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Aquila Kytori

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Everything posted by Aquila Kytori

  1. Drongle got in first but i'll post anyways As Drongle said UV unwrap each material seperately (frame and then picture) Image 1a is selecting everything and then Unwrapping and 1b is the result : Images 2a and 2b , selecting the materials seperately and 2c is the result : As u can see in Image 2c the complete screen shot is not clipped . (dark image so may have to look carefully )
  2. hi the first link on this page works : http://www.vintfalken.com/sl-projects/sl-bikini-project/ but not sure if it is the exact same bikini template
  3. Well your mesh house is built and its uploaded, now you will get to really put your hole poking skills into practice because the next hurdle is .......PHYSICS
  4. @ Chosen , Gruesome , Why is it they always choose frogs for things like that lol
  5. Hi 1: IN Edit Mode select the part of the mesh that you want to upload as a separate piece . 2: Use the short cut key P to bring up the Separate menu and choose Selection. 3: Tab into Object Mode and with only the newly separated piece selected press M to move that piece to a separate layer. You don't have to do this but there are advatages in keeping different meshes on separate layers , like for example I always create my physics mesh on the layer directly below the layer with the mesh on it .
  6. countryboy509 wrote: ................... and yes in blender i just poke holes to builds laughs. When your house is finished don't forget to submit method and renders to: http://www.blender3darchitect.com/ lol
  7. Hi again Next Assign a matarial to each part of the wall that will have a different texture when rezzed in SL. A mesh can have up to 8 textures assign to it for use in SL , here i have used 4. Note: I have duplicated the wall just so that you can see the front and back in the same image . Don't you do that lol . So that the textures in SL can be mapped to the different parts of the wall you will need to UV Unwrap the wall mesh .There is already a screen layout setup for that, which you will find from the Screen Layout menu . Use the Smart UV Project to unwrap. This is a simple unwrap where you don't need "seams" and will give you something recognisable Next select the unwrap and resize it and rotate (if neccasary) so its up the right way. Rotating it now will save you having to rotate the textures in SL. Now you are ready to export and upload to SL. With your wall mesh selected go to File > Export > Collada (Default) (.dae) and the export window will open . In the panel on the left find the Export Collada menu and check Selection Only then save the file to somewhere you can find it again. In the SL mesh Uploader you can leave the first page, Level of Detail, as is. Go to the second page, Physics and in Step 1 choose High and then in Step 2 hit th Analyse button . This has now created the Physics shape of your mesh wall and its door openings . Note: If you were modelling a whole house then you would have created a seperate mesh to represent the physics of the model and selected that in Step 1 instead of High. and depending on how your physics mesh had been constructed you would or would not have used the Analyse button in step 2. This can have a big effect on th Land Impact of a mesh . Your mesh wall is very simple so the above is quite ok in this case. Nearly done ......... If you rez the wall you will find that you will not be able to walk though the openings ! Thats because the default Physics shape is Convex Hull ( think of it as if someone has stretched clingfilm all over your model closing all the openings.) You need to change the Convex Hull to Prim . Rez your wall, Edit and open the Features tab , and from the Physics shape type choose prim . Ok now go to the Texture tab and make the whole wall white, If you don't do that the textures you put on the wall will be tinted with the colours of the materials that you asigned in Blender . All thats left to do now is check the Select Face from the top of the Edit panel and click on a face and add a texture. Note: you will need to play about with the texture Repeats, Horizontal and Vertical to get the texture to look right .
  8. To answer your question : In Edit mode duplicate the object you are going to use the cut the holes with. And it should let ues the same "object" to cut more than once
  9. Hi I would have thought a Country boy would be a little more practical when it comes to building , is that really the way you put up a wall ,Brick in every thing and then knock out bricks to have window and door openings ? Of course there are many ways to model in mesh , I have taken some screen shots of another way of doing it . It looks very complicated but really its just setting out the wall foundations by staritng with a single vertex, adding a second to have a wall thickness and the duplicating those 2 a few times where windows and doors would be on a plan then joining them up. When the floor plan is complete ,selecting everything and extruding up ......................... Also doing this way you can have very accurate edge lengths which can make things simpler , all walls thickness's in this example are 0.2m. What all the above is for is clearer in the following images....hopefully ....... If you make window and door openings mostly the same size then when you come to doing the frames you will only have to do one of each and it will fit the others............. well i'm sure you get the idea Have I ever built a house like this ........................ ummmmmmmmm no , lol Edited to correct an error in step 4: it should read .........G, Y -0.2 (and NOT as i wrote G, -Y, 0.2, )
  10. edited to add: I just read your first post again .Generally you only want to see the outside of a mesh so maybe you don't need to duplicate the faces but simple flip the Normals of the ones you already have so that they are facing outwards ? There is no point in duplicating faces that will never be seen
  11. In another example where Kitsune is using 3 materials , all assigned to the same faces she states at the beginning of the video that " This time i'm using 3 mesh layers that i'm controlling with scripts (its hard to select each layer individually) " Unfortunately when i try to paste the utube url for video : [second Life] Layered mesh -Test 02 - Caustics i get a "........not permitted in this forum. " warning but u will find it if you look in the list of Kitsunes videos.
