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Everything posted by LepreKhaun

  1. Did you, perhaps, deed the land to your group? A lot of us do and forget later. To check, open your About Land floater and check under the GENERAL Tab. If it says (Group Owned) next to Owner, then follow both steps, in the order given, to abandon your land - http://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/Group-owned-land/ta-p/700079#Section_.5.1
  2. Well said. And if legal and altruistic reasons doesn't quite work for some reader, let me give you a selfish one to consider: Take notice of the two LSL wikis and the number of script libraries and repositories and all those old archives and these newer, more recent postings. It represents a lot of work by a lot of good people. People who are willing to share their understanding, skill and knowledge with others as well as take the time and make the effort to do so.. Now, consider the next contributor, who has just written a gem of a script, probably one you'll be looking for any day now. But they come to the realization, right before they publish it, it's just going to be pirated and passed around with its headers stripped and no one will be able to recall who was generous enough to have furnished it to the world in the first place.
  3. If the cube has been rotated, just edit it and choose local axis. The red arrow will point into the correct face. ETA: Which reminds me, if you've made your mesh HUD correctly, when you go to upload it you won't see anything in the preview window unless you turn it around (prevew window shows your model with the positive X axis towards you).
  4. I'm glad I was clear, but then again, I usually am on ethical issues.
  5. Oh, yes, I've followed Steven Mann since the mid 90's, when he was doing things that are just now getting some attention.
  6. Anything that "promises to beam movies, video games or even video calls directly into your eyeballs" will soon be so yesterday... Just need a few volunteers for my ocular nerve implant prototype tests and I'm off to Kickstarter. Anyone?
  7. http://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/Group-owned-land/ta-p/700079#Section_.5.1 Be certain you follow both steps, in the order given!
  8. Can't help but interject at this point that the issue never arises if the HUD is made correctly to begin with.
  9. Make certain that you have, indeed, abandoned your Linden Home by going to your Account Dashboard., click Land Manager and then My Mainland. If it's no longer listed there, it has been abandoned. Make sure that you haven't been changing your house too often in the past 24 hours (you're allowed to do this only 5 times). If all that applies, then go to the Support Portal and choose Submit a Support Case or use the Live Chat option available to you.
  10. Welcome to the forums! Hope you don't have too short a time to do your project in, it's going to take a bit. First step is to learn your way around using Blender. The first five lessons at http://www.gryllus.net/Blender/3D.html will get you started. Don't just look at the videos though, actually do the lessons. Figure a full 40 hours for that.
  11. Sassy Romano wrote: Kwakkelde Kwak wrote: If I remember correctly (some) huds will attach at their default rotation. So if you have a flat hud, it will be invisible if it's orientated the wrong way. Kind of hard to rotate something invisible:) No problem at all. Attach it, Right click it in the inventory window, choose Edit. Then in the edit dialog, as suggested, changed the rotation using either numbers or the scroll buttons. It's easy - ya' bunch o' n00bs! :matte-motes-wink-tongue: Might be helpful if you said you are not using the SL viewer for that. Thanks for playing though, old timer!
  12. Kwakkelde Kwak wrote: Where did I mention primitives? I was talking about 3d objects vs 2d objects. On a HUD these two will look exactly the same. The hemisphere is 480 tris, the filled circle only 30. You could use a single quad with circular texture too for the button, depending on the desired "editability" inworld. And as I said, you could use a single quad for the entire HUD. _________ A single prim can have up to 7 faces if I'm not mistaken. A hollow cube has 6 sides and one inside. They won't be facing the same way of course. As you said, up to five can face (almost) in the same direction. A tortured cube doesn't have more faces than an untortured cube btw, quite the contrary, A normal box has 108 tris and 96 verts.If you "torture" it by setting the taper to 0.01, it will have 12 tris and 24 verts (like a mesh box). The 5 sided prism has 216 tris and 184 verts. So on a "per visible face" level, the prism is actually better than a collection of boxes. No argument with any of that (other than a prim can have a total of 9 faces). This is, however, completely off topic. I do apologize for using spheres in my tutorial, if that helps. Me bad. :smileysad:
  13. Sassy Romano wrote: I'm not going to debate mesh building but i've never paid any attention as to orientation of building when making a HUD, be it prims or mesh. Simple reason, I attach it and if it's the wrong way round, I juse edit it and use the edit controls to rotate it via the scroll arrows/numbers. Therefore, I'm not sure there's any relevance in worrying about which axis it's facing. Obviously normals would need to point in the same direction to be visible. Ahhh, but to edit something, you must be able to first click on it to select it. Try that on a flat mesh plane made with its face normals not pointed into the negative X axis. (HINT: Inworld manipulations won't help with this. Local axis applies with HUDs.)
