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Ted McGregor

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Everything posted by Ted McGregor

  1. I don't know. Doesn't seem like a contest either .. seems more like a perpetual race where people are trying to laugh at the runner up behind them until they collect a lamppost ...
  2. So much contenders for that title in these forums, making that probability most likely score very low ...
  3. The only thing keeping SL in business is keep making profits. Do you have any clue how much that is ? If you don't, you cannot feign insight into their demise.
  4. Companies run out of business very quick if only making losses. Funny how people have been claiming the death of SL for years now. You are certainly not the first and won't be the last to say it.
  5. Good. You won't see a change either in regards to politics. We loose braincells over the years. We don't gain them .. It's obvious everywhere. You will join us ..
  6. This was actually a number one song on the charts for a record number of months in my country when I was young. An all time favourite.
  7. Wait .. propietary intellectual property (data) and open source software vs. closed software are different subjects entirely. With propietary data for avatar meshes you establish a monopoly. I don't think we want that.
  8. Does this allow commercial use or is it for personal use only ? The website also specifically asks businesses in SL to register. PS nevermind.. that registration is for access to their meshes ... that seems the proprietary part. You are right.
  9. With 500 K fee I still feel like I'm the one being .. ahem .. screwed doubly here .. even if they carry monkey-wrenches with them.
  10. Peeve : FOSS comparison to non-profit merchants in Second Life. It's not even good analogy. It's pure sarcasm.
  11. That's not a fee. That' s insurance. What subs do you use ? Titans from MP ? I'd rather dive into Nowhere-land with the Beatles' Yellow Submarine. Peeve : Crooked submarine-deals.
  12. Ooh .. my wife's is going to be stoked. A package delivery without spending money ...
  13. Or you saying you are under the impression that street cred balance was not negative already ? Peeve : Disarming naivity ..
  14. Peeve : Focus. The problem and tragedy with the Titan is not wether SL get's a bad rep over misrepresentation by simulation, but that people trust devices with their very own lives which have not withstood rigorous real life proof and testing.
  15. I'm unsure you are aware how much there's left of SL's 'street cred' anyway. Also unsure if it's something to really worry over.
  16. That's not a fair comparison. You are the best looking system avatar walking about ..
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