  12. Hi Re scale : 1 Blender unit will translate to 1 meter or u can toggle on metric units in th Scene>Units menu and then also the grid square size will show in the top left hand corner and dispalcement in the bottom left of 3D window
  13. Hi again Glad it worked for you but in future try to avoid copying from the avatar mesh because you will find you will run into other problems . Its almost always better to start from scratch (using the Avatar mesh as reference) that way you will find that you have more control at all stages of the modelling . Thinking about it my suggestion to search Google for Retopology tutorials was not very good advice , maybe you will get some better ideas of how to start from the image below taken from an earlier thread. As you would be extruding downwards for shorts best check and flip normals after first extrusion .
  14. Hi Try the following : If i understand you correctly u have used Shift + D to copy part of the rigged avatar mesh etc etc . If so thats where you're going wrong. Google Blender retopology and you will learn one way of doing it
  15. Hi Charles 2 things i find a bit odd with your post : Today I was uploading a personal bar that had one of those wine glass racks that holds the glasses upside down. The bar turned out great but the wine glass holder (a series of duplicate rectangular cubes so nothing at all fancy) uploaded with normals reversed. This seemed odd to me as the ambient bake was perfect and that doesn't happen when the normals are reveresed. That isn't the usuall way people check normals before uploading , Did you actually toggle on Show Normals or Backface Culling to confirm that they were facing the right way ? And I forgot about this, but when I tried to recalculate the normals in blender, it "fixed" the problem with the holder but messed up the rest of the cabinet . The fact that when u asked Blender to recalculate the normals and it did flip some of the faces could indicate that you had some wrong in the first place . I include the pic below in case someone new to Blender doesn't know where to find Show Normals ur Backface Culling. edited for typos
  16. Thankyou and the rest of your team . I'm going to need that again very soon . I imagine it must have been very akward trying to match the MS mesh UV's to the SL avatar UV's , I'm curious to see how well it matches so will be uploading that when i have time just to see how " inconvenient " it is
  17. hi 2 questions that will probably be asked is whats the triangle count in the SL mesh uploader and how many materials do you have assigned to the combined mesh in Blender ? I beleive the max poly count is 64,000 and max number of materials is 8 Edited to add: I just checked on something and it seems ok to have a higher than 64,000 triangle count in the uploader but having more than 8 materials will cause parts of the mesh to go missing . also see drongles post here : http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Mesh/Too-many-vertices/td-p/1838313
  18. hi Its really all about torturing a prim into a skirt panel shape , duplicating it a few times and then setting it flexible so it flows as you move . You can do this manually or use one of the Flexy skirt making apps. Have a look at : http://www.mermaiddiaries.com/2006/12/day-97-making-flexi-prim-skirts-with.html Its not as complicated as it first appears. You could also google : SL making a flexy skirt .
  19. hi L$'s will be deducted from your account but they are not real L$'s so when you get back to the main grid you will see they haven't been taken. Btw for the beta grid you will probably have to retake the mesh IP test again
  20. hi Have a quick look at this thread : http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Mesh/Problem-with-home-mesh/td-p/1786891 you may find something usefull in it .
  21. hi Like you I only ever mess with scripts when i have to so I can't explain why the changes I made work but maybe one of the scriptors who have already replied can . I tried your "Smooth Door Script" in the setup shown in the first picture , with a mesh door linked to a legacy cube as the root prim (script in door ) : (The yellow face is the extra geometry normally set to invisible to get the axis of the mesh door looking as if it is where it is suppose to be .) The door opened away from the viwer but not at all smooth for me ,like in 4 distict steps. Setting a Z (?) value from 1.0 to 0.5 sorted the jerky opening . Image below : After some more fiddling I found setting that same Z value and the DEG_TO_RAD to negative ( third image ) the door opened towards the veiwer.
  22. Hi Have a look at this : http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Mesh/Problem-with-home-mesh/td-p/1786891 You need to create a seperate Physics Mesh (simplified version of your roof space where simple planes represent surfaces that avatars can collide with ) . Convert that to Collada .dae and upload it along with your Roof Mesh . Dont use the Analyse button in the mesh uploader . Then when rezzed inworld you need to set th Physics shape of your build to Prim.
  23. Hi Jasper I'm guessing its a glass effect you want to create in Blender and not in SL . Have a look at these 2 video tutorials :
  24. Step 5: is to google Blender 2.49 UV unwrap Wish you luck
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