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Everything posted by LepreKhaun

  1. arton Rotaru wrote: I still would consider this as a bug, rather than normal behavior. Even if the Jira is from 2008 already. :matte-motes-silly: https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/VWR-4158 Though I agree that the behavior is unexpected, it certainly is not a viewer bug, this happens server side, the prim actually changes position. To fully understand the behavior, one has to take into account the "grab-able" object parameter. If one added the statement llSetStatus(STATUS_BLOCK_GRAB, TRUE); to the OP's default state_entry event handler, one overrides this. As it is, one can question the need for the "grab-able" parameter and it's flawed implementation. However, at this point, it can only be seen as expected behavior since it would be doubtful the Lindens would correct it (or any of the other anomalies within touch for that matter) in fear of breaking existing content that may rely on such.
  2. TrybALSpiriT Manga wrote: Hello, i don't understand why, when you stay cliked on, you can move the prim. Don't know if it's normal or not. thx for replies default{ on_rez(integer pParams){ llResetScript(); } state_entry() { llSetTimerEvent(0); } touch_start(integer total_number) { llSay(0, "Touched."); state test; }}state test{ on_rez(integer pParams){ llResetScript(); } state_entry() { llSetTimerEvent(120); llSay(0, "In test."); } timer(){ state default; }} It's normal behavior, as explained in the second and third Notes at http://lslwiki.net/lslwiki/wakka.php?wakka=touch_start .
  3. Dora Gustafson wrote: When you touch an object you trigger three events: touch_start, touch and touch_end in a row All three of them 'belong' to one state no matter if the state has event handlers for all events When you change state in a touch_start or touch event handler, the touch_end event becomes 'homeless', it has nowhere to go That's why it is only safe to change state on the last occurring event: the touch_end event :smileysurprised::smileyvery-happy: This of course is not the full story but its good enough to paint a picture That is incorrect. When a state change is executed, the event handlers specific for that state are registered. This registration is what determines which event messages are entered into the (newly cleared) event queue. The three stages of touch are independent of each other and have no bearing on each other. The following illustrates this, a touch of short duration results in the touch_end event handler in state test not being registered before it happens, so it is ignored. If the touch is held long enough for the state to fully transition, touch_end will trigger. // Short touch will go from default to test,// touch_end event is lost// Long touch will result in default -> test -> default,// touch_end event is triggered.default{ state_entry(){ llOwnerSay("In default."); } touch_start(integer total_number){ llOwnerSay("touch_start."); state test; }}state test{ state_entry(){ llOwnerSay("In test."); } touch_end(integer total_number){ llOwnerSay("Touch_end."); state default; }}
  4. woot woot! And things just keep getting better, thank you!
  5. chris21ce wrote: I have made a script for a hud it displays up to 22 sounds my question is how can I make it display up to 50 sounds? Or even unlimited sounds? Here is my script can anyone help me out here? Thanks ... Stolen script deleted ... errr, you somehow left off the header from that script you published as your own... //______Play Sound Menu___Alicia Stella______//__________last modifed__May 2009___________//_____more scripts: www.aliciastella.com_____
  6. Skywalker Scofield wrote: Hello would anyone know how to display various successive webpages like a texture on a prim inworld with a timer (like 10 seconds) and searching for the next webpage's URL to display in a notecard attached to the prim ? thank you in advance for any help regards, SKywalker Welcome to the forums! Media on a Prim (MOAP) encompasses much more than LSL, which only (basically) allows us to implement a generic, basic webkit browser. See http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/HTML_HUD_Demo for how to get started (not very well commented, but spot on for what's needed to get started in this direction, which includes the CSS/JQUERY interface with LSL ).
