been.
  4. ChadUnfroyd wrote: There is no problem. LL has already sorted it out. LL owns ALL intellectual property in their domains. Professional content creators have no choice but to accept LL's ToS. That's SL's ToS. Sansar's will be different. I think LL has already stated that but it goes without saying. They want design studios and architect bureaus to use Sansar as a virtual showroom for their products. Freelancers can choose whether they trust LL not to abuse those extensive rights or not, big companies can't.
  5. Callum Meriman wrote: I would point out that this arbitary 200ms figure is likely a USA thoughtbubble and has no real grounding in fact. Good point. I live in Norway and I've never ever seen ping time lower than 200 ms. Works perfectly fine unless you try to run a drag race against somebody living closer to San Francisco JohnnyMM wrote: and my packet loss is around 1% but it keeps kicking me out. That may be the problem. 1% packet loss is annoying but not fatal but the figure you get from the viewer is often too low. I once had similar problems with you and with about the same packet loss according to the viewer. When I checked the line, it turned out one of the hubs my connection was routed through (in Sweden of course ) actually had 16% packet loss.
  6. A texture alignment grid is often a good alternative to a UV map. Apply the grid texture to the avatar, download a copy of the texture, open in an image editor, and paint the texture you want to sue onto it just as you would on a UV map. Ideally you want two copies of the item rezzed (or worn), one with the grid texture, one with a temporary copy of the texture you're building but if that isn't an option, you can just switch between them to check your progress.
  7. Amethyst Jetaime wrote: Well that's interesting because all my posts in the "super secret section" are from vanished threads but not all my posts from vanished threads are there. None were deleted individually. The whole thread disappeared. Yes, that's interesting. As far as I can remember, I've only posted in two deleted threads before, the one we're not talking about here and one where the OP flatly refused to remove accusations against named people. None of my posts from those threads are in the Super Secret Section.
  8. Amethyst Jetaime wrote: hmmm... Maybe I'm to blame for one thread vanishing. Rather than repeat a lot of information about a SL game to answer questions the OP had I put a link to their website in my reply. Bring on the wet noodles. I doubt that can be the reason. The moderators have been notified about this thread and if it was something as simple as that, they should have responded.
  9. entity0x wrote: Loz Hyde is depicted in the article and video designing the cathedral using a monitor, and only using VR goggles to test what it would look like from that perspective. I'm just warning SL to make it accessible from monitors, because VR is a gimmick, and not to alienate the masses that will NOT be purchasing VR equipment anytime soon. Well, Hyde's Grand Hall wasn't made for Sansar of course. I don't know where it's from originally but I guess it started as part of a movie set. In any case, it works fairly well without a VR headset. You can check out the SL version yourself if you like. It's extremely poor quality mesh (the picture in my previous post is actually taken with LoD factor 4 and it still has serious LoD issues) but you can still get a sense how a building like that works when viewed on a good old monitor.
  10. Amethyst Jetaime wrote: Interestly not all my posts to vanishing threads appear there. Not posts to vanishing threads appear there, only vanishing posts to non-vanishing threads and not all of those either. In addition to the four psots I mentioned, I've had two posts removed for what I have to admit were justifiable reasons. Onece was when LL launched VMM before they had an official viewer that supported it. (I still stand by what I wrote in that post but yes, there are some things you just don't say in public no matter how true it is ) The second time was the 1,003,231st time somebody asked about "SL2" and I simply replied by repeating "there is no such thing as SL2" over and over again. Anyway, one of those posts was deleted completely (and I actually got a rather nice PM from the moderator about it). The other post were moved to the super secret section. So obviously there are different routines for it.
  11. advertent wrote: Need LM for one of the general or moderate Rated Safehubs Strictly speaking I don't think the G and M rated infohubs are called "Safe Hubs" but here's one: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Waterhead/59/97/25 However, if you have adult content enabled you will always be sent to an A rated hub if your login location is unavailable whether you like it or not.
  12. entity0x wrote: Here is the context: "But to achieve all that Sansar is setting out to, he acknowledges, they will have to strike a tricky balance: Enabling people such as Hyde to create amazing content... Since you and the interview mention that, how does the Sansar video compare to this?
  13. entity0x wrote: In this context, LL has learned from the mistakes made in Second Life, and their aim in Sansar is to allow experienced designers like Loz Hyde to do their (higher-skilled?) work, but also allow the same tools and opportunity to others who are not pro to participate as well. I think you misinterpret him slightly there. In at least one previous interview Ebbe has said that there may eventually be room for users to create their own artwork and such but it seems clear that the intention is to leave the content creation to the professionals while the regular users are there to experience the works made by the pros. One of the preconceptions we should get rid of if we move from SL to Sansar is that content creation is an important and integrated part of the activities in a virtual reality. But if your interpretation is correct, there are two probelsm LL needs to sort out. One is IP protection. That is one of the biggest letdowns for professional content creators who consider working in SL. The other is resource management. Inefficient content isn't necessarily a problem in itself, not as long as there isn't too much of it. Second Life has no effective way to measure how much resources an asset actually consumes. We do have the weights and the LI but those figures ignore some of the most costly aspects of a work and are so imprecise that it's quite common you have to increase the actual resource use to reduce the nominal one. With a proper resource management system there is room for both "professional" and "amateur" content since it allows people to choose: do you want this one resource heavy thingy or all those more efficient ones?
