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Tex Monday

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Everything posted by Tex Monday

  1. Venus Petrov wrote: Second..or third..OK, the capacity to add more than one partner has been requested but I do not see it going anywhere given that the number of avatars with mulitple partners must be (I am guessing) a very small population. I don't know about that...LL charges $10L to partner and $25L to unpartner...think of the untapped market! :matte-motes-sunglasses-3:
  2. maybe the white is part of the AV's skin? Try changing to a different skin and see if that solves the problem. Good luck
  3. Yeah..I'm with Drake on this (meaning...can I haz your stuff too??) :matte-motes-sunglasses-3: Like everyone else here, I am sorry to see you go. Maybe one day... *traveling through the outer reaches of SL..we'll come across a shadowy figure....and for a moment, might be the legendary 16..that faintest of creatures, talked about only as a myth.* Seriously, if you actually get to read this, good luck in your future endevors. :matte-motes-sunglasses-3:
  4. Jadeclaw Denfu wrote: EA got the golden poo again: http://consumerist.com/2013/04/09/ea-makes-worst-company-in-america-history-wins-title-for-second-year-in-a-row/ I do know, that the result is a simple vote count, but nevertheless, I disagree with the result. Why, you may ask? When a games company screws up, the worst that could happen is fifty bucks down the drain. And it is software, so any issues are fixable. However, when a bank screws up - and the Bank of America screwed up a lot -then the result is devastating for the victim. Many homeowners lost their home in the robosigning scandal, BoA foreclosed homes they had absolutely no rights over, then the zombie account issue, stuff that is unthinkable here in Germany. If a customer over here closes a bank account, the account IS closed and STAYS closed. Every order coming in after closure date is denied. 100%. that's true..and as I said earlier, I agree with you. But I think you have to see who's doing the voting. A number of people might use Bank of America, but I would venture to guess more of them have had horrible experiences with EA...thus the final result: EA beats BOA. Now, if they did that same poll with people around my age (late 40's), you'd probably have a completely different result.
  5. Trinity Yazimoto wrote: YAY!!! I've been validated.... YOU LIKE ME....YOU REALLY LIKE ME!!!!
  6. Hitomi Tiponi wrote: As a non-American I was puzzled why you were getting at BoA, despite the fact that her career in America bombed out, and pleasingly she has now returned to her roots. She seems like a nice girl...wonder why she would be up for Worst Company in America??? :matte-motes-sunglasses-3:
  7. ok....starting the test... got my second "love" on a post 3 minutes ago. According to what I read, should take 10-15 minutes to show up in Trending. Let's see what happens..... Epilogue: I was told (and I checked through my ALT) that my post did come up in the Trending a few minutes later. So having two likes will make it show up, but you just can't see it yourself. Post Epilogue: Once I took off my sunglasses, I was able to figure out that I can see it. so that's it. Two loves and 10-15 minutes later..instant fame!
  8. I have personally never had any dealing with EA...don't do much in gaming anymore since SL took over my life...:matte-motes-sunglasses-3: BOA, on the other hand, sucks wet sweat socks!!! I have had a few dealings with them as a company and have a friend who is a manager at one of their branches. 2-4-6-8 Who do we want to decimate??!! BOA!!!! BOA!!! YEAH BOA!!!! (makes me wish I had any kind of artistic talent to put a cheerleader AV in here....)
  9. Marigold Devin wrote: After yesterday, and all that extra love you were given over on the feeds, I didn't see you get into trending. It's a bit of a puzzle. Good job you're getting loads of love and luv and lurve in all different places. :matte-motes-kiss::matte-motes-kiss::matte-motes-kiss: I did find something in the answer section that two loves is all it takes and you should see it in about 10-15 minutes. Checking today, I noticed that the trending only goes back about 12 hours and we did all that love before that. We need to try again today and check shortly after we finish. Also, it appears that the people who get on Trending post multiple pictures. I'm sure there's some kind of secret formula that LL uses to pick the posts that trend. I guess we'll just have to keep Janelle's stuff as our little secret....:matte-motes-sunglasses-3:
  10. BlackSheepOfTheFamily wrote: That appears to have shut her up. What was that ... air holes ... "air" holes? DAMN...I knew I forgot something.......:matte-motes-sunglasses-3:
  11. Marigold Devin wrote: Tex Monday wrote: Marigold Devin wrote: Small alts, or small number of alts, or BIG suitcase? :matte-motes-wink-tongue: *looks around nervously* You're asking too many questions..... *opens the suitcase and tries to shove Marigold in....* :matte-motes-sunglasses-3: ouch ouch Ouch !!! Mind me wig, its attached to my bonce :matte-motes-oh-rly shhhh...quiet. If you make too much noise, I'll never get through customs..... :matte-motes-sunglasses-3:
  12. Janelle Darkstone wrote: No no NO NO No NO don't use my stuff! No! Bad Tex! BAD! *goes to the corner and whimpers...holding my very full suitcase*
  13. Trinity Yazimoto wrote: As far as i know, its not 2 loves but 3 loves that are required there are some things on trending that have only 2 loves. there's a fairly easy way to find out...our friend Janelle has a post that has 8 loves (at the moment). Someone who isn't following her should check either today or tomorrow to see if that gets into the trend...and since all my alts are shoved into a suitcase, I may not be able to do it....