  7. Dhuanolil wrote: Through a lot of Googling, dissecting freebie scripts, and trial and error, I managed to make the script below for dice: integer Chan=6;string ObjectName;default{ state_entry() { llListen(Chan, "", NULL_KEY, "" ); }// This is for the emotive channel dice roll. listen( integer channel, string name, key id, string message ) { if (channel==Chan && id==llGetOwner()) { ObjectName=llGetObjectName(); llSetObjectName(""); string player = llGetDisplayName(llDetectedKey(0)); integer roll = (integer)(llFrand(100.0)+1); llSay(0, "/me " + "secondlife:///app/agent/" + (string) id + "/displayname rolled " + (string)roll + ", " + message); llSetObjectName(ObjectName); } }// This is for the simple click-to-roll dice. touch_start(integer num) { ObjectName=llGetObjectName(); llSetObjectName(""); string player = llGetDisplayName(llDetectedKey(0)); integer roll = (integer)(llFrand(100.0)+1); llSay(0, "/me " + player + " rolled " + (string)roll); }} However, players in the sim would like the ability to have a number bonus added to their dice if they rank up (perhaps +5 each time they rank up? There will only be four ranks). How can this be done? Is there a way for an admin to add a bonus to someone's dice? Any help would be appreciated. The dice will be free, copiable and transferable (though not modifiable; I don't want anyone hacking into them to add bonuses), and anyone who helps me here will have credit given to them. Thank you for reading. Simple answer: Learn LSL. Trying to "google a script" is going to result in just that, a take-it-or-leave-it script that is worth every bit you paid for. Do not bother to come here looking for others to do your work for you.
  8. Thank you for a great introductory tutorial to unwrapping! This may clear up a lot of confusion the novice experiences when being confronted with the many options available in Blender, giving them a reference framework to decide what is best for their own model.
  9. Kerri Macarthur wrote: As above really. I need to make a simple cube that will measure how much force is pushing on it. The cobe won't move and cannot be phantom, etc. Just can't figure out what will measure this Help pls "How much force" is meaningless unless one is also accounting for the direction of force, which is a vector. "How much" simply states the magnitude of this vector and carries no information of the direction the force is being applied tangentially. Furthermore, forces may act in conjunction with other forces, as any pool player who has mastered putting "english" on a cue ball instinctively knows. To make your calculations easier; if your cube isn't moved, no effective force has been applied.
  10. Good point: // Does not account for daylight savings time changes through the year.default{ state_entry() { llSetTimerEvent(86400 - llGetWallclock()); // set timer for midnight SLT } changed(integer change) { if (change & CHANGED_REGION_START) llSetTimerEvent(86400 - llGetWallclock()); // set timer for midnight SLT } timer() { llSetTimerEvent(86400); // set timer for 24 hours later //ADD THING TO ACTIVATE AT 12AM HERE: llSay(0,"Another Day!"); //SAY ON PUBLIC CHAT THAT ITS A NEW DAY }} Anything to get away from checking every minute for a once in every 24 hour action!
  11. Killian Jayaram wrote: Can't sleep so here... string is12() //STRING COMMAND NAME { integer now = (integer)llGetWallclock(); //SETS NOW AS CURRENT TIME integer hours = now / 3600; //TURNS HOURS IN TO 24H FORMAT string es = llGetSubString("0" + (string)hours, -2, -1); //ADDS 0 IF ONE DIG return llDeleteSubString(es, -3, -3); //REMOVES - IF HOURS IN NEG (GOOD IF MAKING TIME ZONE) } default //MAIN SCRIPT { state_entry() //FIRST STARTS { llSetTimerEvent(60); // Activate the timer every 60 seconds (DONT WANT ANY QUICKER OR MAY ACTIVATE TWICE) } timer() //LOOPS EVREY 60 SECONDS { if (is12() == "00") //IS CURRENT HOUR 12 AM { //ADD THING TO ACTIVATE AT 12AM HERE: llSay(0,"Another Day!"); //SAY ON PUBLIC CHAT THAT ITS A NEW DAY } } touch_start(integer total_number) // ON TOUCH { llSay(0,"The Current Hour is " + is12() + "."); //TELL TIME (GOOD TO SEE IF WORKING) } } Unsure why you're concerned with it activating twice when the code you have there goes off 60 times the first hour of each day. // Does not account for daylight savings time changes through the year. default{ state_entry() { llSetTimerEvent(86400 - llGetWallclock()); // set timer for midnight SLT } timer() { llSetTimerEvent(86400); // set timer for 24 hours later //ADD THING TO ACTIVATE AT 12AM HERE: llSay(0,"Another Day!"); //SAY ON PUBLIC CHAT THAT ITS A NEW DAY }}
