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Everything posted by LepreKhaun

  1. Innula Zenovka wrote: You know that and I know that, but some people don't, and when I think they've made a bona fide mistake through ignorance or inexperience I'll certainly try to draw it to their attention in a way that I hope doesn't scare them off too badly. For some reason we never seemed in the past to be able to persuade Lindens to stickify anything in this forum, but I'm wondering if we couldn't have another shot, if someone were to draft some guidelines for posters to follow when posting other people's scripts so that they know how to avoid inadvertantly transgressing on someone else's IP. Hear hear! I second that...
  2. Who was John Linden? One of the early ones, http://obijan.com/slstats/report_av.php?reportnum=71
  3. Innula Zenovka wrote: ... Sometimes we need, after all, to see how the OP has altered the original script -- as in this case -- to see where the problem is. And it should be pointed out that, in this case, a simple link to the script the OP was working on would've sufficed. Which is always the legitimate way of handling any content published elsewhere on the web. But of course that was hashed out back in the mid-nineties, when this was called WWW.
  4. ChaosRaine wrote: So something like this then? default{ state_entry() {float row_num = 1.5;float column_num = - 1.5; llSetTexture("eba57635-249b-4495-6d1e-4ee33e49e5fc",ALL_SIDES); llScaleTexture(cell_width, cell_height, 0); llSetTextureAnim( ANIM_ON|LOOP, ALL_SIDES, 5, 2, 0.0, 10.0, 1); }} I got that to work on a prim box the way I want it to, but it doesn't seem to be positioning right on the sculpty and it looks like its playing the animation on the sculpty. I can't seem to get the positioning done though. Is it mostly just about playing with it and finagling something to get it to work or is there an easier way to position it? Yes, but row_num and col_num aren't required when using llSetTextureAnim(). But scratch that idea I just thought of a much simpler solution! A book-sized mesh will link to a prim and still result in a LI of 1 So, you could link a cylinder to a "builder's" mesh book and then simply use ANIM_ON | SMOOTH | ROTATE | LOOP (as given in the wiki in the example showing rotation). Like so: Attributions: Book is "*'M n B* Book 2 mesh" and cost L$0 on the Marketplace Design is named MD Celtic Illumin Tile I from the "MD Celtic Design Tiles Set" and cost L$150 on the Marketplace
  5. kayla Mekanic wrote: Apparently I don't have permission to post this free script that I'm trying to fix a problem with. I've been trying desperately for days to fix it but I can't script for my life. I deleted it because I don't want to get in trouble i just need some quick help. The correct forum for finding people to help with a script you have found on the web is the Wanted or (if you're willing to pay) Inworld Emplyment.
  6. I can relate to that. I decided to master rotations when I decided to do a gothic clock tower. At this point, I've gotten as far as a digital wristwatch...
  7. Earliest mention I can find is here: http://forums-archive.secondlife.com/15/8b/2698/1.html
  8. Sep 22, 2004, llSetLocalRot was added to the LSL wiki- http://lslwiki.net/lslwiki/wakka.php?wakka=revisions .
  9. Perrie Juran wrote: LepreKhaun wrote: Perrie Juran wrote: ... snip ... /me sighs Really, I have no desire to engage in a fight with you here. That's not what this Forum is for. You are a very wise martian. We hope that you'll be a very wise Leprechaun too. LOL That reminds me of a t-shirt I saw last week, during Mardi Gras. On the front it said: I BE DANCIN' WITH BULLS AND DRESSED LIKE A CLOWN... and the back read: ... AND YOU THINK THIS IS MY FIRST RODEO???
  10. Perrie Juran wrote: ... snip ... /me sighs Really, I have no desire to engage in a fight with you here. That's not what this Forum is for. You are a very wise martian.
  11. Hey ChaosRaine! If you can successfully apply a book texture to it: Do a 5x2 grid texture as you were doing before but simply rotate the design on the front of the book 1/10th around each frame. The frames start from left to right across the top and then from left to right across the second row. Bottom right frame is the end point. NOTE: In making the grid texture, care must be used to place each frame exactly to keep the book from "jittering". Use Frame -> Duplicate Frame and your arrow keys with the Move tool, zoom in to make sure you don't "gap" any of the copies. Then forget your getnewletter() function and timer event. Instead, use LlSetTextureAnim using LOOP. (specifically- llSetTextureAnim( ANIM_ON|LOOP, ALL_SIDES, 5, 2, 0.0, 10.0, rate ); where rate is a float variable you set for how fast you want the rotation to occur. If you're having problems with how the sculpty is mapped, let us know- there's an answer for that as well...
