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Caroline Takeda

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Everything posted by Caroline Takeda

  1. Ok, is this the latest branding trick to miss spell your own location twice? Or is this a Redneck thing?
  2. I can show you places. It would be helpful if you could specify what places you want to explore. Second Life consists of over 23.000 different regions. It takes a life to explore them all. I can show you places which are about: Adult entertainment, sailing regions, flying planes, music clubs ...mainly.
  3. Not sure about this one though.
  4. Angel, we constantly hire escorts. No experience needed as full training is provided.
  5. Sounds cool. Do I get a copy of the pics? I will IM you.
  6. Exactly, ...but just realized I already changed the author name on the website. Too late to mess around ...
  7. I get that often recently. Maybe because I got that new last name. Me formerly known as Caroline Resident (carolinestravels). Yey, I can be under cover now without resorting to an ALT. For now.
  8. I would also suggest to go for something a lot smaller. To cover the monthly tier for a full sim, you would have to sell about 26 -30 of those really expensive packages. That is not counting a budget for employees and most importantly advertising. This is just not going to happen to start with. Hence you would have to cover your expenses until it actually start bringing in some revenues. 3.000 L$ for 3 days is a lot. You really would have to provide some really good entertainment and events. Maybe a sea front mainland parcel is an idea. There you can offer stuff like flying or sailing on open waters as well. Another option is a full sim, but you only use half for the vacation resorts and half for shop rentals - a classic.
  9. We are always hiring 🙂 https://slescorts.net/job-escort/
  10. Hi Fenris, I could show you how to sail in SL. When I am not busy doing what I am doing that is. I have a nice little Loonetta and sail the blake sea frequently. Also did a sailing tour around the mayor mainland continents. Here the story (very long a and a bit NSFW): Sailing around the world. What is an SO anyway? Not looking for an SL relationship though.
  11. "Hi" is a good start when you are a sex worker. The second part of your post I can totally relate to. I am German after all.
  12. Really? I mean, seriously? Thats gives the term grammar nazi a new benchmark.
  13. I do respond to "Hi how are you" as well. Even to a simple "hi". And here is why: I do not have this weird self important attitude, that people have to impress me, or make a special effort in order to be allowed to talk to me or to qualify for a responds. I think that would be kinda rude if not arrogant, sorry. Some people are shy and or introverted and might find it difficult to approach a stranger. It might intimated them or are afraid of a negative answer.They might be testing the water so to speak. Others might come from cultures where a short, not to intrusive meet and greet is considered a minimum social requirement to start a conversation, it is considered polite. Think of Britain for example. Small talk is mandatory there. If you run a business in Second Life (like myself) it could also be counter-productive to ignore people. Do I know if that person is maybe a potential big scale advertiser? Hey You! Say hi, when you meet me Inworld. Don't feel intimidated, I haven't bitten anyone in a long time.
  14. Interessant, das ist in der Tat neu für mich. Mich betrifft es nicht, ich habe eine Ust-ID hinterlegt.
  15. Weil die als US-Unternehmen vielleicht US-Steuern zu US -Steuersätzen an den US-Staat abführen? Nur noch so eine Idee ... Ernsthaft:. Die Leistung wird in den USA erbracht, Steuerschuldner ist demnach LL und muss den US -Steuersatz aufschlagen Allerdings wenn du ein SL-Business, kannst du dich über die Ust-ID ganz davon befreien lassen. Vorausgesetzt du hast dieses Gewerbe auch in Deutschland angemeldet.
  16. Damn, partnered. Can I send my single ALT?
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