  12. Mariano Ree wrote: Although the ideas are good. Theydon't give me what im looking for which is a nice texture. Heres 2 examples from the SL marketplace of how I want my texture to look like. Now if someone help me figure out how to achieve something like this would be awsome. ... You are missing what a texture is. It's merely an image, a picture, nothing more, nothing less. If you're simply wanting a good texture of a diamond, get a good diamond and a good camera. If you light it properly and everything is in focus, you may end up with a great texture of a diamond, in other words, a good picture. What you're actually looking for isn't that, but a way to make an object that more or less appears to be a realistic diamond in world. As pointed out early on, SL lacks a way to do refraction, which is a main characteristic of the appearance of a cut diamond. So, a good SL "diamond" is going to have to fake it somehow. How one fakes it and the skill at their usage of whatever technique they bring to bear will determine how realistic the "diamond" appears. Making the object to conform with how an actual diamond is cut (as suggested above) may enhance the final effect. Experimenting with transparency, glow and particle effects (as I suggested) may as well. Adding an image to the back face (with their normals flipped) might do it. Buying what appears to be quality "diamonds" and examining them to see how the effect is being obtained may help. Or you can just stick a pretty picture of a diamond on the front. Whatever. But sometimes we simply have to get to busy and work it out for ourselves to our satisfaction. I do hope you luck with it all.
  13. queenkhaleesi wrote: I see instead of putting them in url parameter i'll just put them in the body then use post. Thank you always a pleasure And, yes, that is the main difference between the two methods. Main thing to remember is that "GET" is the default and is always used if HTTP_METHOD is not specified, "POST" must be explicitly named.
  14. That looks much better, nice retopo! On your gem face, go with a 10-20 percent transparency, a very pale pastel (blue works well), a touch of glow and then add and adjust a bling sparkle script such as found http://metaverse.mitsi.com/cgi/freescripts.plx?ID=235 . You may need to tweak things according to size of your final object.
  15. queenkhaleesi wrote: I want to get the body content of the HTTPRequest in PHP instead of sending the data via URL Parameter is there a way to do that? Thank you Use the HTTP_METHOD of "POST", otherwise it defaults to "GET" and you need to use the URL params for your data.. See example at http://lslwiki.net/lslwiki/wakka.php?wakka=llHTTPRequest .
  16. Ahh, Steph brought up a good point- radius for a cylinder has two parameters. Picture time! I'll leave it to math majors to figure out the depth of the wall on a non-orthogonal angle....
  17. Walls are a great way to get started in learning how to build in Second Life. Here's a link to get you started- http://www2.uncp.edu/home/acurtis/NewMedia/SecondLife/HowToBuildInSecondLife.html Texturing your new walls (which are just basic prim boxes) in a premium home is easy! Each of the premium home styles has an associated texture pack for it, free to premium residents to use as they wish (as long as it's for noncommercial purposes, of course!). These texture packs can be found in the community centers (usually info hubs) of each area and will have the textures specific for that area. To find these community centers, open the World Map while in your home and scan around it, looking for the info hub symbol nearest you within your home area. You can distinguish the different premium home style areas on the map, they all have a distintive layout pattern and you can easily see the parkland borders that separate them. Oh, but if you have an Eldergreen style house, its community center is NOT an info hub, you'll have to recognize its distint shape that dominates the Elderglen Region Otherwise, Meadowbrook home textures can be found in Meadowbrook region, Tahoe textures in Tahoe Springs and Japanese home textures at the info hub in Shareta Osumai. Once you get to the community center, just explore around it, looking for the texture giver. Take your time, there's also a lot of other premium content surprises hidden away there as well!
  18. Freya Mokusei wrote: Sure. I don't know why your hollow differs from the answer provided above. As I said originally I am unable to get into SL today. Thanks for adding pics. No, I just added pics showing it in practicle use, which agrees with the theory. Of course, diameter = 2*radius.
