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Rufferta Mainlander

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Everything posted by Rufferta Mainlander

  1. I would like to thank whoever abandoned the lovely log cabin my alt, Fluttersafar, got. It was a long search. The person who abandoned the cabin also had taken a very nice photo for the land page that showed the best way to site the cabin. It is good to have an alt back in Bellisseria, and I hope the person who abandoned the cabin has found the home of their dreams.
  2. I think it all depends on your reasons for being in Second Life. Although many would argue that Second Life is not a game, there are game elements present. Bartle divided gamers into Achievers, Socializers, Killers, and Explorers. You can take the Bartle Test yourself here. I scored 93% Explorer, so I don't think that Second Life is too big, but I also like having a 'home' and a sense of place, so I value Bellisseria and other Second Life communities.
  3. Here's another view of the volcanic plug in Bellisseria. From the location, I thought I would find porridge on the top, but no - it was mashed potatoes.
  4. I was just in Hailmary Pass, and there was an ugly cube in the air. I checked to see if it belonged to the owner of the parcel below - it wasn't; however, the parcel owner had 'object return' set to zero - which I think means anyone could put something in the air over your house. The cube disappeared right after I made an abuse report, and I sent an IM to the property owner, but I've seen these things move from place to place when they find parcels with object return off. Sort of like fleas.
  5. In April 2020, early Bellisserian explorers discovered this strange offering on top of a volcanic plug at the convergence of four regions. (Sky: Tor Sunset - Oriental Delight)
  6. I believe that is the Boat Rezzing Area in Lappi, a Region in what some call "The Sharp Continent". 74/167/22. Thank you, I had not been aware of the Linden Oil Rig - it is interesting to visit.
  7. I would like to vote for letting residents have as many Belli houses as they want, because: -More Premium avatars means more income to Second Life -More Premium avatars means more people buying things: more furniture, more landscaping items, more bodies and clothing. -Less lag because I doubt that those who have multiple avatars can be in Second Life all at once. On my best days I can only manage to run two avatars at a time. Suppose you are in a Region with 20 houses and ten of them are owned by the same resident - less avatar-created lag! -Come to think of it, in my perfect world, all of the rest of you avatars are alts of the same resident, and I won't have to wait to get into popular events.....(It would be lonely, though)
  8. I am still in Satori, on one of Abnor Mole's roads, when I saw this handsome gentleman. Where am I?
  9. I just flew the length of Patrick Rommel's road in Satori and I'm amazed! It runs from Route 8B to Route 8 with mostly abandoned land on both sides. The tollgate is at Troepolsky 90/250/61. The map identifies it as Route 8z. A great road - I sure hope the Lindens are not charging the identified land owner tier for what is a great asset to the Mainland.
  10. OK, if you've ever driven down Route 8 in Satori, you've probably seen this wonderful tourist trap. You can buy souvenirs, take photos, and even play with gravity. Where am I?
  11. Thank you. I will try these ideas and find out what works best. Later: It turned out that I could do a screen capture using Windows, send it to email on the Windows machine, then pick it up on the Mac. Thank you for making me think.
  12. Luskwood Forest in Perry - 73/191/112. I should have guessed by your avatar....:( . Right now there is a group having a party over at the gigantic tree - I'll try to come back when no one is here and explore the public areas.
  13. I have my email and ancient copy of Photoshop set up on an older Macintosh that is no longer capable of running Firestorm or the SL Viewer at any speed. I usually visit Second Life on an old PC that was set up for gaming. I take photos by emailing them to myself from the old PC to the old Mac. Sometimes the emailed photos disappear enroute and I can't find any rhyme or reason for it. I spent some time yesterday with my email provider trying to figure out if there was a problem on that end, but didn't get an answer. Other email (not sent from Second Life) seems to be getting through. Anyone else have a similar situation or a possible solution? I have been thinking about learning Gimp and putting it on the old PC so that I could take photos by taking screen capture as I used to, but I'm leery of burdening the old PC too much. Any help would be welcome. Thank you.
  14. There is a new Region in Bellisseria, along the Continent-to-Continent channel, which hasn't even been named yet, but you can surf there! You can see the stilt homes on the horizon. I tried to get a shot of my avatar actually catching a wave, but this is the best I can do...Where am I?
  15. Deep in Scrimshaw Warrens. The mesh body, shape, & skin are freebies from New Resident Island. The hair & gown are purchased.
  16. You are in Gray Region, Home of the Flying Tako Sailboat, and the amazing Kazenojin Airport with its many floors. I found Kanker Greenacre's Tako Sailboat area first, but it took me forever to find the Lounge in the Kazenojin Tower at Gray 165/144/46 where the portraits of Goodwill Epoch, Admiral Shijuro Romulus, Admiral Realtime Rogers, Admiral Nifty Yamamoto, and Captain Gaudeon Wu were. A great find!
  17. Secret Rez Zone? I was following a boardwalk made by Alberto Linden in 2005, when it suddenly narrowed to half its width. A little further on it turned into a line of large stones, then bare dirt. I turned on 'show property lines' to get a better view and followed the easement underwater, where it resurfaced on a raised parcel of land and was now labelled "Protected Seaway". The area to the bottom right of the picture is labelled "Rez Zone" and is partly on land, partly on water. There are no signs or anything to identify it as a rez zone, though. You can see an Infohub on the distance. Where am I?
  18. Finally found it - Circuit La Corse, Venostrate - 18/8/28 - Corsica
  19. Beautiful! YOU should have been on the splash page.
  20. I think we should all do our part so that newcomers who see the new splash page don't feel disappointed. (I can't be as beautiful as Maitimo, but I did my best. )
  21. Clue: I went back to take another photo and decided not to, since the map has been fixed, the space bugs are so big that they show up on the map!
  22. I used to live on a small parcel near the edge of the Snowlands in Sansara. I remembered that one of the neighbors had alien space vehicles on his land. I went back to see if they were still there, and they have evolved, gotten bigger, and are attacking a long-established building products store! Where am I?
  23. That is the Teen Grid Transfer Station in Baffin. (79/59/38, although it is hard to miss). It still seems contemporary.
  24. On Fox Chase Hill Do you dare climb here, Derender the shielding trees, And wake the dragon? (This spot was found on a list supplied by Gingir Ghoststar). Also posted on "WTH..." topic under "Land"
  25. On Fox Chase Hill Do you dare climb here, derender shielding trees to wake the dragon? (This site found on a list of Bellisseria landmarks made by Jon Ree and distributed by Gingir Ghoststar, Founder of the Bellisseria Citizens Group)
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