  14. Kwakkelde Kwak wrote: The thing is, why would you use 3d objects on a 2d HUD at all? ... Good question and the entire reason I wrote the tutorial. Primitives, as you may well know, happen to be 3d objects. And, when, as they are often are during HUD construction, they're tortured to show more sides, their triangle count goes up very quickly. I believe a single prim can only do 5 at the most (A Better Moustrap). And if any reader may think for an instant that your viewer isn't having to deal with rendering triangles when it comes to prims, read http://www.realityprime.com/blog/2008/08/how-sl-primitives-really-work/ which was written by someone that was part of the team that initially designed SL primitives. On the other hand, mesh gives the builder the option of presenting 8 faces to the HUD in any size/arrangement desired, gives one complete control over triangle usage, as well as custom UV mapping and baking of textures. Oh, and there had never been a tutorial written before on what was required to make a mesh HUD. Almost forgot that last part.
  15. It normally takes 5 to 7 working days to process the payment on your paypal. Check your transactions history and, if it doesn't seem to have moved forward properly, contact Billings Support (email: support@payments.secondlife.com) with the issue for them to look into it.
  16. 10:00am PT February 10, 2014 source- https://apps.facebook.com/lindenlabcontest/rules/Second-Life-New-Year-New-You-Contest
  17. Yes you can! You'll need a stream cast receiver, such as Winamp Media Player as well as the URL of the stream cast. Usually the radios in SL give the name of station so it may take a bit of search to find the URL of it but some will have a configuration notecard that you can read for it. The Shoutcast Radio Directory will probably have it otherwise.
  18. Simple, evocative and very well made. Thank you for sharing it!
  19. Coby Foden wrote: In your mesh upload window we can see that your mesh HUD has: 3844 triangles 7944 vertices For comparison the complete SL avatar mesh has: 7186 triangles 3618 vertices That comparison should make you think "is my mesh too complicated for such small object?" All those vertices must be handled by your graphics card. The less to handle, the better. Don't mind about the LI, you are not rezzing the hud on ground. It sits on your screen and your graphics card is sweating for all the extra work it has to do to render it. Your concern for my usage of 2% of allowable tris is laudable. However, this thread wasn't intended to be about the best practices for mesh making but simply a quick tutorial to show how to construct a HUD in Blender. For those that may have gotten lost in the forest for all the tris: Orientation of the construction in Blender determines the intitial orientation of the object in SL. [ETA: The initial orientation is important in HUD making because it determines the (immutable) local axis of the mesh. In other words, if a mesh HUD is not constructed properly to begin with, it will never work otherwise.] For a mesh HUD, face normals must point in the negative X direction for it to appear on the HUD. To ensure #2, work in the Left Perspective View. Use offsets on the X axis to determine which element is in front of another. If using 3D objects in the components, manually remove the back faces (those which point in a positive X direction). Use different material assignmets to form the faces of the HUD. [ETA: It might be pointed out that faces in mesh can be noncontiguous, meaning the same face is not limited to only one location] A mesh HUD may have up to a maximum of 8 faces. If more than 8 faces are required, make more mesh elements and link them inworld. On upload, only the highest LOD is of any importance for a HUD, squash everything else, including the physics. {ETA: Link to general HUD making tips which also apply- Creating HUDs]
  20. Shinga Zahm wrote: Hello. First off, I must say that my knowledge of LSL is very limited, but I am doing a little bit of learning as I go. I have been trying to make a single script that fades the textures on a single prim to 100% transparent, changes textures, then fades back to 100% opacity. This cycle repeats again in x-amount of seconds. The script that I found that ALMOST does this works beautifully, but only activates the transition when touched. ... The script you "found" is the intellectual property of the author, JJValero Writer, and was published in the Second Life Forums Archive, which is copyrighted by Linden Research, Inc. http://forums-archive.secondlife.com/54/60/201397/1.html Please do not copy and paste such into this forum, it is a form of theft.
  21. MIstahMoose wrote: WHAT ARE YOU EVEN DOING WHY ARE YOU NOT USING FLAT OBJECTS 24 triangles will always be more efficient than that ridiculous number you have!!! ETA:Forgot to remove doubles. Actually 20 tris LMAO! Not sure if I should put a spoon on your tongue or not, 'fraid you might bite it in two with a fit like that... FYI, mesh can never have less than 0.500 Land Impact, regardless of how many triangles are used. And, without naming names, there's a particle control HUD on the MP that is made of 137 prims. Oh, and your construction isn't oriented properly. Please read my instructions more carefully and try not to freak out about picayune details.