  19. And there's the difference when the radius is at 3.3m, just won't reach with the limit of 0.95 on hollow.
  20. All that theory would be great if it fit practicle application. [Edited for poor choice of words] It might help to show the theory in practicle application. [Goes to get more coffee for self]
  21. Atosuria Daviau wrote: i am useing this Alpha fade script in an item that starts at 60% transparnacy to set it at 100% transparanct you make it look removed (its a Visor on a hellmet) float fadeVelo = .01; //Fade steps N° (1.0 - 0.1) default{ touch_start(integer total_number) { integer x; float xf; for (x=9; x>=0; x--) { xf = x * .1; llSleep(fadeVelo); llSetAlpha(xf,ALL_SIDES); } state Velo; }} state Velo{ touch_start(integer total_number) { integer x; float xf; for (x=1; x<11; x++) { xf = x * .1; llSleep(fadeVelo); llSetAlpha(xf,ALL_SIDES); } state default; }} the problem is after it isuse it removes all obacity from the helmet after it is used how do i mod this ti set the default state to the 60% my projeect needs Thank you in advance Add a state_entry() event handler to the default state that sets your alpha properly. See https://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/State_entry for how that works.
  22. Maxx Borchovski wrote: I have a treasure hunt / fund raising type object that needs to have two click functions. I need the object to give a notecard or allow the avatar to pay the object. The original had a notecard giver for the touch event, and the object was set to 'For Sale' but folks forgot to take the object after buying it. We then wrote a script to allow the pay / money event to give the objects contents to the avatar. This was fine but the avatars in the fund raising hunt still need the object to give out a notecard. Is there a way to trigger the money event from within the touch event? The only solution I could think up was to set the click action to pay for a limited amount of time, so the pay feature would work on a second click on the object. Any help would be appreciated. Maxx You could take advantage of there being two different types of click an avatar can do. Right Click gives one the option to Pay as long as there's a money() event handler in the script. So, I'd suggest using your notecard giver and adding this to it: state_entry() { // If there's already a state_entry(), just add this line within it llSetText("Left Click\nfor Notecard\nRight Click\nto make a Donation", <0.0, 1.0, 0.0>, 1.0); } money(key donor, integer amount) { llSay(PUBLIC_CHANNEL, "Thank you for your generous donation of " + (string)amount + "L$, " + llKey2Name(donor) + "!"); // Edited to add an optional token gift, just keep in mind that the donation may be only 1L$ // Just remove the comment slashes below and place the give away token in the contents of your object // llGiveInventory(donor, llGetInventoryName(INVENTORY_OBJECT,0)); }
  23. steph Arnott wrote: And I just been threatened with a ban over this. All instances of snippets gained from this forum in my codes have been removed and will be re written as they are classified as others intellectual property. The code can be as lagy and rough as when I wrote it and no more code will be written. As regards to help in this Forum, people will be directed to the wiki. I have never been I trouble with the law ever and as I been threatened with a ban I am disgraced. Basically any code put in this forum can not be used without notification to everyone that was involved, whether one line or twenty. I did as you said and read the law and nothing can be used if it is written by someone else without there consent and legal agreement. "you really should rethink what you're about" Though English may not be your native language, you're still responsible for being aware of the Second paragraph of 2.3 of the Terms of Service for using these forums. Just as everybody else is.
  24. steph Arnott wrote: I am agreeing, but there is nothing on that post page that was stripped. The OP simply pasted the script from the top. Start on the road of elitism and trouble will be at the end. Respect for fellow creators has nothing to do with elitism. And if you cannot respect someone who has to use Google Translate to share the following with us, you really should rethink what you're about: Super Booster (wearme) Where is sitted script PHYS Locator Platonic Generator Script Auto-Teleport HUD
  25. Sassy Romano wrote: LL cannot just make assumptions about who is the rights holder, just because they have seen something on Marketplace. That is the problem and the resolution method already exists. That's all there is to it really, just like all the content on Pictogram, YouTube, Vimeo etc. With a bit of change of emphasis: Anyone can see something on the Marketplace and make assumptions about the rights holder. And those assumptions can range from justifiable to malicious. And that is also part of the problem and the reason the resolution method exists.
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