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Everything posted by roseelvira

  2. Way back if you remember when you joined and the wall everyone sat on . It was like a Greek hall . I have not see that avi in years but she was very nice told me not to go to certain areas ,,,, and it would be a good ideal to go become premium because the harassment at that welcome center ,,,,, wow,,,,, and they did the occupation on wall street thing there secondlife style....... i guess since then they hopefully changed the welcome area, The reason i became premium was to get away from the harassments
  3. When i joined sl i was told some viewed this as a game , others to create , i was also told that some who viewed this as a game part was to see how many partners you could obtain on many levels thus the avi who asks for relationship usually a guy but wanting pixel sex and getting it got higher score , I do not know if there was or is any truth to what i was told but i do know the first few months it was very uncomfortable and i hid in my linden home and slowly learned to build a few modest items. I look as second life as a outlet to create and if i am blessed with friends i am grateful. I still get confused when i meet couples in second life and i think in real life they are couples and no just role playing , it is very confusing πŸ™
  4. letters are very blurred At birthday celebration signs very blurred some unreadable
  5. Yes it is the cabin that was the gift for Christmas. Also something i found very interesting ,,,, when you look at the video and the liscence plate of the car ,,,,,,it says AXTELl-2018 and the sign about wishing you were 20 when you are 16 and wishing you were 16 when you are 20 ,,,,, i think hidden clues ,,,,, the birthday video is full of them ,,,,, so i wonder when the campers will be available and more homes ,,,,,, also are there only 4 gifts this year or they change them daily ?
  6. OMG ,,,, SOOO LAGGY ,,,,,,, when i landed at the birthday welcome point looked like wow ,,,,, clothing not attaching to avis andtrying to even move and swaginator hud not showing gift collected until you tp out of the sims ,,,,,,anyway ,,,,,, was hoping the new homes were going to be something like shore cottages ,,,,,, the rv thing ,,,, not so impressed,,,,,,, to small,,,, are there any other new homes besides the houseboats the traditional and now the campers rv ,,,,, had to tp out too laggy
  7. Where is there auto refresh ,,,,, no button ,, confused as to what viewer,,,,,,
  8. Until more arrive there are older generation homes ,,,,, and the four different themes,,,,, the cabin ones ,,,, the modern , ones ,,, the elderglen ones etc ,,,,,no need to be homeless ,,,,, there are a lot of empty older generation homes ,,,, kind of sad ,,,,,,
  9. wonder if it will be new log cabins,,,,,i love log cabins
  10. πŸΊπŸΊβ˜•πŸ•πŸ˜Ž
  11. Sooner or later everyone will have one or the other.... but while you are waiting ,,, enjoy the older generation home and start making things for your new digs ,,,,,,, or rent or buy land ,,,, or just log out and play word wipe like i do ,,,,
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