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Everything posted by roseelvira

  1. people have different levels of passion for situations.... hugs and love to all ,,,,
  2. are the new homes all made of mess or do some still have prims ,,,,,, also wondering the house boats ,,, when i went to check the out looked like different sizes
  3. LOVE AND HUGS TO ALL,,,,,,,, Looking at the bright side,,,,, if not yet one of the new homes etc ,,,, here are positives to remember 1 they had to deal with all the bugs of something new and if something not working correctly ,, so when you get the new home bugs s will be resolved so you may have more enjoyment 2 a lot of great decorating ideals example / how some have with the house boats wow wow wow wow wow wow 3 older generation regions ,,,, less lag for the most part 4 being able to change the older homes with out the worry if i move will i still have the new ,,,,, remember w the old you can change themes styles five times in 24 hour window so places you never saw wow ,,,,, .5 easier to make things ,,,,,,, from my understanding the insides are a bit smaller ,,,, so at least with most of the older generation homes you have a bit more space to move about ,,,,,, I in no way discounting anyone's frustration There are many things that have changed and from the announcements reading this past week in many areas of second life , All people need to be heard and valued. Hugs love to all still waiting and hugs love to all who have already have.
  4. i understand every ones comments. just suggesting it as an option for those who may want that. knowing in rl the toll on every level illnesses have ,,,, i can agree that sl is a way to forget ,,, and then there are the days ,,, when the scan results are given to your dr and you get that phone call and him telling you its back need to see you asap . thoses times before you tell the family you wish you had some one in sl that you could reach out to. Also for newly diagnosed getting into sl some could mentor with the same health situations to help them learn sl ,,,,, just a small whisper of an ideal for future ,,,,, and in no way meaning to trigger any negative emotions or reminders so i apologize if that happened,,,, please forgive if in any way there was any tiny level of insensitive words etc ,,,
  5. the pictures i posted in this thread are a real place ,,,, it is the Astra Zennica hope lodge in chelteham philly.t is a place when you are getting treatment or surgery so you and care giver family member have a place to stay and not worry about hotel costs,,,, it is full of support ,,, yes this is where we go ,,, in fact up there this week next round of infusions,,,, it is beautiful and the grounds ,,,,, you forget about the cancer when you are there and even after infusions the peace and love ,,,, makes the treatments tolerable with there being a number of people in second life dealing with cancer ,,,, and having a spot and also can be used to accommodate meeting for ms ,,, chronic disease ,,, heart /and mental health support groups ,,,, just a thought . sorry about spelling funny there is a place in in the new homes fox chase ,,,, well fox chase cancer center in philly pa saved my husbands life ,,,, so it touched my heart and the hope lodge is part of fox chase temple cancer center https://www.cancer.org/treatment/support-programs-and-services/patient-lodging/hope-lodge/philadelphia/about-our-facility.html
  6. Just a thought perhaps churches, and a beautiful place for the support groups for those s w disabilities , ms , cancer and caregivers , chronic illnesses , etc,,, Are there any plans for this with the new lands.
