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Everything posted by roseelvira

  2. I think it would do us all good to read this from another thread ,,,,,, AFTER READING THIS IT ALL MAKES SICKINGING SENSE ,, THE THREAD IS AS FOLLOWS AND PAGE 17 THE POST BY ANN AND THE ADAPTION AND LINDEN LABS WE ARE BEING STUDIED / OUR BEHAVIOR/ OUR BUYING HABITS / EVERYTHING..... ETC AND PAYING MONEY TO AB BE THE LAB RATS ,,,,,,, they want us to fight and bicker among ourselves ,,,,,,,, i am so heartsick What are your opinions on the new "Land Price Reductions, News, and Pricing Changes "?
  3. Ann After reading your post the whole thing NOW make sense ,,,,,,,,me i was ticked about i just paid and then the announcements an,,,,d issues still not fixed sent in ticket ,,,, no response ,,,, end week a usually Friday i get the ticket closed due to not hearing from you.. ..... ikr lolo my husband and i bet on how long before they do this lolol or the delayed stipend lolol WOW .Kind of creepy ,,,,, so is that the real reason DR PHIL was in second life ,,,,,, is it resistant to change or the money part . Lot if perceptions. glad for the information ,,,,,, nice to know we are paying to be computer lab rats ,,,,,, wow ,,,,,,, makes ya think ,,,,, wow,,,,,,,studying human behavior through the computer/ ,,,,, sorry ,,,,,just wow wow wow .
  5. There were many ways so many sensitive issues with all the pricing changes etc could have should have been handled. And so many wonderful insight and ideals the residents have ,,,,,that being said a year or more ago if LL ( would have been nice) had been point specific on the changes,prices,how things were to transition with complete point by point specific and all options and had plenty of time to redraft recent example what they thought would make second life grow but need to re do ,,,ie group slot thinggy ,,,,,,, NOTE THE FOLLOWING IS NOT WHINING OBSERVATION AND INFORMATION ,,,,,, RESULTS MAY DIFFER FROM RESIDENT TO RESIDENT i do get very leery when i am told be patient we have something wonderful ,,,, well a man who has nothing to hide hides nothing . i just did my quarterly a week before fees going up announcement . When i asked for exact information i was told after lock in the rest of the information will be announced in July be patient , why the wait ,,,,,,, A MAN WHO HAS NOTHING TO HIDE HIDES NOTHING...... so paying my quarterly one week and paying it again the following week for me personally a red flag ,. The law the state i live in is based on the old English Law as follows Caveat emptor (/ΛˆΙ›mptɔːr/; from caveat, "may he beware", a subjunctive form of cavΔ“re, "to beware" + Δ“mptor, "buyer") is Latin for "Let the buyer beware".[1] ((((((((( SO i am going to wait and see all the information ,,,,,,, the fine print)))))))))))))))
  6. i went to the search page with the classifieds etc ,,,,, i will try the link thanks
  7. i did not know you could have more than one premium account . I thought it was one premium account per person i need to read more closely and get new contacts ,,,,,😎
  8. or just abandon your linden home and rent and then instead of paying now wait till more of the information is released in July. I would have loved to have had a tahao with the ability to have land outside of the 512 a cabin with the land not just a changeable patio you now have but a lawn as the new homes have ,,,, i would have gladly stayed in that home ,,, i love log cabins ,,,, the new homes none are log cabins ,,,it would have be wonderful if the lindens decide to keep that theme and around winter time perfect ....who knows could be that is in the works ,,,,,, and to change the cabins as you do the new houses ,,,,,, ,,,,, i do love the cabins ,,, the fence i wish could have been made invisible or changeable...... anyway ,,,, if any linden is listening,,,,,,, log cabin theme,,,,,, and the 1024 land for the lawns ....... one can dream
  9. I think the auction thing is not working all i saw were things that really were owned and for rent ,,,, i am looking to see where do i look for the linden auction......... i am not going to renew at discount rate as i am quarterly and just paid and doing so twice in this period until all the future information about the rest is announced and solid . so I abandoned my linden home and chose to rent from a wonderful person who when i first came to second life was so kind and helpful and always a joy and a blessing plus i am blessed to call her friend ,,,, After all the information is out later then i can make the best decision for me. Now that my avi has a safe home i can once again enjoy second lifeβ˜•πŸ•πŸ§
  10. ok now if i abandon the linden home i have, in reality i have more than 512 land,,,,,, so if i went to buy main land would the prim allowance be that of the new continent or what is here on the old linden sims ,,,,, cannot seem to find that ,,,,, they said the auctions on the mainland to use what you have ,,,, trying to figure all this out ,,,,,,, i like having space as i also use to rent as well as have the linden home so for me trying to figure out to just buy mainland instead of renting additional
  11. ,,, where can one get correct updated information . If i have a question do i address support or where do you go to get exact information...
  12. not whining ,,,, stating a fact ,,,,,,.... 2+2 =4 ,,,,,,, fact older home less prim available fact ,,,, still waiting on information not to be released till July at least w my membership if i went basic now i would still pay till the end of my membership time i would regardless as i keep my commitments. i now read the forums for information have been learning so much about so many thing on so very very very many levels
  13. every month you get a basket store ,,,,,,,, basket contents ,,,, perfume ,,,,6 oz foundation 2 oz nail polish 3 bottles amount 10.00 for being member store ,,,,,, updating basket and contents same wonderful products please pay your monthly 10.00 store ,,,,,, working on the baskets ,,,,, please pay monthly 10.00 store limited baskets ,,,,,more arriving later please pay monthly 10.00 ran out ,,,, here is the older basket next month nope no new baskets this month take the old one please pay your 10.00 next month ,,,,,you find out the new baskets had twice as much ,,,,items but same price ,,,,, and the customers who got shipped the new baskets continue to get the new baskets while you still get the old,,,,,,,,but you still hae topay your 10.00 it is not the same ,,, 117 prims and the new prims are not equal ,,,,,, nor is the land ,,,,,
  14. ,,,,, note when i joined i have to complete my payments for the year you just cannot stop paying . nor did i see anythin about the increase in prims land until after the release
  15. the problem ,,,,,,, we as premium members paying almost the same depending, on if you are yearly , monthly, quarterly, there is a bit of amount difference as one would expect like ,when you take out a loan and have a few types of payment options. the problem is amount of prims and land. It is not about you using the land or even the house it is about what you are truly paying for. Just as the slot group thing was a huge issues and by the way a smart smoke screen and diversion away from addressing this problem .What are you getting for your money!!!! A few years back they raised the prim limit for everyone /almost the same time /within a month so maybe they should have could have the new homes and boats usable same prims as the old UNTIL EVERYTHING WAS FINISHED AND THEN RELEASED THE ADDED PRIMS TO EVERY ONE AT THE SAME TIME. This mad dash is not about the new house or boat it is about the amount we pay and the prims and usable land . NO ONE WANTS TO PAY MORE FOR LESS !!!!! And sniping insulting ,hurtful reply s and comments to one another is so very unbecoming to the ones who snipe ,insult, hurt others .We are all in second life two enjoy and be of positive help to one another .
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