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Profaitchikenz Haiku

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Everything posted by Profaitchikenz Haiku

  1. This could be a gmail issue not SL, my attempts to join a forum last night to report a problem required three resends over a 2-hour period before an email finally popped into the smap box ttatt I could use to activate.
  2. I just checked and GPUZ reports in degrees celcius by defautt but does indeed have an option for the Farenheits. The GT520 cards I run are notorious for going up to and slightly over 100C, in my most problematic machine I have an additional 12V fan secured beneath the graphics card with blue-tak blowing more air up it than went up Marilyn's skirts in The 7-year Itch. ETA good call, I keep forgetting half the world does things differently to us
  3. What we don't know is how much optimisation of such calls is done when compiling, it could end up as-given or it could be re-ordered. If no re-ordering is done then we'd be able to do comparative timings but if the compiler is shuffling stuff around then testing wouldn't give any meaningful differences. For instance, if it reorders to your second example then both examples would appear to take exactly the same time.
  4. After two and a half hours of churn yesterday my Laptop with W10 has confirmed it can't run 11. So I can't come to the party, at least not this year.
  5. You could cook an egg on that card. Either the fan's not running at all, or it's running backwards, or it's just not capable of handling the load tthe SL puts on the card.
  6. Might want to watch "Invasion of the body-snatchers" which also gives a good idea of how one-mind-for-all works
  7. /me passes you a box of seconds "Here, they don't fit me anymore, help yourself"
  8. I suppose I could try this as a conversation starter - "Hello, where do you get your underwear from ?" might be a step up from "How R U ?"
  9. This is probably what they're doing. Wulfie posted a script a few months back that could list all attachments on an avatar, and in the time I see then arrive to departure there's plenty of time for them to do this. Knowing who's wearing what is the sort of information clothiers could find useful, why make versions fo your clothes for xyz if only 5% of the population wear that body? Similarly, you could compile a list of which clothes are available for which bodies could then lead to metrics showing whats popularr on such and such a body but not around for another type of body, so there's an opportunity...
  10. I have one which performs well enough, it out-performs the GT710 by a great deal, except for crashing, where it definitely under-performs compared to the GT710. For a budget card, it's good enough for SL with a dd of up to 96m in quite a busy region with ALM turned on.
  11. That's what I think I had. However, from the way it behaved when lots of textures were flung at it I suspected the memory was a lower spec. There has been a surge of ebay graphics cards rom China where the advert and the Bios claim the card is one thing, but it doesn't perform as such because it's a much lower spec GPU and/or memory. Consequently, although the OS and applications are lured by the fake Bios into throwing at it what they think it could handle, the card itseelf gives up when only a fraction of that has been received. Get gold of GPUZ and see what it says about your card. Also, whilst logged into SL, look at the sensor data on it to see what memory usage and temperatures it is detecting.
  12. I can see a middle way between Animats' proposal to fix the viewer and Chin Rey's wish to control the creators: and the mechanism for it seems to partly exist. There are, in several TPV's, various option to limit the size of things, the complexity of things, the area of things, etc to be displayed by the viewer. Despite hover tips * for some of these there is little real explanation of how they work, where they should be used, how they could make a difference. A good in-depth tutorial showing how a busy scene of the type mentioned by Animats, including a few quite complicated avatars, with examples of how to use some of these adjustments, would go a long way to educating us in how to adjust the myriad of settings that exist in order to be able to see what we would like to, move around, and at the same time not take 30 minutes of waiting patiently to do so. * The majority of hover tips I have tried simply repeat the name of the items I wish to learn more about with a couple or so words that tell me nothing regarding how to use it or what difference it makes.
  13. It's a caveat in the wiki that changes to PRIM_NAME and PRIM_DESC for the root prim definitely do not get saved on detach, which has bitten me a couple of times, but I have yet to see the problem the OP mentioned, however, the most complex linkset I have worked on using these methods is only about 48 prims, so I'd be interested to know what level of complexity they reached to see the problem?
  14. I'll settle for goo old-fashioned human error, like, say, 20-year old certificates expiring unexpectedly, or a typo in a configuration file, ...
  15. This sounds like a viewer update issue, as you have found by script the offsets have changed. The texture update can sometimes be forced by a right-click and finding your way to "refresh textures", but there are times when I've only seen the change appear by relogging. It's annoying, and it's also rare enough that I can't produce a test case to take it further.
