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Aquila Kytori

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Everything posted by Aquila Kytori

  1. Do you mean this : and if so are you asking is it checked by default then the answer is yes. It has always been checked in all the meshes you have ever made so don't worry about it . The answer to your second question is yes as well, now stop asking silly questions and get back to work .
  2. hi I think you will get a Multiuser mesh if for example you rez a cube and instead of Shift + D to Duplicate it you use Alt + D. This will create a Linked Copy of the original cube. If thsi is the cause of the problem then to break the link: 1: In Object mode Right click to select your mesh. 2: press the shortcut key U to bring up the "Make single user menu" 3: choose the "Object and data" . This will unlink your mesh from the original Now you should be able to use the Ctrl + A for the apply menu an choose Rotation and scale , etc .
  3. Hi 1: The largest you could scale your track along any axis would be 64 meters. This would be way too small to race on. 2: For racing you need barriers along the inner and outer edges of the track. 3: Because it has to be so big you need to work on keeping the the vertice count to a minimum otherwise the LI will be very high. 4: And of course as Chic has already mentioned it needs to have a physics mesh. So you need to create a Low-poly Modular track with barriers included. This means the minimum will be: 1 length of straight track mesh, for example: 50m x 10m. 1 Physics/collision mesh for the above. 1 length of 90° curve track , for example: based on a circle with radius 25m. 1 Physics/collision mesh for the curve track mesh. Rather than explain it in picture form I have posted a .blend file here: http://www.pasteall.org/blend/24375 for you to have a look at and try uploading. On layer 1 is the 50 meters of straight track. On layer 6 (below layer 1) is the physics shape mesh for the straight track mesh, simple Planes On layer 2 is the 90° curve. On layer 7 is the physics mesh for the curve track. There are basically two types of physics mesh that would work for your track, 1 using non overlapping box shapes and the second using simple planes. I have used the simple planes method in the .blend file because in this case it was quicker to model and when tested was working well at collisions of over 100km/h . Note for high speeds the box method would be better better, see this thread: http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Building-and-Texturing-Forum/Moving-through-solid-walls-at-high-speed/td-p/2129063/page/2 but I leave that to you experiment with. Also higher Physical barriers are often used on outside curves on many tracks. This would involve creating hidden geometry in the track mesh so that the collision mesh would be a lot higher than the visible mesh. Again if you are interested another thing to look into . This morning Using 6 lengths of straight track and 8 curves I created a working 600m+ long track for less than LI=50. Ok how to Upload: Select and export to Collada the Straight track mesh, (layer1) then do the same for the straight track Physics mesh (layer 6) so that you have , for example 1 Straight.dae file and 1 Straight Phys.dae file In the Mesh Uploader panel Upload the Straight.dae as you normally would for the High LOD mesh : Then hit the Physics tab in the Uploader and in Step 1, upload the Physics mesh ( do NOT hit the Analyze button ) Calculate Weights and fees and then Upload. Rez the mesh and edit it. From the Edit panel go to the Features tab and change the Physics Shape type: from Convex Hull to Prim. You should now be able to use the track and collide with the barriers. Upload in the same way the curved piece of track along with its Physics mesh. As Chic said if you do a search in these forums you will find many threads covering Physics for meshes . The above is only to give you some idea of what you need to do to get your track to be drivable . Note: Be carefull when rezzing large mesh items , if you rez it on top of yourself or another Avatar, even when you set the Physics shape to Prim it may well seem to be Phantom ! Note: On layer 3 is a Fly-over straight for figure of 8 tracks.
  4. Hi If you download the Avatar-workbench-2.65.blend file from here : http://blog.machinimatrix.org/avatar-workbench/ you will have a SL female avatar on layer 1 and a SL male avatar on layer 3 to work with.
  5. Hi Chic Chic Aeon wrote: Be aware that mentioning other grids on the forums might get your post pulled. A friend alerted me that "Who Knew?" with over 400 views disappeared today. Just sayin' If that was the reason the post was removed then I think that is very sad. Sad that the original spirit of Second Life within the company appears to be dying. Its unfortunate that they no longer have the confidence to communicate with their users and that people with passion have been replaced with bean counters.
  6. Hi Jumbo Some pictures ........... Chosen explained that : The above is not the cause of your mesh disappearing but will effect the quality of the mesh that you are trying to create. 3: is not so important at the moment 4: VERY IMPORTANT Delete History and Freeze Transformations before performing the Boolean operation. The reason for doing this is to keep the math's as simple as possible when Maya is doing the Boolean Calculations.
  7. Hi Chic Just looked in before going to bed so a bit tired to explain in detail ............. Because your window is quite large I think you may get away with using a couple of images on planes for the lower 3 LODS. For the lower 3 LODs use 2 planes ,the outer plane would be textured with an image of the window from the outside and an inner plane having a texture of the inside of the window . The 2 images for the Lower LODs you can get by rendering in Blender . Deactivate Sky in the Layer panel to get a render with a transparent background. Don't forget to give the planes separate Materials and UV Unwrap the 2 planes so that each takes up the whole of the UV area. A bit more explanation here : http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Mesh/Tips-Needed-To-Maximise-Mesh-Detail-Whilst-Minimising-Land/td-p/2143879/page/2
  8. hi Have you seen this thread : http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Mesh/Topology-the-often-neglected-entity/td-p/1922789 and watched Rahakis's video (message 27 in the same thread)
  9. Problem solved Drongle , Yasminah was exporting more than one mesh object (2 very similar mesh shapes one inside the other) so the physics she was trying to use wasn't working on both. With a clean up of the mesh now the physics is working ok .
  10. hi try the following : and have a look at this thread : http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Mesh/Problem-with-home-mesh/m-p/1787413#M18544
  11. Moco Scribe wrote: Can I just upload the image for the lowest 2 lods via the 'upload file option' No, For the lowest 2 LOD's you have to create a separate mesh object . This Low LOD mesh object will me a simple plane the same dimensions as your cable. This Plane will need to have its own material and also you need a triangle for each material already used in the original mesh. Each LOD mesh has to contain the exact same materials as all the others otherwise you will get an Error in the uploader. So you will need to Add a "Hidden " triangle in the original high LOD mesh to hold the material for the Low LOD mesh. Example : I used 3 materials for my cable . The actual cable part I assigned a red texture called "Cable" , the plug/socket I gave a dark grey colour and named that material " plug" and the prongs of the plug white and called it "metal". I added a Triangle and gave that its own material called "image" Next I create the Low LOD mesh . This is a completely separate mesh from the original . This Low LOD mesh is a simple plane and assigned the "image" material. Because all LOD meshes must contain the same materials I next add 3 little triangles and give each of these one of the other materials. Next I need an image to put on that Low LOD Plane once it is uploaded into SL, so I simply render an image of the cable in blender and save that with its transparent background . Now I have 4 different files for the mesh cable 1: High LOD mesh .dae ( thats the original cable with the extra triangle ) 2: Low LOD mesh.dae ( that's the simple Plane mesh with the 3 extra triangles ) 3: Cable Physics.dae ( a cube encompassing the high LOD mesh which is used for the Physics shape in the uploader) 4: Cable Image.png ( the image that will be applied to the triangle and so appear on the Low LOD mesh plane ) The 3 .dae files are used in the mesh Uploader as shown below : And the .png Image for the Low LOD texture is uploaded as you would any normal texture and then once the cable mesh has been rezzed inworld you need to edit it and check "select by face" then select that triangle and give it the Low LOD Image texture. Note : Normally you would "hide" the extra triangles so they are not visible when the mesh is rezzed . In this example you could hide that triangle by making it a lot smaller and placing it underneath one of the plugs , or because the cable would normally be flat on a ground surface you could simply flip its normals Because the Lowest LOD now has far fewer triangles the LI has been reduced further. The best is to experiment with a very simple mesh untill you understand what is going on
  12. As Drongle pointed out for a small item like this its the lowest Lod that is going to effect the LI a lot. Using the highest LOD for the first 3 levels is the "cheap and nasty" way of getting good LOD's . Its the lazy way of doing it , but not ideal for lowering lag because its using vertices / details that won't really be seen at a distance but still have to be calculated. Ideally you should do as Drongle said, manually remove edge loops for the lower LODS and use a simple image for the lowest (or even lowest 2) LOD('s).
  13. Hi First and probably most importantly NEVER EVER put a plug on both ends of a mains electric cable ! Always a Plug one end and a Socket the other . As others have said the best ways to reduce LI is to use less vertices and work on the LODs . For something as thin as an electric cable a cross section of only 4 vertices is probably enough . When set to smooth shading its only noticeable when you zoom in very close.
  14. Aquila Kytori