  14. Marigold Devin wrote: Small alts, or small number of alts, or BIG suitcase? :matte-motes-wink-tongue: *looks around nervously* You're asking too many questions..... *opens the suitcase and tries to shove Marigold in....* :matte-motes-sunglasses-3:
  15. Marigold Devin wrote: Everyone can see the "loves", they're not anonymous, but you're right, it can be gamed by alts - game of spot the alt anyone? :matte-motes-big-grin-wink: DAMN!!! *stuffs all my alts in a suitcase and skips town....*
  16. Janelle Darkstone wrote: And the next question I was about to ask but then searched the forums and found the answer, was: how does a picture or post make it into "Trending", and that is with two (2) Loves (:heart:) from what I understand. ...and, as I'm absolutely positive would happen, since the Loves are anonymous except to the OP, it might be incredibly easy to use two alts to game the system. Hmmmmm..... *goes around and double likes with my alts, every stupid thing I've ever said....*
  17. Janelle Darkstone wrote: /me successfully resists the urge to post. You have become better at resisting temptation! (2) *pulls the cloak over my head* You have become strong, young jedi...but you will join the Dark Side (because as it's already been stated "We have cookies")
  18. Janelle Darkstone wrote: ( Don't post don't post don't post resist the urge resist the urge resist resist resist ... ) Go on, baby....you know you want to...just one little post won't hurt anyone....come on....do it... :matte-motes-sunglasses-3:
  19. Qwalyphi Korpov wrote: Sometimes you're doing everything right and still things turn out wrong. Like making coffee. I have a simple drip coffee maker. Everyday I make coffee. I follow all the instructions that came with the it. To the letter. Still I'm having a problem. About once a month the coffee has a slight vinegarish flavor. It's a tiny issue but it bothers me. That's my gripe of the day. That's why I stick to tea......:matte-motes-sunglasses-3:
  20. Marigold Devin wrote: Howdy again, Tex Upload them from inworld. Should be the option to do so with the official viewer and Firestorm when you click to make a Snapshot. Thanks....next question is can you upload them from pictures you've already taken either in your inventory or on your computer?
  21. Good day everyone... Was wondering how to post snapshots on the feeds from the "My Second Life" page. thank you....
  22. Perrie Juran wrote: The Martian slowly regains conciousness. Everything is black. He realizes he can not feel his body either. Gathering his thoughts he sighs. "Not another damn SIM crash," he thinks to himself. He wonders how long it will take them to get the SIM back on line this time. The Martian continues to drift in the blackness. Martians can be very patient. He starts thinking about Tuna Fish again. Great...thanks...you just HAD to one-up me, didn't you???? :matte-motes-sunglasses-3:
  23. (Since the last post was yesterday evening, I'm just going to end it.) Unknown to Tex and Janelle, Martian popcorn farts cause humans to become drousy and fall asleep. As they inhaled the fresh scent, both fell quickly asleep. The Martain removed his gas mask. Catt continued driving along the dark and winding road...avoiding holes in the plot (which you could drive a car through). Meanwhile: The the X-51 Solarian Interplanetary Battlecruiser and the USS Hairball stared each other down. Both ships on red alert, raising weapons. Suddenly, at the same instant, both ships picked up the Martain's location. "Fire all weapons at the planet!" The Hairball and Battlecruiser began firing all weapons simultanously at the surface. Catt dodging each blast until...... BLACKNESS...SILENCE.... ************************************************************************************************************************************* Sharpie heard the can opener and ran quickly towards the kitchen. Janelle slowly opened the can, her blouse covered in pieces of popcorn. Only Sharpie knew what happened. But now, everything was right again. Everything was as it should be. And....he had the tuna. (ok..maybe not the best ending. I didn't want to leave it hanging)
  24. carpentoya wrote: My name is Kam and my Avi's name is Kam Carpentoya,, I'm a gay guy.I Just recenlty really got into SL. I've met a few nice people but the mojority, especially guys were sex oriented. I would love to meet more cool people gay/straight/bi or even join a group or family....something like that.I'm 18 years old so people that age would be nice but really i would be willing to talk to ANYONE. The purpose of me getting SL was to meet friends. If you'd like to give it a try the search me Kam Carpentoya and we'll see if we click. Have a nice day guys. Welcome to SL, Kam. My first suggestion to new residents is to go through the search function at the bottom of the viewer. There are groups out there for gay men and I'm sure you can find someone there to hang out with. Good luck
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