  16. Ah yes, let's add Korzbyski's cortico-thalamic pause to the school curriculuum. One thing the pandemic seemed to highlight was how self-centred many people have become. Let's make sure I have enough toilet rolls and soap. Better fill the petrol tank up in case I need to make extra shopping trips for the next item FB says is getting in short supply. (General informed opinion here in the UK is that the panic-buying of petrol was sparked by social media reporting it was running out). My pet peeve at the moment is how many people don't seem to be able to view their actions in relation to those around them. In a crowded supermarket aisle, for example, where one poor lone worker is busily stacking shelves, a couple of people will stand in the remaining gap having a conversation, oblivious to the fact that now nobody else can get past. But, I can't pin that one on Facebook. Unless of course people have now become so used to facebook-style conversation that they've lost peripheral vision. I doubt it. Anyway, not 30 minutes after I post on how reassuring I find it that the internet is transitory and what happens? SL website gives a 504-bad-gateway error for 20 minutes or so. I was forced into going inworld, how ghastly, (Colour me insouciant, colour me flippant, but for the Lawd's sake don't colour me serious)
  17. This is my point though, it's not a given, it's there because at the moment they can offer it. But as an OS increases in complexity, it might become harder to allow a user to say "I want A and B but not C and D". I use Linux quite a bit, and have done for nearly 20 years, but I still find myself wishing for some of the things that Windows does just right. My feelings when using Linux sometimes are of being in a bad dream where although the world looks almost the same, you can't do things in quite the same way you expect to be able to. File sharing permissions and ownerships still has me banging the desk in a fury. I need a JFDI command for linux.
  18. Personally, I find it very reassuring that the stability of IT-based systems is so precarious. All those doom-and-gloom merchants who keep prophesying how mankind is going to end up the slaves of AI systems need to explain how the infrastructure said uber-intellects are going to be dependent on is going to resist the actions of a few playful human underlings mucillages * with wire-cutters or a re-programmed back-hoe. * a nod to Stanislaw Lem. Read and re-read.
  19. No linux distros are significantly different from Windows in that 1) you are expected to use what you're given (ie what the devs hope will keep you using it) 2) Nothing seems to last more than four years now, even the Lubuntu Long-term distros I have settled on are stating they will be supported for more than a three-year period. 3) Every OS need a certain amount of tinkering under the hood to make it fit a specific user's needs The main points where Linux does score over Windows 10 are that you don't have to put up with lots of bloat such as games feeds, news and weather apps, new features that you might not/don''t want to use. Linux is more of an opt-in/opt-out OS where windows 10 is a "This is our choice, not yours" situation.
  20. I've been watching this on a couple of my machines wondering if an SSD would speed things up. However, I think it's more to do with the time it takes for the region to send your viewer the detail of the objects and their textures, and then your viewer has to look through the cache to see if it has that texture. A couple of people have pointed out that sometimes having a completely empty cache results in a faster population process than having things already cached there. In another thread, Henri has pointed out that having the cache on an SSD might shorten it's life because of the number of writes: each time a texture is fetched from cache it's last access time is updated, this means writing back to the SSD, which involves he full strip of the filing system containing that data, so I'm currently sticking to metal oxide caches.
  21. Oh, and to try and be as fair-minded as possible, I do agree with some of the comments about the annoying hoops you have to jump through for Linux. Linux is by no means perfect, and is just as good as Windows sometimes at being a law unto itself Lubuntu 20.04 in particular has decided that anthing Microsoft can do, it can do... "There's updates for your computer. Yes I know you were busy but I had to tell you right now. No, you can't look and see what they are and pick and choose. You do them all or you don't. I can wait all day if I have to..."
  22. Something I feel I should point out to those here (which includes myself) who are saying they're happy running Linux/Windows 7 rather than Windows 10/11 is that this is only going to be possible whilst LL and TPVs release executables that can run on those platforms. There might be some TPV devs who are going to be reluctant to splash out n post-201 PCs that are capable of running Windows 11, but I suspect most of them, and certainly LL, to switch to new hardware and windows 11, and sooner or later there won't be releases capable of running on pre-Windows 10 PCs. Hopefully Microsoft won't repeat the same mistakes they made post Windows 7 and the new release is going to be tolerable.
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