  7. today got the please install update press ok from ll before i could log in and guess what ,,, the refresh icon on the house page not working right ,,,, you have to click it now a number of times before it will refresh ,,,,so ,,,,, a friend of mine said some kind of scrjpty thinggy possible ,,, so ,,,, i keep thinking of the talk on friday about the dino poop and they rectified it ,,,
  8. roseelvira


    ♥️Things can get lost in translation and perception. Hugs MzPenny ,,,hugs hugs hugs ,,,, times i felt that way as well , i do. And i thank her for her observations . ♥️
  9. understand hoping you will it was a positive ,,,,,, hugs hughugs
  10. please softly understand what i am saying ,,, first big hugs ,,,, the making one feel greedy or guilty ,,,, if one has not partaken of an action that would be named as that you would not feel guilty but you may be feeling compassion [[[ THE RULES ARE YOU ARE ALLOWED MORE THEN ONE PREMIUM ACCOUNT THUS THE MULTIPLE HOUSES ARE ALLOWED}}}} SO THIS ISSUE SHOULD BE DIRECTED TO THE LINDENS AND NOT AT EACH OTHER ! ,, no one wants to label any one here ,,, i think it would be a HUGE gesture of kindness and integrity if some who have multiple would say bunk up for a bit, and house share and release a few homes but seriously i doubt it would even begin to touch the amount needed we all need look out side the box ,,, people have stated that it is unfair ,,, i see both sid some have said i have three and waiting to dump when a better plot arrives ,,,, that dose seem a tad ,, un becoming being told something is unfair and it gives one a feeling of guilt/// that feeling is called ones jimeny cricket from the disney cartoon in reality ,,,ones conscience . And saying if you complain it evokes some to want to do it more ,,, hummm heartbreaking ,,,, hugs hugs to you who feel that way ,, watching all of this a study on human behavior ,,,, so yes people have a right to be dis hearted and frustrated with this situation,, ,do we fight or figure out a way to do a win win ,,,, we each get some ,,,,, it breaks my heart reading "the makes me want to do it more" ,,,, this is second life ,,,, not real life . but as many said there are feeling human beings behind the avi ,, ,,, i do not even what think that anyone would deliberately be unkind and enjoy doing any negative behavior to another or take or withhold for pleasure, i think that in typing as in texting many things get lost in translation, so please ,,,, respect the people who are frustrated they come here looking for answers , ,, not to be told they are whinning for they may feel the lindens read the forums , ,,, and the lucky ones congrats and hugs ,,, watching all of this unfold ,,,,the question ,,,, if one had many of anything would one share or hold to ones self ,, ,, look out side the box ,,, remember linden labs ,,, is this a sort of study in behavior ,,,,,,, think about it ,,,, we should respect each others opinion ,, and be kind when some have loss ,,, so if you have done nothing wrong ,,, (which all premiums do have the right to get house for each account ,,,, but what is the intent the) you should not be concerned or guilty for according to the rules the more that one is allowed ,,, but if you feel compassion ,,, you will do something kind , ,,, no.,, there will not be bells ringing or a parade but you ,,,and the few who know will also know that the glow of virtues truly burn in your soul ,, ,,, there is a win win ,,, linden lab could give every one the same prims across the board ,,, they did it before ,,,, the land size still a good the reason in time as the region get done a benefit ,,,,, i am not insulting or blaming or shamming or guilt dumping , ,,,just remembering what a very wise woman taught me many years ago love you grand ma ,, so please just think about the following and can we do this as we all came together to save the group slots we could all come together to voice to the lindens to give the same prims amount to the first generation homes as well ,,,,, the land size benefit for moving to the new land , now off my little corner chair to get a mocha caffe hugging every one ,,,,
  11. well when you look at the birthday video the thing of when you are 16 you wish to be 20 when you are 20 you wish you were 16 ,,,,, so could it be 4 years to complete every thing ,,,,, maybe with the majority of people moving to the new homes down the road maybe those of us who keep missing getting one and taking the first generation ,,,, maybe they will give us at least the increased in prim and plot land ,,,, ,the other statement was when almost every one is moved they will persuade the rest to move ,,,, so what ,,will be the reason the rest of us will note want to move ,,,,,, a lot of clues ,,,, we can only make suggestions but at the end of ll work day ,,,, they have the final say lets just be happy for those s who have been blessed and find joy in wherever our avi stays
  12. I have not been fortunate to get one of the new homes. I have had the difficulty of the click the accept terms and then the page freezes and then go select another ,,,,, that being said until all the building in done avi like me have no other option than choose the older Tahoe . Since it has been a year and the same issues i have sent ticket upon ticket and things still not resolved ,,,,, not getting e mails note on the tab it is grayed out so you cannot even click it to get your mail , the other option is to . pick a parcel and buy it ... but after all of this why would i want to buy and pay tier ? It seems the bugs they have are still about and paying more money at this point in time foolish. I have bit the bullet paid a year in advance ,,,,, i do not expect to get any of the new homes,,,,, to me at least the way the homes are being released is like a game withing a game. which in a way can be fun for some ,,,,,,, not whinning or complaining just explaining ..... I came to sl to relax and learn and create so the game thing is not for me . I am very happy that many have been blessed with the latest homes ,,,,, and those s of us who are still in older generation homes due non availability of the new hugs hugs hugs and now the older generation homes that were always taken we now are able to get many of the desired older generation homes positive side you can change your old linden homes up to 5 times in 24 hours ,,,,so you can go to the different themes as well
  13. the follow thinngy is not me ,,,, lololol looking at walmart meemes lolololololool
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