  12. "If you have a problem with a script someone posts then report it as inappropriate content and let the Mods sort it out." You may do as you wish, I prefer to alert people first when they misbehave and only bother moderators when necessary. "I don't see where irihapti has "harrassed" you, she has simply disagreed with you." Your opinion on that matter is noted for what it's worth. "There are still many unanswered questions about the current TOS, one of the biggest being the retroactive affect on content in use prior to the changes to the TOS. I uploaded and am using scripts from the free libraries prior to the TOS change. So they were already lawfully in use. So am I or am I not proscribed if I have a question from posting them here?" I have no idea. You'd have to ask a Linden about that. "I have a lot of respect for scriptors. Personally, when I have had questions I have always been reluctant to post the srcipts here because I know for many of you it is your bread and butter." I'm very pleased to hear that. "Still, your statement, "However, harrassing me any further about this is not advised," reads like a threat and threats are a violation of the CS." Well, before you go filing an AR on me, please study http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20070804022048AAVEdJ0 and http://wiki.answers.com/Q/What_is_the_difference_between_a_threat_and_a_warning Or, you can take my word on it, that was no threat, simply a fair warning. "We should be working together to get the TOS issues resolved, not against one another." Being unaware of the issues you have with the ToS, I could not possibly have worked against you at any time.
  13. queenkhaleesi wrote: What's the best way to check how long avatars stay in your parcel. example if I detect all the avatars in my parcel I will try to log them and every minute I rescan the parcel and match all the avatars. if someone is already leave the parcel I will try to get the log time HH:MM. Thanks If memory issues rear their ugly head, t may help to know that casting keys to strings before stashing them in a list saves approximately 10% in their size than leaving them as keys. I might also point out that the second example given in LlGetAgentList is a great way to keep your list cleared out automatically. Nothing beats having a LSL cron job.
  14. Niall Braveheart wrote: I don't think you'd need to worry about using llOverMyLand, as llGetAgentList can be restricted to the parcel the script is run on by using AGENT_LIST_PARCEL as the scope. You're correct if one owns only one parcel within a region. However many landowners have reason to subdivide their holdings into various parcels, in which case llOverMyLand or using llGetAgentList with AGENT_LIST_PARCEL_OWNER may be more appropriate.
  15. Before a variable (in this case SECONDS_BETWEEN_FOOD_HUNGRY) is used, it must be first declared. Since it wasn't declared, the program stopped compiling at that point. There are a number of excellent LSL tutorials to aid you in learning what you need to know. Ferd Frederix also maintains a great resource site that has a comment section within it to ask about any of the scripts to be found there. However, for future reference, do not post scripts other than your own into the forums. The Terms of Service (2.3 second paragraph) require this and violation of it may result in your account being suspended.
  16. irihapeti wrote: hope you as a wiki editor are going to go thru the wiki and credit all the authors of the codes on there. You wouldnt want to be associated with non-crediting would you?? maybe you can use your googlefu to track down all the original authors and ask them: What license did you release your stuff under? bc some of our editors unfortunately just copypasta your codes and so we dont know anymore? In the meantime to maintain my righteousness, and is gunna break my heart to do this but yanno, I am delete all non-credited codes off the wiki until i know for a absolute fact what was the license. Be a shame tho if the wiki got pretty much rendered useless bc: if (nocredit == piracy) delete; as you say: good luck with that or maybe we just use some commonsense bc wiki and maybe we extend same commonsense to new people bc they found a non-credited script in a SL freebie dumpster and post it on here. Which is what actually happened here with OP if OP is a pirate according to you then so is every wiki editor who ever copypasta codes on the wiki without crediting them. So you need get busy if you want to maintain your righteousness. Or maybe thats different somehow As I stated before, if you have a problem with LL's ToS requirement that we can only post content which "you own or have all necessary Intellectual Property Rights, licenses, consents, and permissions to use", then take it up with them. However, harrassing me any further about this is not advised.
  17. BARCALONA003 wrote: How long doese it ussaly take to sell a 1/4 of full Region? don't give me the usuall "it vaires" or "depends on..etc" I know that but I mean a range for most cases ----- Update: As usual, I got the traditional, "it vaires", depends on..etc". As if I don't know that it varies, as if I think all lands get sold in 17:34:18:57 hours! offcurs it viers, but isnt there a range? so one land get sold in 4 days and another in 3 years? isn't there a range for most (not all) lands? for example between 2 weaks and 2 months? The exact numbers are: From the moment you have listed it for sale until never. Any length of time within that range may apply for any given instance. One could attempt a bell curve within that range, but that never is going to bite you.