  14. Your avatar is probably stuck inside some structure. There are several ways to get out of that situation but if you are completely new, the easiest one is probably to teleport home. Look for a button with a house icon and click on it. I'm not sure where it will take you but it will be a safe place.
  15. ChadUnfroyd wrote: You have to remember that someone (a good friend of mine who occasionally still visits) was once banned for posting the single word: "Yes". That goes without saying, we don't want Yes-People here.
  16. ChadUnfroyd wrote: My reading of it is that he is also insulting the Linden Lab originators and developers of Second Life, as well as the users who built and rebuilt the world There's room for different intepretations of course. I read it as a very diplomatic and understated (and well justified if you ask me) criticism of the Linden Lab originators. I can't see how it can be aimed at us users though.
  17. Perrie Juran wrote: Then there is always the Super Secret Hidden From View Unmoderated Posts section. Thank you Perrie, I knew I had seen it before but couldn't find it again. Looking at the list of my rejected posts, here are four things that are not allowed on this forum: Links to unicode character tables Info how to report keyword spam on MP Info how to make a 1 LI detailed tree trunk with good LoD Links to articles about the old Frank Lloyd Wright museum Ummm... is it just me or is this beginning to look a teeny weeny bit ridiculous? Edit: Turns out I actually reposted the third one on that list and somehow it went undetected on second attempt. So while it lasts, here is an example of a disallowed forum post (second one on the page): https://community.secondlife.com/t5/Mesh/Prim-Bonuses-and-LODs/td-p/3078655/highlight/true/page/6
  18. It's probably not the right forum but it's an easy enough question to answer so no problem. There are several ways to get inside an enclosed skydome in SL. What I suggest you do is: Fly up and stand/hover right above the dome Click on the adress field at the top of your viewer window Change the last number of the adress to something slightly lower (two or three meters is enough) Hit the enter key Once you're inside, make sure to landmark the spot so you don't have to do it the hard way again
  19. ChadUnfroyd wrote: How do you feel about LL's soon-to-depart CEO opening his mouth and sticking his foot in it comment on his perception of Second Life? Are you thrilled that he has noticed your technical expertise? Disappointed because you are only an incomplete geek? Or maybe you consider it an egregious insult? Definitely not as an insult, rather an acknowledgment of the skills and persistence of the people who have actually managed to figure out Second Life well enough to use it. And also as a belated statement of an obvious fact. I really, really wish Linden Lab had come to that realisation ten years ago when it was still possible to turn SL into the open-for-everybody virtual reality it always pretended to be but never was.
  20. Pamela Galli wrote: That's what makes it all the more egregious that when an interesting one does arise, it disappears. Well, with no response from a moderator here we just have to assume there was nothing objectonable in the posts and the thread vanished either because of a technical glitch or because the OP asked to have it removed. That means we can all repeat our views next time an occasion arises and maybe even say it better. Except Qie - his post was so spot on it can't be said better.
  21. Gadget Portal wrote: I suspect someone got upset and reported one of the posts, which almost inevitably gets the whole thread deleted instead of the specifically reported post... Hmmmm, you mean anybody can provoke the takedown of a whole thread simply by posting a single offensive reply in it?
  22. Chic Aeon wrote: While my discussion from a couple of days ago wasn't removed. I had four posts to that discussion disappear yesterday. These were all mesh upload and physics posts so nothing very TOS related *wink*. You never know. Chic Aeon wrote: I assumed that there were issues with the forum database. In your case, yes probably. I had something similar happen to a post long ago. Somebody asked how to make the ❤ symbol so I posted a link to unicode-table.com. That post was gone within a few hours and I can't for my life imagine it could have possibly offended anybody, esepcially since somebody else posted the same link later in the same thread.
  23. Sassy Romano wrote: Who are GHSC? Good question. It may be either Golf Historical Society of Canada or the General Hypnotherapy Standards Council. Might also be Global Halal Support Centre or Glastonbury Hartwel Soccer Club of course but that seems unlikely in this context.
  24. On a serious note, I have received inworld replies to my posts here before, sometimes from people who wanted to discuss matters in more detail than what is possible here, sometimes from people uncomfortable with forum posting in general. I have never before got an IM from somebody who flatly stated they didn't dare post what they wanted to say on the forum. I do actually agree with Pamela and Bobbie that any threads that may have mysteriously disappeared from the forum recently were relatively trivial. The general principle however, isn't. I have decided to report this thread to the moderators myself, asking them to clarify. They may of course decide to delete the thres but that's ok. Madelaine now knows how much we all love her - as if there were ever any doubt.
  25. Snugs McMasters wrote: She knows better See? Even Snugs admits it.
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