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Everything posted by roseelvira

  1. Well. i am just preparing for the next financial shoe to drop. I keep getting this sick feeling that after the birthday they will increase the cost to buy lindens,,,,,,, i just feel it ,,,, like the far away storm gathering up steam ,,,,,, so we will see.
  2. Question,,,,if you have already paid your quarterly payment this past week and now you do the pay for a year do you get a year and a quarter since you already paid the quarter then next year the yearly payment would not be June but a few months from June or do they discount the 99 dollars since you have already paid for the quarter you have yet to use ,,,,,. still having hard time trying to figure this all out but it looks like doing the year thing in the long run would be less expensive ,,,,, just wondering if after all the dust from this settles will they charge another increase like last year for lindens,,,, it seems a bit off that the encouragement to do the year thing when they are trying to make money s,,, if everyone did the pay the full year ,,, they would lose money vs keeping the ability to do quarterly so the next way to off set would be to increase once again what you pay to buy lindens and if you have already paid for the year and no refund if you want to go to basic ,,,,,,things a bit foggy ,,,, so if you pay monthly it more ,,, save money pay the year ,,, but if the increase to buy lindens ,,, hummmmmm,,,,,,,,,, so confused ,,,,,,,
  3. Ok i will be the one to write what perhaps most of us are thinking ,,,,,,, FIX THE @#*T THAT IS HAS BEEN BROKEN,,,,,,, AND THEN THE INCREASES IN MONIES WE HAVE TO PAY WILL BE LESS HARDER TO SWALLOW ,,,,,,, I AM TIRED OF SENDING IN THE TICKETS ,,,,, GETTING THE SAME OLE SAME OLE ,,,OR NO RESPONSE AND A NOTE SAYING SINCE WE HAVE NOT HEARD FROM YOU WE CLOSED THE TICKET ,,, AND TODAY THE ISSUES I HAVE BEEN COMPLAINING TO THEM MONTH AFTER MONTH YEP HAPPENED AGAIN TODAY ,,,, AND THE GROUPS NOT LOADING CANNOT SEE IF ANYONE FROM THE GROUP IS ON,,,,, So if they fix the problems that are still there BUT instead they put a new coat of paint on it and say hey, we will give you this PERK ,,,THE OLD SMOKE AND MIRRORS , but if you can.t log in /keep getting logged out/ if your avi keeps getting STUCK into the linden home wall and stuck there when you change your linden home ,,, if you cannot get the market place pages to load / if you cannot get items in or out of inventory or not able to rez anything ,,,, nothing working and the locks on profiles ..... and number one complaint ever so near and dear to all our hearts ,,,,,,, the every so weekly stipend delay ,,, !!!!!!!!!
  4. There are many in sl who in real life are on a fixed income and many with disabilities, illnesses, diseases etc in second life that second life been a life saver. That being said the costs do affect the pocket book , Do they stay or find something else . There are people dealing with a lot of real life issues like different diseases, cancer, ms, way too many to list and they spend a great amount of time and money in sl . However when you have medication , etc ,,,, and on a budget or fixed income second life will a lose a lot of its members buying items will start to decrease . I know for a fact a few who have premium and use to rent as well with the hikes last year stopped renting and just stayed in the premium houses and bought less linden , items and basically spent less time in second life overall . Maybe do a basic the way it is and then do a basic level 2 meaning one to three dollars a month and they get the group slots , and a few other perks a few lindens to spend like premium not as much that would offset some of the costs ,,,,
  5. So true Eric....... I over the past year discontinued going to music venues etc due to price increases for buying lindens. The big question is when with all the money they made so far why are the problems from a few years ago still happening. To the best of my knowledge the stipend amount will still be the same,,,,, we the older premiums will have the increase in our premium payments . I just paid mine this week would have been nice before i paid my quarterly if they had made this announcement sooner ,,,,,,
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