  18. irihapeti wrote: LepreKhaun wrote: ... pirated script from http://www.free-lsl-scripts.com/cgi/freescripts.plx?ID=860 snipped ... For future reference- do NOT post scripts you have found elsewhere on the internet into this forum, it violates both copyright laws and the ToS 2.3 (2nd paragraph) which may result in having your account banned. all the scripts contributed to the Free LSL Script Library are either Creative Commons licensed or Public Domain. All given freely to the community by the contributors. Is nothing pirated about the OP posting or in using the script note also the use of SetLocalRot(rotation x) in the Library version and the OP posted script SetLocalRot(rotation z). This last (rotation z) is in a script in just about every freebie script box in SL. Is every indication from (rotation z) that OP got it inworld and has no idea who wrote the original (rotation x) script + talking about no idea. These functions in the scripts rotation Inverse(rotation r){ r.x = -r.x; r.y = -r.y; r.z = -r.z; return r;}rotation GetParentRot(){ return Inverse(llGetLocalRot())*llGetRot(); }SetLocalRot(rotation x){ llSetRot(x*Inverse(GetParentRot()));} they were put in the wiki on 29 Aug 2004. Editor Ezhar Fairlight they were written by Aaron Perkins who contributed them to the community 17 Mar 2004. http://forums-archive.secondlife.com/15/d0/11048/1.html without which the swing script would not work at all. And probably every LSL script written ever since with rotating wheels and swingy spinny things. Are all those zillions of other scripters even aware of this? No. Even tho is publicly available to search for and know. And the original script has his name in it at the top even was the author of the LSL Script Library swing script aware of this. No. Was made available by Aaron before they even started in SL also the swing script was posted at least as far back as 2009 : https://www.xstreetsl.com/forum_archive/modules.php?name=Forums&file=viewtopic&p=639053 and here and here and here: http://community.secondlife.com/t5/LSL-Scripting/Swing-Script/m-p/2011235/highlight/true#M17362 http://community.secondlife.com/t5/LSL-Scripting/How-do-I-change-the-rotation-on-a-simple-swing-script-to-make-it/m-p/1555321/highlight/true#M11215 http://community.secondlife.com/t5/LSL-Scripting/Need-help-with-a-Rocking-Pivot/m-p/878875/highlight/true#M2316 The original author of the swing is still very much active in SL. Have they come on the forums and go hey !!! watcha doing with my script ??? No did you go on those posts and start with the heavies? No. So is this just a recent development in your life? i think that before you start with the !!! O.M.G !!! PIRATES !!! then maybe best chill out a bit. And also I hope that in your own scripts that you gave Aaron a credit and everyone else you borrowed from. or O.M.G !!! PIRATE !!! or maybe you just didnt know. And maybe your googlefu only works when is people new to LSL scripting + is ways to help learn new people about crediting. Can just say to them is best to give a credit if they do know who is the original contributor. Is no need to heavy them over scripts freely given to the community by the contributors Software piracy is defined in the industry as "the unauthorized copying, reproduction, use, or manufacture of software products." If you have an issue with that definition, good luck in getting it changed. Any issue with Linden Labs Terms of Service can only be answered by not using the service in question. Or I suppose you could go argue with them about it. Good luck with that as well. Warning that a stove is hot and they may get burned if they continue playing irresponsibly around it may not be what children at play want to hear. However, that does not make the stove any cooler nor the danger less acute. My advice to you is, if you don't believe in the possibilty of getting scalded, is to carefully read http://community.secondlife.com/t5/LSL-Scripting/llSetTimerEvent/td-p/2482379 before testing it out yourself.
  19. Ghostwitness wrote: I'm trying to do something really simple. I want to check to see if my music feed is active and if it is, set the prim color to white. If the feed is not active, set it to black. This would need to check every say 5 minutes or something. What I'm doing is a belt buckle with an ON AIR sign on it that lights up when I am on. I borrowed this code from another tread and thought I understood it enough, but it doesn't see to do anything when the feed is off. Perhaps this script is overkill, I dunno, not a big scripter. Any help would be appreciated ... pirated script from http://www.sluniverse.com/php/vb/756628-post8.html snipped ... For future reference- do NOT post scripts you have found elsewhere on the internet into this forum, it violates both copyright laws and the ToS 2.3 (2nd paragraph) which may result in having your account banned.
  20. Kallie Barrowstone wrote: I know that there has got to be a simple fix for this (at least I hope!) Below is the script I'm using for my rocking chair. My problem is that when I turn the chair to face another direction it will reset itself to the original position when you click to begin rocking. I would love to be able to turn the chair to face any direction and have it rock as expected when clicked. I'm not even partially lsl literate, so any help from those more knowledgable than me is greatly appreciated! ... pirated script from http://www.free-lsl-scripts.com/cgi/freescripts.plx?ID=860 snipped ... For future reference- do NOT post scripts you have found elsewhere on the internet into this forum, it violates both copyright laws and the ToS 2.3 (2nd paragraph) which may result in having your account banned.