    Hi Not really sure what it is you are trying to resize ....... mini axis , bottom left, widgets ?
  15. It may help to find out which parts of the mesh have been mapped to which part of the UV map if you first texture the mesh in SL with a UV Test Grid. You will find plenty on Google if you search for "UV test grid" .
  16. hi , You would need a file type ending with .dae , .obj , .Blend etc to open the actual mesh model in Blender. If you only have a .png or .tga then that is the UV map that is used as a guide for texturing . Open it in Gimp or Photoshop and on a SEPARATE layer / layers do the texturing . When finished hide the layer containing the original UV map , ( the one with all the lines on it ) and save as a .png and upload to SL .
  17. its not a "Default" option because the idea is to use a Simplfied version of the high LOD mesh so that the physics engine will have less calculations to do and so there will be less lag . More often than not the physics shape does not need to be as detailed as the High LOD model. Also for complicated models if u used the high LOD as physics then the LI can be very high
  18. yes You have to make a very simplified version of your wall and export it as a seperate Collada file which you will use in the second page of the mesh uploader. Upload your wall.dae as normal in the Mesh Uploder window then go to the second page , called Physics and there upload your wall physics .dae file . Don't touch any of the other buttons on this page , Just hit the Calculate weights and fees button and then Upload . Rez your wall and then Edit it. From the Edit>Features tab change the Physics Shape Type to Prim. You should now be able to walk along the top of the wall and inside the inner curved part. Edit: wow and i was working as fast as i could and both drongle and Kwakadle got there first lol .
  19. My favourite is the tilde key which i have set up to "repeat last action" ( I find the SHIFT + R ) to awkward . Its perfect for those repeated ALT+M +L moments And not really a key combination but I love the simple one click to open folders and files .
  20. Aquila Kytori


    Didn't Picaso work like that ? ......Had others do his paintings for him, lol
  21. Aquila Kytori


    ............... with pictures If you check the show Backface culling you will see in Blender how the face normals will appear in SL so be able to correct the face normals as you go along. Recalculate or Flip the normals of the selected faces :
  22. Aquila Kytori


    Hi, You will need to add some additional information . Which 3D software are you using and can you add a screenshot of the problem ?
  23. If you haven't already try adding an edge loop and sliding it down close to the lower edge :
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