  22. Haven't seen this in the literature before, so thought a quick tutorial on how to make a HUD in Blender might be helpful for some. The technique should be easily used in other 3D modelling programs as well, as long as the basic principles are understood. This is a picture of the final result- a square HUD that has six faces; four round "buttons", a rectangular area and a background, all responsive to llDetectedTouchFace() within a touch event handler. I'm not going to go into UV-mapping or baking AO, which is done as for any mesh item. This is specific to construction of the components to be used for a HUD. Main thing is the orientation of the construction within your program. You must work with your normals pointed into the negative X axis. Open Blender, delete the default cube and press CTRL-NUMPAD-3 or select View -> Left. This orients your workspace properly and it should say "Left Persp" in the upper left corner of your view port. Add a Mesh Plane. The mesh plane will need to be rotated to face you and this is done with a -90 rotation on the Y axis, giving you this: Now, still in object mode, I'll add more elements to the scene (4 spheres and another plane in this case), scale and place them as I wish. The main thing is to select each object in turn, go to edit mode, add a new material for it and Assign it to that object. Once I'm satisfied with the arrangement, I'll then select all the objects and join them together. Note the offset I've added (-0.04) to the second plane's X axis to position it in front of the background plane after doing the initial rotation. Once all the components are joined, check to ensure each has a different material assignment, these will be separate faces within Second Life and you can have a total of 8. If more than that are needed, simply make more mesh objects along these lines. Advanced mesh HUDs can have components that appear and disappear as needed by having two or more objects that are individually positioned on the Z axis X axis [Edited, sorry for the error] in SL with llSPPF, as well as rotated and scaled as needed. Spheres should be cut in half, with their backs removed. Triangular or other shaped planes can be quickly made, but turn on Mesh Display -> Normals (Display face normals as lines) and view your construction at an angle to verify that they're all pointed correctly in the negative X direction. Always revert back to the Left Persp View to continue construction though, as this is what will appear in SL when it is worn. Upload of a mesh HUD requires no physics model and everything but the highest LOD (which will be the only thing that matters) set to 0.
  23. steph Arnott wrote: Should i ask? What does this mean "think like a coder." ? To "think like a coder" means to visualize a problem in a concrete way and then be able to solve it using the execution steps provided by a programming language. Software is just a sequence of well-defined steps that, taken together, solve a problem. Coding, whether it's writing a 3 line quickie script or an enterprise program that requires 20 people coordinating their efforts over a year, is just solving a problem in a specific way. "Thinking like a coder" is being able to grasp what is needed to get from "I want this to happen" to "These are the necessary steps to obtain that result". Being able to define a problem in a concrete way is key to this because a program can only do specific things. You can usually tell when something is going to get solved by how tight the description is; a loose, unorganized collection of "might be neededs" is not someone thinking like a coder, it's more like a wish list. It's when a problem is defined as "I want this to happen when such-and-such is true" can one actually sit down and write the code to accomplish exactly that. Being able to properly think of and define a problem is half of writing the solution for it. And, being able to visual problems in a way that enable their solution is "thinking like a coder".
  24. irihapeti wrote: if keep your turns history shortish then is doable. Like others mention is a 64K MONO cap per script if have lots of data then can think about a web-based datastore, as has been mentioned. Which you probably want to do anyways if evolves into multi-player/multi-level game. So that levels/ranks/weps/heals etc can be better persisted across arenas/logins + for temp turn/history that needs a fair amount of data then can consider linked scripts. For example: a script with data lists for Player1 and script with data for Player2 and a 3rd game/logic script. The game script treats the others as a in memory database. push/pull data using linked messages. Can extend this to a more expansive model: game controller script -> database controller script -> multiple datatable (lists) scripts will be faster execution time-wise than push/pull to external database on each buff/rebuff if/when the action on each turn is stepped and requires lots of data on each step. Persisting to the external web datastore only what is absolutely necessary to maintain game integrity for example can have a 4th script that does the persisting to and from the extenal database Keep in mind that, as you're describing things, "game logic" has to fit within that 64K limit as well. Try to implement the (trivial) winning Tic Tac Toe strategy using LSL. (See http://rowdy.msudenver.edu/~gordona/cs1050/progs/tictactoermccsc.pdf which gives an example C program to check for a winning position. Now take that and add the AI for the computer to always make a move that will result in a win or draw for itself, keeping the resulting code to less than 64K.)
  25. Short answer- ANSI C. I say that because not only LSL based on that language, a number of others are as well: If one learns ANSI C then you'll be able to grasp practically anything else on first reading. This is the work horse of programming languages. As the work horse, it's commonly used in schools, so there are a ton of beginner tutorials on the web. Getting started in it is just a matter of finding the introduction that you can get your head around the easiest. But, with that said, ANSI C is not a scripting language but a full fledged programming language, it's going to entail learning a lot more than you'll ever need in LSL. And LSL has around 500 library functions one must become familiar with that are specific to Second Life So, approaching this along these lines means learning a lot more than needed and not learning nearly enough at the same time. The hardest part of learning to program though is not about the language, it's learning the basic concepts of programming and how to "think like a coder." To that end, I would actually recommend learning LSL first and then ANSI C. The reason for that is because LSL is, with a SL account, much more readily usable. And it is only by writing code does one learn to code.
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