  21. Yurtiel wrote: I have been steadily learning new scripting methods in an attempt to make a HUD/meter system and have run into a problem I can't seem to find any information on. What I require to happen is that I would set up an in sim server system where a user (In this case a specific group) can go into the "Server" side of the system and be able to dynamically change the stat set up of the HUD, it will then send this information out to all adjacent receiving items (In this case the HUD) and will change the information of the script inside the object to mirror the information that has been put in. My main question is how to make it so that the script in one object, can change the number information in another script and the script will remember the change (It would only be for number values, all other equations would be done by the HUD itself, but I want to set up a server side stat set up system.) An added bonus of informational wealth if possible would also be how to use dialog boxes (Menus) to do this same thing but on a local scale. Any help would be appreciated please. Greetings and welcome to the forums! I don't know what scripting methods you've mastered to date but I can see that you're completely unfamiliar with this one, which is why you're having difficulty in finding what you need: You have yet to get to the point where you know what the questions are that need to be asked. Knowing the terminology of the subject will aid in finding the information, so we'll start there, as well as break everything needed down into manageable components. What you've described is called a database which can be defined here as a permanent, organized collection of data that may be accessed by other program(s). On its simplest level, a database could consist of just a file that a number of programs know the location of and may range in sophistication up to a complex arrangement of relationships maintained within the data and accessed remotely by programs having various levels of permission. Data, which you've called the "number information" is stored and organized in a database in what are called "records". These are typically "Name:Value" pairs basically and you'll not need much more than that, since the accessing programs (which are called "users" and, in your case, will be HUDs) will be doing any additional equations. But that only covers the data itself, you also need to supply "methods" to access the data. A method is just computer-talk for an interface to the underlying data, giving not only access to it but allowing the other program(s) ways to manipulate that data as well in defined ways. These methods form the "database management system" (DBMS) and you'll need to learn what that's about to design and implement your own. The DBMS supplies an interface, which is known as the "database API" and it will be this that your HUDs communicate with. Communication brings one into "protocols" and they get increasingly more complex with the distance. In other words, if your database and user(s) are all within one object in SL, link messages would be the protocol one would use. If they are in different objects but within the same region (sim) then the LSL chat protocol must be used and greater than that, internet protocols (e-mail or http) are required. And, as Qie pointed out, the most complex arrangement is having the database maintained outside of SL, on it's own web server, since now one would require not only mastery of everything else, but are required to master another domain as well, which entails learning (say) PHP, MySQL and server management. While learning all this, you also need to implement an authorization scheme since some of your users will be what is called "administrators", those that have greater powers over the data than other users. And, since there's plurals involved in both users and administrators, you're going to have to implement a locking mechanism that avoids deadlock. Fortunately, all of this has been done before and you'll find many algorithms to study. It's simply a matter of knowing what questions you need to ask for each step, which I hope this is a start for you. And, if all else fails, you can certainly ask in the Wanted or Inworld Employment forums for someone to do this for you.
  22. I've edited the wiki entry to better reflect what to expect. Thank you for bringing this to our attention.
  23. Alt Lexington wrote: When making a sci-fi computer with normal second life prims its a simple thing to add a script that changes the computer screens textures to give the image the apearance of movement. I'm wondering if the same can be done with a mesh built computer consol made in Blender 3-D. In the past I've just added a normal second life prim to the mesh build to make the screen move with the usual script to change or rotate the texture. Is it possible to have the texture change on one face of the mesh, the screen face ? Maybe a script that focuses on changing the texture of one face and not the others. Yes, just use different material assignments in Blender to form what will end up being faces in SL, you can have up to a total of 8. The face numbers will follow the order of the material list (face 0 will be the first material in the list). These faces are addressed the same as the faces on a prim and may be individually colored, textured, transparency-controlled etc with LSL scripting.
  24. SMOOTH|LOOP slides along the horizontal U-axis (in the X direction), instead of playing separate frames. You're trying to do both with the 1x8. What's happening is your viewer pulls a frame through, then scrolls down to the next and pulls it through etc. It works correctly with the 8x1 because you're "pulling the ribbon" from one end to the other.
  25. LepreKhaun


    MIstahMoose wrote: ... image deleted ... Whipped this up real fast. (And I did it a little wrong, the posts between the legs should be 1/2) Your object looks the same all around. I would recommend deleting 3/4ths of it and mirroring it across the axis. This way you have a lot less editing to do and a lot less texturing to do. It also helps to save texture space making your object far more efficient by using a much smaller texture for the same detail Have you ever tried this technique you whipped up so quickly?
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